23 Jun 2024 10:24:23
Ed can we have a poll plz

Should Bennet remain as chairman after the stadium fiasco and Beale appointment? His communication with the fans is wanting .

Spotlight has to be on him, is him time up? Bring king back?

Yes to to go

No keep him.

{Ed033's Note -

Bennet poll

1.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 10:33:44
He didn’t appoint Beale. How many times does that have to be stated on here. ?. He was one that was against Beale’s appointment. And we can’t just bring King back, for many reasons. The fans don’t just get to ‘choose’ who we want as chairman.

2.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 10:47:06
Gvb I find that a ridiculous question.

3.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 11:01:16
In my opinion most definitely we keep bennett as rangers chairman ?
Bennett has our club at heart and knows what's required and in all honesty i think he'll be a good chairman for us ?.

4.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 11:38:37
Over reaction. Poor question although fully entitled to ask it. Bennett will work tirelessly for us I believe.

5.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 11:58:06
I would definitely keep John Bennett. It would be a ridiculous knee jerk reaction and a big mistake to get rid of him. I have no doubt he has the club’s best interests at heart and this season he should be able to dedicate far more time to our cause than he did previously.

6.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 13:28:37
Aye let's throw another hand grenade into the equation when we are trying to rebuild a squad.

7.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 13:42:40
I am flabbergasted that this pill is so close - I expected 90%+ to say No - Bennet should stay. It’s like turkeys voting for Christmas.

8.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 14:07:21
He was one of the guys who were putting money in when King was needing more investment, not King himself. He has only been Rangers Chairman for one season and he has made lots of changes at board level as he obviously was not happy with how things were running. He is a real Rangers man and unless someone comes in with massive investment he is the best man for the job . Remember King walked away because it is easier to criticise from the side line than run the club . Even the latest fiasco is because Bennett has authorised us doing improvements that have been asked for, for years. I do agree though communications could be better especially when we have a website where we can talk to the fans without using mainstream media.

9.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 15:13:43
Well said wsl.

10.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 15:16:35
Bennett has only just taken on the role of Executive Chairman and for me is head and shoulders above Park who treated the fans poorly and did little for the Club other than his initial investment to support King. Unfortunately, his son still remains as part of our Board where he adds nothing.
We need new investment and we need new blood in the Boardroom.
Unfortunately everything regarding new investment has gone quiet although that might change come August.

11.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 15:21:09
Not close now tbf.

12.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 16:54:43
As z fan I want communication he should be telling us what's happening with the stadium ar3 we definitely getting back for start of Sept and answer questions fans have but I'd keep him.

13.) 23 Jun 2024
23 Jun 2024 17:02:18
Wsl, very good post from someone who understands.