20 Jun 2024 21:34:27
As per my post 2 weeks ago Barron was always coming to us. I am reliably informed we are also signing Lennon Miller ?.

1.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 22:44:19
I hope you are proved right again mate great info about barron.

2.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 22:51:05
Been told the opposite of miller he will not be at rangers tho I hope he is.

3.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 02:24:33
Hope you are correct Carlyle. Anyone notice that Koppen mentioned having Scots in the team is important after Barron was announced.

4.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 06:31:11
If rangers got lennon Miller for under 2 mill it would be great buissness guys, and i agree it's a lot of cash on a youngster but this boy is a star in the making, and if he was in England team would be asking silly silly money for him, we could loan him back, or too someone else too help him come on, but thisboy like Barron could be our future, and at 2 mill just now might be the only chance we have too see him in our jersey, cause like mginn he he goes south his stock will rise way way out our price bracket, nows the time to strike if we really do want him.

5.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 07:03:36
Sorry if he was playing for a team inn England they would want silly money for him.

6.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 07:39:45
Find it strange some fans are happy to give 2 million to an unknown team fir an unknown Moroccan but think 2 million is 2 much to give Motherwell for a player we know is good.

7.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 07:49:06
If we get miller under 3/ 4m it’s a no brainer.

8.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 08:18:26
If it was up to me, I'd be splashing the cash on the young lad Miller as it's a solid investment. Sign him, nurture him, watch him progress, then sell for a sizable profit. It's a no brainer!

9.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 08:46:03
Motherwell looking for 3m+ for Lennon Miller, most likely with add ons too.

I understand totally the need for us to sign young Scottish talent and this should be a way for us to make profit long term from player trading.

However we are stuck between a rock and a hard place, we can’t afford to sign project players the whole window as we also need to sign players that can enhance our starting 11 to hit the ground running.

It’s a fine balancing act for the recruitment department, Clement and the board to get right. A huge August ahead of us, CL qualification will dictate if we have any additional funds. Board have set their business model on minimum Europa League group stage qualification each season….

Interesting times ahead!

10.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 09:18:19
Miller will only move if he has some sort of guarantee of first team football. Them over the road are apparently interested but I can't see them giving him regular football.

11.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 09:48:45
Lennon miller is a no-brainer
At 17 he’s controlled the game against Rangers and Celtic, he’s quite possibley got the highest ceiling of all the players in the league.

12.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 10:10:06
AbuDhabi I would offer Motherwell 2 million for him now. but also agree to loan him back to the for the next 2 season:… world be a good deal for both team. we get him at a far price. they keep the player and develop him for us….

13.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 10:14:59
I'd pay 4m easy for Miller, He will be a top player worth at least 5 times that in a few years. We can't miss out on these Scottish gems.

14.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 10:32:05
Andy so u would pay two million for a player and lend him out for two years,

Bizarre way to run a team.

15.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 10:46:44
Not really john if we could make ten miĺlion on him its a strategy might work might not, but for a player of his calibre I'd do it all the top european teams do so with a call back clause, why not us, its a win win, if he's wanting first team football, he gets developed for us, n we make a profit plus get best Scottish talent unless he goes straight into our team

It's certainly worth a punt mate.

16.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 11:51:03
Not in my opinion. People keep telling us we have no money yet we would spend millions and lend him back.
If we spend two million he is first team squad immediately.

17.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 12:04:20
If he stays at motherwell on loan he will look better in there squad, if we mix him in with our coaches and players he would progress quicker and better, he can still get minutes with the 5 subs rule until he has proven to be a starter, I'd try a 2m with add ons and a few younger players on loan to get them some experience in the league tbh, devine, Bailey rice, yfeko, fraser could all be options.

18.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 12:16:10

Not really in this day and ago. look at the deals Chelsea etc do for players from Brazil they are paying 30 million for a 16 year old who legally can't come to Britain for 2 years when they are 18…

So they stay at the original club and continue to develop…. Now miller is only 17 no way is he walking into the main rangers team right now…. So buy him now for a far price and then loan him back to continue the development path he is on just now… that way he gets game time and then is 2 seasons he comes to us… as if he stays at Motherwell for 2 years then we buy him we’re looking at a lot more than 2 million for him….

19.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 13:26:42
We should do anything we can to get Miller, good enough for our squad right now, i said loan him out but we'd be better waiting until January for that, Miller Barron Rice and Gilmour that will be the main Scottish midfielders for over the next decade in my opinion.

20.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 13:43:55
The difference is Chelsea can afford to take those risks, they have the money to spend on younger players.

We simply cannot afford to spend that sort of money on a player to loan him back for two seasons. I'd be surprised if celtic could afford to do that as well.

21.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 15:03:36
Andy we can’t afford these punts.

22.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 15:54:51

We’re going to have to start tho. that the way football is going… if we don’t we will never afford them as they will all become worth 5/ 6 million and we can’t afford that either… so it’s a catch 20/ 20

But is a successful model that the big team use. so we should be looking to copy that….

23.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 16:55:14
Andy, why would we pay £2m for him and loan him out for 2 years? Chelsea can afford that model and also have plenty of homegrown players at their club. we don't.

We would require him to spend 3 years with us before he turns 21 so he stays and gets minutes at us and that's that.

24.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 17:01:07
Andy we need a winning team before we start buying 17 year olds, Signs a four year deal, two year loan, year trying to get in team, leaves end of deal for a development fee at 21/ 22

Not for me.

25.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 17:13:47
John27/ 227 posted earlier bud, but it's not been put up, are you aware bud your posting on both your names? Know you had log in probs previously ?.

26.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 20:53:41
Andymc. he controlled games against us and that mob at the age of 17.why would he not get better playing in our team? Just a question mate that's all. surely if he has the grit, determination and right attitude then he can be very valuable to us at that tender age. if your good enuff and all that.

27.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 22:06:27
No fork I’m not aware, thanks for telling me,
Ed 1 can u do something re this. Ie on
Y allow my posts as John 227. I post from either iPad or iPhone not sure if this is the issue
Sorry for any inconvenience.

{Ed033's Note - When logged in as John27, you need to click on the log out button, then log back in as John227. Then your device should 'remember' you as John227 from then on.

28.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 22:59:17
No worries John, just checking bud cause knew u had issues previously ??.

29.) 22 Jun 2024
22 Jun 2024 03:18:03
Folk saying £2m for miller then loan him, back for 2 year are fking bonkers, be bad enough, loaning him bk for 1yr. If he's good enough, he is old enough. Go pay the money n get him in.
Folk moan we dnt play youth, yet we have some. mental suggestions with a proven 17yr old in our league. Makes no sense.