31 May 2024 18:35:10
The gulf between us and celtic isn't big at all. We basically matched them each old firm game this year losing by a single goal in the games we lost. This is with our squad and them with there strongest, Carter vickers, mc Gregory, hatate, oreily.

Hate getting beat but let's put this into perspective here, we have had 1 striker to rely on in dessers who has done well considering. I am fully confident PC will get the right signings in through the summer and shift the right people out for some money. What PC has managed to squeeze out of that sqaud last season is nothing short of remarkable.

The main thing lacking this season was a cutting edge up top and also lack of options up top. Midfield I feel will be ok, defence we have already started work on. Clement looks to be searching markets we have never tapped into to get young hungry players we also need to add experience also as that helps the balance of the squad.

I firmly believe we will see the difference on the park once PC get his players in.

1.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 19:01:34
Enough for us not to beat them all season and them again winning more trophies than us. And totally dominated the league. Even though our wage bill is more than theres.

2.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 19:03:28
I really hope we see a big difference stillabluenose.

3.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 19:22:22
That's just not true, and it's embarrassing trying to brazen the situation out - the gulf is massive, both on the pitch, and off it! You keep believing in the tooth fairy, Santa, The Easter bunny and that the gulf isn't that big, whereas, I'll live in the real world.

4.) 31 May 2024
31 may 2024 19:28:57
i think you may well be right mate

in january i said these players will not win the league, or anything ekse

i said guys like cantwell tav goldson and dessers were sanddancers, not the standard required, the rest were even poorer, some people who react to everything i say, told me i was talking nonsense, well some of us knew these guys would very likely crumble, when push came to shove, they did indeed, quite spectacularly too,
they tried hard in cup final and were umlucky, but that's what happens to teams like that, celtic were worse than us, but they couldn't even score once, dessers was an embarrassment, tav too and cantwell was in the cantwell show yet again

clement will absolutely know all of this, he appears here for the long haul and i think next years team will bear very little resemblance to this, ,

5.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 20:29:52
It isn't big, they just have more belief in themselves and get the job done. Hardly hammering us in head to heads. That is the only difference, have to start winning at home at least. Both teams are pretty poor to be fair.

6.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 20:32:32
Still what about the first game at ibrox when they had 4 or 5 players out? Let's not rewrite history we are poor and need 5 or 6 starters bought to have any chance.

7.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 21:15:15
Correct roofe it was 4 defeats and one draw but yeah great we only got beat by one goal

8.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 21:16:54
A wee told you so post by TT embarrassing as always . Bit really a big guess was it Celtic were favs in January.

9.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 21:43:43
To say the gulf is massive is not correct. They have the edge atm due to squad quality over all which pipped us when we could not match them when we had injuries. A 2 player swing is all that is required, they loose CCV and Kyogo and if we had Danilo and Sima it could of been another story. I will concede off the pitch they are better which affects the overall squad each season and in the end that's where we fell short. It won't last forever it never does.

10.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 21:48:22
Tt, the team needs ripped up but it not possible to happen in 1 window, but if we can get the main ones out like lunny, jack, Goldson, it's a start.

11.) 01 Jun 2024
01 jun 2024 10:50:30
thanks warrior, i'm glad you're still obsessed, still desperately trying to firm a wee gang, wouldn't see you in my way.

12.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 11:13:00
It’s ultimate warrior to you ?.

13.) 01 Jun 2024
01 jun 2024 13:51:01
what a plonker.