05 Jan 2023 16:12:33
Not been on for a very long time! I hope you all had a fab holiday period and all that.

Been told Helander is off both parties agree.

CB from Championship club coming in. Big out of contract deal being lined up.

That's all I have.


1.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 16:31:05
Would give absolutely anything for Manor Solomon from shakhtar to be a free signing in summer. On loan at Fulham now but only played 1 game. Would be an immense signings but that's only a hope. Some good players going OOC though.

2.) 05 Jan 2023
05 jan 2023 16:34:54
happy new year gdog.

3.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 16:47:28
Happy New Year and who is the CB?

4.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 16:55:55
jimmy centreback.

5.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 17:17:16
Cooper or Sanderson.

6.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 17:40:33
Think cooper has supposedly knocked us back mate.

7.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 17:47:35
Sanderson is contracted until 2025 so can't be him.

8.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 18:02:35
Yip John27 said as much the other day ie that rangers and helander have come to a mutal agreement to release him from his contract and also that jake cooper had knocked us back ?No reason to doubt John27, with his usually reliable/ sound info ?.

9.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 18:08:26
Alfie Jones (hull city) is out of contact good cb and not old about mid 20's. probably him Cooper Kalas are the best 3 cb's out of contact in the championship, tons of players out of contact this year.

10.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 18:15:20
Lewis Travis a dm from Blackburn rovers would be some signing, Beale will know many good players that out of contact in the championship.

11.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 18:25:28
Walter I picked up info re Helander from various sources, not my usual guy

Re cooper yes he knocked us back, but I’m told we may try again, Beale we could sign sandersons, just need a fee

Gdog great info, I’m gearing raskin deal not dead.

12.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 18:39:21
Yeah mate shame re cooper guys a good defender but win some n lose some, some players just like sticking too what they know and teams n surroundings they are used too.

13.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 18:59:14
I picked gdog up wrong.

14.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 19:45:58
Mate is on med staff at Ibrox and confirming Helander unlikely to play for us again, if for anyone - sad news.

15.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 19:49:26
Would like raskin signed my first choice cm John, I can see many players not getting contracts this season Arfield Jack Mcgregor Davis Mclaughlin maybe hoping but think it will happen and I see us replacing them with better players, a good few free transfers in many quality player's out in 2023,we do have a strong squad when everyone is fit. if we get a replacement for Tavernier and I really rated him highly but kinda lost patience with him maybe not fit, keeper replaced Kamara replaced very good attacking forward player, if Morelos and Kent stays if not players in, Matondo and Roofe hopefully someone wants them.

16.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 19:58:16
Thanks for the wishes lads.

Yeh seeing Raskin around various sources John.

Haven’t seen anything of him, but quite a few rare him. Apparently Ronny Delia would be open to letting him go.

17.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 20:39:14
Regarding tavernier's fitness Beale i agree he doesn't look near as fit as last season, ie. especially our run getting to the europa league final his fitness was phenomenal ?Is it just coincidence that this has been the case with tav, since he went out to train in dubai himself, once the season had not long finished last year ? Someone on here touched on this on here a few days ago and quoted the same thing was the case with some other player ?.

18.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 21:11:29
Fingers crossed John re- raskin.

19.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 21:16:23
Tav damaged his leg and thigh muscles training in Dubai, as did his brother.

20.) 05 Jan 2023
05 Jan 2023 21:37:28
SWS, I thought Tav needed surgery before the world cup, but put it off, same with Lundstrom?

21.) 06 Jan 2023
06 Jan 2023 02:28:48
But I thought Barcelona were in for raskin John ??

Sarcasm before anyone takes that seriously.

22.) 06 Jan 2023
06 Jan 2023 10:43:34
Love the sarcasm, mb they r, however we r at the table.

23.) 06 Jan 2023
06 Jan 2023 15:50:49
John if boy comes in will have my full support but it's obvious when a club is trying to inflate a players value. How many times have agents linked is to a player to drive up price when it's total bull.