15 Jun 2024 06:02:42

Hi John hope your well
see your getting questions fired at you from all angles.
sorry I have one of my own for you and everyone else who wants to put their opinion across.

Since we took on Phillipe Clement and with the way the season ended and with amount of of players that have left already .
a majority were still trying to sell as we are led to believe .
I really would have thought Phillipe and Nils would have had a fair idea by now who they would have liked to have went for had their own ideas and brought a fresh approach to the table

However you have stated we have still been trying for players who we were interested in under GVB and Beale so who is actually leading the charge for players?
Who is giving both men names of players we have been Intrested in previous years?

And if this is the case are you not worried should we all be worried that our own manager possibly void of ideas that we're still using a list of players from previous management teams?

I'm not sure I'd call this moving forward I really thought PC &Nils would have free reign with a certain budget and go target players they would like and think would bring us on not be given names and told to go target them from years past
Some players could be really good but you have already stated most names have been from previous years
Honestly not really getting it

Somewhere up in boardroom level their is a list of players who have been scouted over the years who we would like a new manager comes in and they keep going over old lists of players who we previously interested in

So management team can't scrap that and start a fresh?

Sorry just trying to get my head round this one
in realty we could have kept GVB for say and we would still be trying to get same players anyway?

1.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 07:36:47
Stig, sorry this is a short answer, many big clubs scout players from a young age b4 they move for them.
A good example look at Chelsea and the players they get, in last three years they have had about four manager

The board do not sign players or scout them, yes a list would be given to koppen and pc, by our head off football operations, ie creag robertson who is in charg.

This was a set up put in place by Bisgrove in conjunc With kloppen and PC to avoid what happened re Beale, being a single Entity

Do not doubt pc approves everything

I’ll finish with another example Barron and Watson have been watched for last three years by us, managers change but we need to wait till say a contract ended

Hope this makes some sen.

2.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 07:38:30
Tbh people are thinking to much everyone chill enjoy the off season a don't even look players up now until there signed, don't get me wrong a have abit ? if Bannon is true really want him money talks tho, don't want to play for us **** off simple, bad if we cannot get a out a contract youth boys better all-round than raskin, raskin started copying the boring players lost his balls? any player what was there got drained with these losers, new chapter hopefully Clement ain't stupid tav energy got to go.

3.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 08:46:30
I think there's undoubtedly a player in nico raskin and i think he's a talented midfielder, who lost his way after his injury spell ?Hope with a good pre season under his belt he can kick on and show how good he is ?I agree Herewego, that if any player we go for is not showing to be ?% committed to be wanting to sign for us they can jog on and we move on to other targets, simple as ?.

4.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 09:07:47
Stigno and John, 2 good posts, I love the info that a lot of you guys give us, the thing I believe in is that a list made with a previous Manager and retained costs us nothing, what I feel is that sometimes we don't move quickly enough to get the players in question, probably down to us being careful with our spending, based on what happened to us previously.

As we have been told, the window only opened yesterday, and the business thus far done by PC and Nils appears to be an upgrade on what we currently have. I'm sure everyone at Rangers has the Clubs long term success and future at heart, we all including me, need to be patient.

5.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 10:41:47
Thanks for your reply, John ??.

6.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 18:29:17
There's definitely a player in raskin, just not a very good one.