07 Jan 2024 11:35:53
Look out for Borna going to Italy/ croatia this window and not Yilmaz, that's why so much attention on left back rumours, average age of team coming down, so I'm told.

1.) 07 Jan 2024
07 Jan 2024 12:07:25
Both will go this window and 2 will come in to replace them.

2.) 07 Jan 2024
07 Jan 2024 12:53:05
Gijs smals the one we need, really good calibre cheap too coming out of contract.

3.) 07 Jan 2024
07 Jan 2024 13:28:32
Why would borna go now when he will have a better choice of clubs at end of season

And why would rangers lose another left back from euro squad that would mean yilmaz one change and silva another only leaves one more addition or change to euro squad.

4.) 07 Jan 2024
07 Jan 2024 14:27:48
Was Yilmaz even in the Eufa squad?

5.) 07 Jan 2024
07 Jan 2024 14:53:49
I'd honestly rather keep borna for the reported £500k being banded about, honestly think selling our both left backs this window is utter madness, I also don't think PC will be signing players in regards to Europe list this window obviously it's just an opinion but I'd say if he can get players in he feels would play every other game bar at minimum 2 European games he would go for it, Europe in my opinion right now job was done and everything now is a bonus.

6.) 07 Jan 2024
07 Jan 2024 15:23:54
Broxi no he wasn’t.

7.) 07 Jan 2024
07 Jan 2024 15:40:27
It’s probably more about the spl than Europe, if we get if he’s away in 6 months anyway can get one in early and settled for next season to.

8.) 07 Jan 2024
07 Jan 2024 17:49:19
Hello that’s my point we would have to put yilmaz in the squad ao counts as an addition to euro squad and silva and you would expect balogun too which would leave no room for another forward.

9.) 07 Jan 2024
07 jan 2024 19:00:22
gofor, let rangers deal with it, as much as you think they are idiots, they're not

the euro squad will be fine.

10.) 07 Jan 2024
07 Jan 2024 21:43:11
When did I say rangers were idiots in this post Tom? I’m simply telling other poster why I don’t think borna will go this window.

Have I said anything wrong? Does this site not work on opinions and rumours.

11.) 07 Jan 2024
07 Jan 2024 21:45:00
I would understand if we were getting a good fee for borna say in region of 500k that we can reinvest in a youth.