26 Jun 2024 08:22:47
Hopefully, a few announced tomorrow. think lammers, dessers, goldson and Lawrence will go, maybe Cantwell if a good offer comes in. tav will stay.

1.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 08:41:58
Tavs a cert to leave now i think.

2.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 08:56:27
1st of July we should see a few more in's and outs I should imagine.

3.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 09:24:25
The 4th official on twitter is reporting that Tavernier has a very good offer from Saudi on the table and he is considering it. Tavernier obviously loves Rangers, he was nominated for Scotland’s POTY last season, but the fans abused and blamed him for everything for far too long.

The way Tavernier is treated by the fans is a disgrace and I think he would be much happier at another club who will have fans who can appreciate what a wonderful attacking full-back he is. Saudi will offer him life changing money so take it. The fans are going to quickly realise what the lost when he is gone.

4.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 09:54:51
Need to see a few go for £££ or we won't get the experience we need to back up the new young lads ( still to see scarves mind? )

5.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 10:23:05
Generic. I 100% agree. Its disgusting the abuse he gets but let's be honest. he's over 30 so this move to saudi probs sets him up for life.

Our fans want us to sign goodcplayeers but one look at how Tav goldson dessers etc how they are treated online etc would put folk off. I reckon that's why dessers wants away.

6.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 10:26:40
I would be happier if he was at another club as well.

7.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 10:33:20
He’s already on life changing money compared to the average fan . Blah .

8.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 10:39:11
I agree to much blame get put at his door for the teams failing, I like the guy he's been a great servant but he will be leaving with a few trophies and runner up medals, hopefully time will be kind to him as I fear Celtics dominance in the last decade will be used as a stick to beat him with.

9.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 11:01:22
To be fair Generic, we've "lost" 23 of 26 major domestic honours since he's been here (not including the championship title or any Euro titles), so I'm not sure that argument has ever made sense.

He's been a good servant to the club time wise, but output wise his time has been one of limited return.

I might be old fashioned, but I don't need my fullbacks scoring 20+ per season. I need them stopping the other team scoring 20+ per season. I look at the top teams in every league in the world and their blueprint would seem to agree - their fullbacks defend first. We're the anomaly with a fullback who scores more than our strikers every season but can't defend.

Tavernier goes with my best wishes. I think he's a decent guy and has been a good servant to the club. But I've been fortunate enough to see at least 10 right backs I think better than him as right backs in my time as a Rangers fan, players who were part of successful teams and defended without scoring 20+ a season, so I don't buy the "you'll miss him when he's gone" rhetoric.

I've been a Rangers fan for nearly 50 years (some on here even longer) and I can count on 1 hand the number of players we missed when they were gone. Arguably, too many stayed too long and went beyond the opportunity to be missed as they were so poor towards the end.

10.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 11:09:33
I am not and never have been a fan of Tav and I'm not for the guy getting abuse either but he isn't good enough for where we need to be.
Also as its been mentioned before, his mindset and what he thinks is acceptable is a lot different to what I and many fans expect and demand from the leader of the tram on the park.
Hrs came our woth some crap statements in the past and also showing highlight reel of his good bits even when team lost, isn't acceptable. I thank him for being a hard working pro who has never hid and wish him all the best.

11.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 11:16:04
GvB11 I agree mate. In comparison to what the vast majority of the fans earn a year he certainly is on life changing money. Also when you factor in to what he will make after his career ends on after dinner speaking etc, he isn’t going to be stuck for cash.

This isn’t a slight on Tav but more about these players earning way more than normal fans.
Think Boyd once said, when asked why he didn’t move down south due to the wages on offer, ‘how much money do you need? ’

I do hope Tav stays and gets his much deserved testimonial and as Generic says, we will realise how much he does for us when he’s gone.

12.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 11:22:30
I think to call valid criticism of tav ABUSE is ott and iv not read or heard anyone being abusive but more calling out the mistakes he's made, tav has been a wonderful servant but its now time for him to move on for his sake and the clubs.

13.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 11:48:42
He'll be happier because the pressure with be off him. He's never a leader and the trophies we have win under him is a joke. What's the point of scoring all them penalties if he's going sell the jerseys against celtic and we finish 2nd anyway?

14.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 12:13:56
Gdog - wether you need your RB scoring 20+ goals per season or not or what your idea of what a RB should be doing is irrelevant. Tavernier has always been deployed to focus on attacking and the team was always set up with 2 covering DMs who often failed to cover him and do their jobs. Not to mention the absolute sh*t show pairing of Goldson and Souttar which cost us so many goals last season alone. Tav’s by no means blameless and has certainly made mistakes but this is a nonsense narrative peddled by a good section of our fanbase who default to blaming him every time something goes wrong or we don’t win a trophy when there are 10 other people on the pitch with him. I honestly hope he leaves for his sake and Goldson was right, this club will never fully appreciate him until he’s gone.

15.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 12:33:42
So all that you've spouted Lammy is james tavernier 's fault totally ?get a grip pal ?.

16.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 13:07:25
Tavs the best right back in the league and his goal contribution is unbelievable, massive loss, the abuse the players get is rediculous, end of the day there is 11 players on the pitch representing our club and should be backed, I kmow a lot of fans will be glad if he leaves but I'm not one of them, he will be hard to replace, our next right back won't get up and down the pitch and deliver like tav has done for years.

17.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 12:52:35
Tell me a club in the current climate where players aren’t being criticised? We live in a world of social media. If you don’t want criticism, don’t use the platform. The poor England and Scotland players will be needing counselling for the recent abuse they are getting then, eh. Players have received abuse from the stands forever and now it’s heightened online. that ain’t ever going to go away.

18.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 13:21:47
The disdain in the word "pal" is quality SWS, that's a couple of times the day you've gave me a snigger??.

19.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 13:26:39
Coisty, sorry, but that's just Tav tinted spectacle tastic as a response.

For example: were the CDM's supposed to cover Tav from kick off in the Old Firm we had to win at Ibrox where he put us 1 down after 20 seconds via his complete inability to defend?

And that's just one example.

Look at the team who won our league and ask what their right back does well. Then look at the team who won every league in Europe and ask what their right backs do well. In ALL cases, they defend well first and contribute going forward second. That's the role of a modern fullback. None of them score 20+ a season and cause their teams all sorts of problems defensively (along with others, not just Tav) .

Tav is the exception to successful teams as far as right backs go. That is undeniably true.

And in that context you have to ask yourself: "Do we want to do things differently to those teams who win things and not win, or do we want to do things the way the successful teams do them? "

So, by all means talk up Tav's goalscoring return and his use as a "winger" and the requirement that no other team has to have 2 other players covering for their right back so that he can be top scorer. But to want that to continue is to want to be the exception and to want to be unsuccessful as we have been throughout his time.

Maybe, just maybe, doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result isn't the way to go about this.

20.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 13:34:34
I've been a lurker for years, but just had to register today to ask GDog to name 10 better Rangers RB's than Tav. Should be worth it.

21.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 14:23:55
GDog agree with you 100%. Fans must be happy to continue not winning anything. Watching same mistakes over and over. I am sick go death of it and not jjst from tav there's his mate comedy goldson as he is known lovingly and luckily barasic is gone as well.

22.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 16:23:20
Rangers legend in my eyes and the crucial goals he scored to finish top scorer and subsequently get us to a europa league final will far outweigh the odd mistakes against Celtic. You’ve got to remember this is a team game and I don’t recall jack butland getting it stinking for the few mistakes he’s made this season. This man has single handedly pulled us out the ? many a time and at times seemed like the only one that was capable of doing so. If he does leave I for one will feel a tinge of sadness at his departure rather than be glad to see the back of him.

23.) 26 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024 19:48:56
If we play with our fullbacks high up the pitch there is always going to be the danger of conceding from a counterattack, seems that every manager we have plays like that and quite rightly, we dominate games by having the possession in the other teams half and the defensive line being High is part of that. Think a lot of people are looking for a scapegoat in tav and it's disgusting.