24 Jun 2024 06:40:17
Agree with you 100% cooper that Scotland we the worst team to watch in this tournament and also agree that both Albania and Georgia were both bbetterbetter.

1.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 08:43:43
Agreed, It`s also difficult to understand how countries with a similar population to us such as Denmark have continually done better over the years?
They've won the thing in the past and looked the better side against England the other day.
Something wrong from top to bottom of the Scottish game, been that way for long enough as well.
Will the powers at be finally address the mediocrity of the Scottish system?

2.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 09:39:19
I’m curious about why there should be any correlation at all between population and performance at football. The USA, China and India have astronomically large populations and yet perform poorly at the sport. I agree totally that this is about a bottom to top overhaul of the system from grassroots to elite but I can’t say we should be making any connection between population and performance.

There is none. But likewise, you can’t just go take a system from Holland or Denmark and transplant it to Scotland and think it will work. If this were the case, it would have been done already. The sociology behind things probably needs looked at. Who knows the solution, but it’s clear something is wrong with the current system.

3.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 09:57:09
Most of the problems stem from the SFA and SPFL systems. Any progress of emerging Scottish talent is stifled at source. No reserve leagues, young players being asked to prove their toughness and resilience against lower league part timers. Clubs playing each other at least four times a season and so on. SFA will sit in their ivory tower and do nothing as usual.

Whatever happened to the 'think tank' recommendations? Scotland is a laughingstock at the International level. Just think, if Georgia were to win their match (although unlikely) they would have a chance of progressing, which says it all. We've one player who can hold his own at that level and that's McTominay. McGinn, McGregor, Robertson all well overhyped and the rest are dug meat.

4.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 10:31:02
Rangers and celtic are massively to blame to Scotland being rubbish. Both hardly play any Scottish youngsters. It's embarrassing that Rangers don't have one Scottish player playing in that Scotland team. Only reason Tierney and McGregor got the chance to progress through to Celtic's 1st team was because Rangers were out the league.

Only reason Patterson got in the Rangers team is because Tavernier got injured. We must stop buying all these dud English and foreign players and start using our academy more.

5.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 12:10:15
China USA and India are not traditional football nations
If you don’t think population matters just wait to you see the medals tables at the Olympics.

6.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 12:13:54
Rangers and Celtic are not to blame that’s nonsense, look at the rest of the teams in the SPFL they also bring in players from abroad . As a nation we are simply not providing the grassroots facilities to nurture talent, it he talent isn’t there .

7.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 12:39:09
Holland for the last thirty or forty years have had a completely different infrastructure when it comes to the grass roots, Remember Numan talking about you are taken at an early age and schooled in how to play and in a number of positions for a number of years before they play competitive football, it may have tweaked now?
Don’t know about Denmarks philosophy.
The clubs academy’s are obviously very important and clubs like Ajax have always produced good young players.

8.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 12:43:33
Take your head out the sand Sima.

9.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 13:21:21
De Boer

That's garbage, the countries you mention might be large but have no interest in football whatsoever though some are newcomers at best. Looking at demographics we are farty little country with LBH diminishing interest in sport and bound to affect quality.