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02 Sep 2024 19:41:00
Armstrong going to vancouver it seems so that quashes that rumour.
1.) 02 Sep 2024 20:29:24
Thank god for that.
2.) 02 Sep 2024 20:51:24
Don't think he's any better than what we have.
3.) 02 Sep 2024 21:48:11
Better than what we have.
4.) 02 Sep 2024 22:24:01
Would be absolutely bizarre to sign him, he’s well past his best and despite his experience would offer very little in terms of leadership qualities.
5.) 03 Sep 2024 00:38:13
Past it he has 3 years in him Davis Defoe just to name a few who played into their mid 30s Nd beyond.
6.) 03 Sep 2024 07:40:31
Hrs better than what we have atm.
7.) 03 Sep 2024 08:20:00
Armstrong would be better for us than Matondo and McCausland.
8.) 03 Sep 2024 10:06:12
He's had an offer from them that's all at the moment, no sure what they pay but it won't be anywhere near what he's been getting. Brentford haven't ended their interest either and a few others down south been rumoured to have interest .
9.) 03 Sep 2024 10:25:53
Trouble is why would anyone want to come join this toxicity that's been created especially someone like Armstrong who's already the barrier of being an ex Celtic player. Regardless of that we need to bolster the squad as we are nowhere near ready to make a fist of it.
10.) 03 Sep 2024 10:48:37
Absolutely agree J-zer. After the weekend scenes I can’t see anyone keen to step in to our narrative. Some of our new players must be wondering where these ‘amazing worlds best supporters’ are……support is more than buying tickets and turning up for games. We’ve sunk to their level and that’s the worst thing you can say.
11.) 03 Sep 2024 11:58:59
If you sit in the stands you'll probably notice most of the most negative fans are also the ones who pack up and bolt come 75 to 80 mins regardless of the result and need for support at the time.
12.) 03 Sep 2024 12:34:33
Just after this week? Been going on for a while now, u never see anything negative about Celtic anywhere, in recent years even when we won 55, Scottish media, spfl and even Glasgow council is ran by them, they’ve been creating this for years. We let it happen.
13.) 03 Sep 2024 12:47:39
Why has it taken so long for them to do any business you would think they would have a recruitment plan at the start of the summer. You would have targets then backups if they don’t materialise you can say they tried etc did they we can get players on loan or free transfers lots of options that haven’t been optimised. Very poor recruitment that’s for sure.
14.) 03 Sep 2024 13:19:28
Fraserwilliam everyone isn't against Rangers. it's simply that we are easy pickings for the media as we are not the top dog in Glasgow. After 55 they did sell negative stories about Celtic and how we could make them wait for ages to win another trophy. unfortunately they got Ange and invested so it only lasted until they got on top which was around 2-3 months. The SPFL make lots of bad decisions about lots of clubs and Glasgow Council are just not great but is any local council. So there are lots of reasons Rangers aren't great at the moment but those 3 you mention aren't to blame. Did they somehow force us to make the decisions we did. no so how can they be to blame.
15.) 03 Sep 2024 13:50:35
RDF, who says they didnt?
Problem as I see it we ended going for the backups of the backups of the backups, as everyone else was too expensive, in that we had to pay a fee or the wanted bigger wages than we can offer.
Unfortunately, barring a miracle, we need to get used to where we are.
16.) 03 Sep 2024 15:42:24
It’s such a cauldron in a city where 2nd is last, and it’s very difficult to see light at the end of the tunnel. The financial bias created by TV revenues dictate that you can only compete if round the big boys table and can trade players every season at substantial profits. We have become so short sighted due to the desire to overcome our greatest rivals, that we fail to see how European clubs have addressed these issues.
Look at the teams in the likes of Portugal, Holland, etc, they invest heavily on player development and sales to compete. We are being left behind - attracting mediocrity on inflated wages in a hope of domestic success but destined for failure.
We’ve reached a watershed and have to formulate and communicate a 5 year plan to address the past mistakes - and that needs to come from the Top, capitalising on our commercial opportunities nationally and globally, drawing in International investment.
At a recruitment level we must tap in to new international markets (and maybe with Igamane, Jefte, Nsiala and Barron we have started that journey) and buying best of Scottish to develop players for profit while steadying the ship on the park.
I hate to admit it, it’s not an overnight fix, but I’d rather bite the bullet in 2024, in the hope that in a few years we can compete properly than go on kidding ourselves that this will turn by appointing a new board, manager or by a free agent transfer coming in to the building.
That said, the players we have need to show they are here for the fight - and not embarrass themselves and the club that pay their wages.
17.) 03 Sep 2024 15:55:46
I mean it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see there recruitment has been terrible it’s clear we need a number 6 another winger arguably we could take another defender also there is loads on offer on the free market surely loans also BAR72.
18.) 03 Sep 2024 18:43:21
Fraser our fans are bad at times but I remember the protests they had during 55 when barriers were thrown at police officers and abuse hurled at directors and manager so its not unique to Rangers fans.
19.) 03 Sep 2024 18:44:11
We needed sp many improvements with so little funds and it was always going to take 2 or 3 windows.
20.) 04 Sep 2024 16:24:37
The bad fans leave early? well that's sorted let's stop them maybe ban them .
save us Jesus from all the guff we see online. (We know you support Tottenham but please help )
14 Feb 2025 07:31:22
Can anyone advise what the process is to get rid of a board member? Is it a majority vote thing or is it only the ceo/ chairman that can remove them? Surely people must see the hate park gets and realise he's absolutely poison for the club.
12 Feb 2025 07:07:02
I'm just not buying that there's no money to get rid of him. If the business is run well the buyout money is ringfenced. I refuse to believe that our hierarchy are that inept.
09 Feb 2025 06:00:49
I think we will pay Ryan Kent figures for him but in this instance he's worth it. Scoring record is decent and once he was up to speed he's nearly always available. We will have made enough in the EL so far to cover him. i'm happy about thus one if true :-)
03 Feb 2025 07:04:56
11pm I think.
29 Jan 2025 14:19:45
I'm fearful for panic sales in this window. If igamane does leave I'm fearful of the club accepting around 10m because we're in desperate need of a cash injection.
18 Feb 2025 08:39:29
It's a bit of a catch 22 because if you sell for good money you get back in the black but then you're never guaranteed to find that gem straight away so u could be putting yourself in a situation where u have a weaker team for a season or 2 while u find them.