25 Jun 2024 10:29:58
If Cyril is away then he goes with my best wishes.

A class act. He should be incredibly proud of how he's conducted himself whilst many of our supposed fans ridiculed and condemned him.

I despise an element of our fans for this very matter. Shameful embarrassing behaviour that will never reflect me.

All considering, he performed very well. Anyone who can't see this is just an idiot pure and simple.

Once a Ger always a Ger. Some have no clue what this means.


1.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 10:44:28
Here here Gdog???.

2.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 11:11:40
Guess i'm an idiot then ?‍♂️.

3.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 11:12:18
So fan's can't condemn and ridicule a player for being woeful at times missing big big chances time and time again whilst us so called fans put our hard earned cash into the club. what's the difference in us ridiculing a player and you ridiculing the majority of fans who speak out against players.

4.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 11:34:33
King abusing our players will stop others we are interested in from signing for us.

5.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 11:52:05
GDog no 1 under values his workmate but as our no1 striker he's not good enough and misses too many chances and obv our manager agrees if he's willing to let him go personally I'd not be unhappy if he stayed but not as our main striker.

6.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 11:53:02
100% King as long as it doesn't get personal we can be critical of a players performance.

7.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 12:38:23
King, criticism is fine, indeed it's often necessary, but abuse, bad mouthing, ridiculing, condemning, are beyond the pale. In almost 70 years of supporting my club, this current lot of 'fans' are the most toxic by a long, long way.

8.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 12:41:38
But it does get personal and goes too far at times OWS ?The booing and treatment of our own players at times is a disgrace and i've heard and seen it with my own eyes ?.

9.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 13:18:19
Same thing every year, pick a player or 2 and give them abuse. Last year was Sakala and Tillman. Wonder who of all these young prospects we are signing will get it this year.

What I find strange is that performance seems to not matter. I would put those 2 and Dessers with our top performers last couple of years.

10.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 15:57:56
Correct Walter not often I agree with you but fans on here are calling him a donkey and worse.

Our fans are getting a lot more toxic than they use to be which I put down to them winning mostly everything.
No one wants to see them win anything but it ain’t dessers fault we didn’t win the league or the cup.