05 May 2024 16:28:03
Would be far more confident if our back four was Sterling Soutter Davies Yilmaz against them next Saturday, also need 3 cm's in my opinion, rcm Raskin cm Lundstram lcm Diomande cam Lawrence cam Cantwell cf Dessers

Probably be 4231 tho, anyway any win will do.

1.) 05 May 2024
05 May 2024 16:43:58
I ain’t confident at all about next when was last time we beat them when it mattered? Thought the league would be finished by now as you said we would win it easy.

Ps this has to be tavs last year.

2.) 05 May 2024
05 May 2024 16:44:38
Davies is the worst centre back at the club. Raskin and Cantwell are not good enough to play at celtic park. If it was me I'd go 352. Balogun Sterling Souttar
Tav Lundstram Dio Lawerence Ridvan
Silva Dessers.

3.) 05 May 2024
05 May 2024 17:00:23
I agree with the formation change MyStar, but would swap Balogun if fit for Souttar, he passed the ball to the opposition or out for a throw another dozen times again today.

4.) 05 May 2024
05 May 2024 17:08:21
He ain’t dropping the captain my star, Sterling will be doubling up to help, agree with the three in the middle but apart from Yilmaz and Davis coming in if Balogun is out then would expect to see the same line up as today.

5.) 05 May 2024
05 May 2024 17:20:26
My Star - can't disagree re the back 4 and MF.

If we win the mf battle, we've got a chance.

6.) 05 May 2024
05 May 2024 18:40:33
Davies nowhere good enough imo but we may need to play him if balogun isn't fit.

7.) 05 May 2024
05 May 2024 20:46:35
Im not actually bothered if davies played. Said a few weeks ago i'd rather him than goldson and here we are so can't complain.