17 May 2024 12:18:00
Think BazBear and Cammy have good points in each of their posts.

I think we have all pretty much agreed Celtic are the stronger club financially and on the pitch currently. Our recruitment over past 10 years hasn't been the best the business model we keep getting told about hasn't really happened only a few have worked out so far like Bassey and Aribo and we have only really managed good money on one of our own through our ranks in Patterson.

We may see Butland move on for a nice fee which will see the club make profit on him hopefully. Do we try cut our wage bill to accept being second and hold money back in the bank for 2-3 seasons? And build slowly instead of trying to bring 10+ players every season and giving them 20 to 30 thousand per week? Ali g with may transfer fee or signing on fees etc

From what I can see were roughly spending 26 million per season on wages alone 500k per week. So do we try to bring that down to atleast possibly between 16- 20 million and introducing the youngsters like Fraser Lovelace Rice yfeko start giving McCrorie a run of games against the SPFl teams.

Their is money to be saved and chances for the young guys to be had if we went down this line. However we also want a run in Europe and continue the trend of doing well in it so we also need decent calibre players who will cost money.

It will be interesting to see what route the board go down this summer as I think something needs to change. Change in our financial outlay and change in recruitment policy not enough over the years seem to find their feet at the club

I will add I'm not naive to think we all won't stop shouting for the title no matter what happens. But we're a lame duck at times sometimes it looks we're moving forward then we're moving back.

I'm up for the young players getting involved with more experienced and if it means second again until we properly find our feet financially, then so be it no point running ourselves in the ground again. Unless the board come up with something different this summer I think more of the same going forward.

1.) 17 May 2024
17 May 2024 12:52:46
Some good points stig. there are probably good players out there that won’t break the bank. It’s up to the recruitment to identify and sign the players. Other teams in the world have been successful on small budgets.

I can never see a large majority of the fan base accepting going for 2nd etc although that’s where we are now anyway. We just have to wait and see what the board and recruitment and also the manger can come up with for the new season ahead and hope for the best.

2.) 17 May 2024
17 May 2024 13:56:32
We will never accept finishing second especially as they are now one away from 55 themselves!

I'm all for giving younger players a chance but not at the detriment of our success. We need quality players signed cheap (yes with the right scouting it can be done) Cordoba a great example if we get him. Once we are winning league matches comfortably then we sub on the younger guys to give them first team experience.

Let's just see how the recruitment goes over the summer and if the Koppen appointment was astute!

3.) 17 May 2024
17 May 2024 13:58:06
I want to see our wage bill reduced this summer. we need to get
Players such as Roofe, Tav and Goldson off the books. we all know that we're paying to much money to players.

4.) 17 May 2024
17 May 2024 14:34:20
It’s mismanagement to have the biggest wage bill in Scotland and being 2nd best. We have given serial losers/ mediocre players bigger wages for nothing. Tav Goldson to name a few that are still there then Alfredo and Kent back in the day. Did these players earn these wages rises in the grand scheme of things did they heck.
Roofe 30k plus a week and every fan new he was injury prone I could go on and on and on.

5.) 17 May 2024
17 May 2024 15:40:08
Mark, roofe is leaving, out of contract

Also rangers are targeting a 20% reduction in salary this summer, possibly same next summer, this is in relation to first team squad

Year one should be fairly easy imo.

6.) 17 May 2024
17 May 2024 16:07:34
Recruitment is massive but they might have more money but there's a limit in Scotland what you can spend otherwise you'd need to raise the wage structure so they won't do that neither should we and whilst we have a rebuild so do they and of the 8 players Rodgers signed few have been successful so if we get the right player in we definitely can compete.

7.) 17 May 2024
17 May 2024 16:46:10
Pretty much summed it up Storm
And my sentiments exactly

Hoping we are now learning and turn a corner and get out the ones getting paid to much for doing absolutely nothing more or less especially when the pressure went up a notch

We live in hope mate this summer sees the changes we all know we need.

8.) 17 May 2024
17 May 2024 17:00:44
John, I knew Roofe was going. It's the other two I'd love to see off the books. We've wasted an awful lot of money over the years on salaries.

9.) 17 May 2024
17 May 2024 17:20:23
We can't keep throwing money at rebuilds a the time. We must start using our youth system.

10.) 17 May 2024
17 May 2024 22:17:13
Wouldn't Roofe's wages be covered by insurance when he was injured? Just saying.