04 Jun 2024 20:19:13
RR said McCrory knocked back a contract extension on improved terms so how much could we expect? 1m less. Personally think he's better than Kelly but I hope he gets a good club to kick on.

1.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 21:19:39
Posted that earlier today OWS. Boys not had much of a chance tbf.

2.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 21:07:31
Probably about 500k ows, only one remaining year in contact, sell on and buy back, yes believe he's better than Kelly as well.

3.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 22:44:06
I’d tell him sign a 2 year extension and I’ll loan u out 1 year at a time.
Tell him go and prove your the next no1 and come back when Butland leaves. s
He has contract security and we have secured a higher profit on his abilities simply by loaning and not accepting a few hundred grand.
If he doesn’t want to sign the extension and go on loan he can stay. His choice.
Pretty sure he’d sign it.

4.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 03:42:09
If he commands the same wage he does at rangers I believe he will be one if not Aberdeens highest payed players. I can see him signing an extension and going out on loan to Aberdeen we pay his wages and no compensation fee for Barron i genuinely think that is what will happen.

5.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 06:30:28
I believe he was kept and Kelly was let go as he was seen as the better prospect
Kelly’s had a few years of first team football and will make a fine number 2
Maybe we see Mccrorie back after a few seasons of first team football too, we can’t waste the lads whole career and if we sold Butland I still can’t see him being number 1
All the best young man,

6.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 07:15:38
Can't see more than 500k to be honest. He's done nothing to earn a decent fee.