04 Jun 2024 11:13:16
Just going to throw a name in the ring here and see what people’s thoughts are. Jordan Henderson is 33 years old. Obviously leaving Liverpool hasn’t worked out for him and now at Ajax things aren’t getting any better. A leader on the field and a physical presence that is sadly missing in our current midfield.

Linking up with former England teammate Jack Butland may appeal to him. Apparently very influential with younger players and a role model professional according to many former managers and players. Loan deal may be a possibility with Ajax paying percentage of his wage?

1.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 11:55:31
One word answer, no, now i wouldn't mind experience at cb, Matt Hummells, would be my man.

2.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 12:05:19
I think Ajax’s would bite your hand off to get him mate, he’s been brutal for them.

Worth noting as well, that’s the worst Ajax’s team in the last 40 year.

3.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 12:14:44
I’d take hendo ? on short term deal 1-2 years. Yearly review.
He’s need to take major pay cut to 30k pw and I dunno if we’re looking g to pay that anymore

I think our mf will be made up of fast pressing energetic players and he’s maybe too slow now.

4.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 12:21:10
His legs have gone and behind the scenes stuff isn’t enough of a reason to sign him imo.

5.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 12:25:19
Will Butland even be here next season.

Also just wouldn't take Henderson, never rated him.

6.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 12:47:58
Hear what you saying Ally
Only a Champions league, Premier League and Fa Cup winner, played in a World Cup semi and final of the Euros.
Have a word! never rated him.

7.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 12:54:33
He never had a yard to lose and he’s lost 2 yards 100% no, he’s also on crazy money.

8.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 13:09:20
Hummels yes, Hendo unsure.

9.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 13:28:56
Never rated him for Liverpool or England certainly not for us.

10.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 13:35:17
Just what our midfield is crying out for an old slow midfielder who’s doing a farewell tour and only for 30k a week what a bargain.

11.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 13:53:07
Hummels would be an incredible signing.

12.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 14:01:46
That's a good point stevie, we need legs in middle of the park Hendo ain't those legs, brilliant player also think he would be great with youth, guys settling at club.

13.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 14:11:19
Trying to cut wage Bill.

14.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 15:07:59
Unfortunately, this would be an uninspired signing as we need players who will provide our midfield with a bit of energy and intensity.
Henderson has had an excellent career but no way is he coming to Rangers even if we were remotely interested.

15.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 15:26:48
Hendo legs have gone I would say no. He was a great player and captain for Liverpool. Some don’t rate him on here ??? klopp rated him very highly now who would I tend to believe ?.

16.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 15:27:22
Interesting debate lads. I would most definitely take him at Ibrox. 81 Englands caps, led a Liverpool side to champions league and premier league glory. A quality player. Now he may be as good as he once was but the SPL is a terrible league and I think he would boss it. Look at Jermaine Defoe for example. We all thought his legs were gone, Davie Weir another when we signed him later on in his career. Form is temporary class is permanent. Can’t please everyone but this are my thoughts.

17.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 15:43:29
Big NO on Henderson, young hungry fit players from now on is the only way forward.

18.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 15:50:59
One of most over rated players ever and again same problem as all our other English players only interested in wages.

19.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 15:54:56
Throwing names about, I wonder if we could revive interest in Harry Souttar. Tall, dominant in the air and I think Scots qualified from youth. Leicester are another side needing to sell for FFP and at least we’d have height in our box!

20.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 18:15:56
Clueless as always gofor maybe you should phone klopp and tell him that.

21.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 18:26:29
Hendo ever came to scotland for me he would probably join his old manager across the city i think.

22.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 18:34:42
No No No to henderson - we should never have let Katic go - i for one will never forget that towering header he scored against that mob - showed last night he is a fine player.

23.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 19:07:59
Unless Clemente is going to change formation from the 4-2-3-1 that he has played in virtually every single game since he took over, we won’t sign Henderson. There’s no way he could cope with all the running required.

24.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 19:15:25
Yeah but he is struggling at Ajax Stromtrooper. Klopp rated him 2 year ago.

25.) 04 Jun 2024
04 jun 2024 21:05:47
then again you told john that the england and utd centre half was useless, ,

rangers shouldn’t, and won’t be paying the retirement fund for virtually retired players.

26.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 22:13:19
Henderson was a top player.

27.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 00:12:30
Henderson was a top player, five years ago maybe.