13 Jan 2025 04:42:59
Didn't want to post this troops. But think it is time to share.
I am not long out of the QE hospital after four weeks to have my gall bladder removed with complications. Stones in my pancreas and liver. While operating my liver got slashed.

Thought I had came out of the other end and nurses applauded me when I started walking the corridor as they where worried about a chest infection.
Now I got flu and its hit my chest so am back in.

And what I want to say is. We are all Rangers supporters, we fight, we argue, but we all want one thing.

I have said and got things wrong. But at the end of the day it is for the love of my team.

I work for a company who have a contract to Rangers, so I need to be careful in what I say, but as a fan I can say what I like.

Not just the board, management and fans can make Rangers great again, but for the board, management and fans to make Rangers at one with each other. That is where the strength of our club lies.

{Ed001's Note - get well soon horsey.}