01 Jun 2024 11:03:16
For newbies, I told everyone of Souness being in a 5 car cavalcade at Auchenhowie, this was confirmed sometime later, when Souness went public that he'd knocked them back.

I cannot be silent on what has happened at Rangers, firstly Bisgrove has been on holiday until next Wednesday, obviously yesterday's 4:30 press release may change that (pmsl), however no clear word on did he jump or was he pushed?

Now for the really bad news:

Bisgrove's second in command set up a deal with a company called champion / champions, who sell packages for football, they have a contract to sell packages for us, 2 million up front, not the end of the story, the company tried to pay by American Express.

But Rangers have never been able to take American express payments before or now, so what does it all mean?

We have 30,000 (more) waiting for season tickets paying on a list, yet we are selling corporate hospitality to a dressed up ticket tout company, this is wrong and I hope you all understand I come from a place of love for our club, our identity, watp.

1.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 11:28:35
I’m lost mate.

2.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 11:35:07
You had a dram? With love.

3.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 12:26:15
Loyalist and what is the name of this second in command.

4.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 12:35:54
He lost me at for newbies.

5.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 13:30:13
I presume he means the guy who took over from Bisgrove in his previous role.

6.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 13:56:00
loyalist So you stayed silent but now you say you were right after it's all announced? I've got tonight's lottery numbers. i'll post them on here after the draw.

7.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 14:38:22
Sorry loyalist who's the 2nd in command.

8.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 18:53:22
Again it’s a rumours site and you're all shooting the guy down.

Sounds genuine enough to me, too many small bits of info when people are making things up, they tend to keep it simple.