10 Jun 2024 08:37:32
Stories floating around today of a few clubs interested in Tom Lawrence. While he's got some ability, we just don't see it enough and I think a move would be good for all parties.

1.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 09:08:39
Jimbo, he was told along with a few others they could find new clubs.

2.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 09:18:21
Tidy player when fit but that’s few and far between unfortunately.

3.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 09:27:56
who has been told to find new club John?

4.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 09:28:39
John who else has been told to find new clubs? Outgoings are crucial imo.

5.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 09:36:01
Could they afford his wages in the Championship? I have my doubts.

When Tom Lawrence first signed he looked excellent off that left-wing. He was coming inside, not afraid to shoot, scored a good number of goals, then the injury comes. He is another like Roofe and Hagi. Injury has ruined his time at Rangers.

6.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 10:01:45
I said in March.
Mccrorie Lawrence Davies matondo cantwell Lammers hagi wright

Also satiated Goldson tav likely to leave and yilmaz May go.

7.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 10:15:25
Hagi Wright, I didn’t think we signed him? (Sorry John, I couldn’t help myself) ?.

8.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 10:16:02
We’d generate a bit of cash off that list surely?

9.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 10:20:01
Lawrence is too injury prone. Get him moved on.

10.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 10:21:23
So John that could be a possible 16 leave. Wherecould we possibly get the money to replace all these players I know the board will invest some money and we will get some fees for these players but that's going to need a lot of money and we As It stands we have only replaced Barisic out the possible 16.

11.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 10:21:57
Sugar i hit send by mistake was editing my post apologies.

12.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 10:23:21
dado just knew somebody would come back with that ??.

13.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 10:23:52
We have also lost Sima and Silva so that makes possible 18 players out the door the 5 freebies and the ones listed by john and sima and silva.

14.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 10:30:15
From that list John, I don't think we'd miss many. Personally I'd keep Cantwell as I'm a little wary of changing absolutely everyone in the side in one summer! I also think he puts a good shift in and has something about him (albeit the Manager doesn't seem to trust him in big games) .

I realise I'm in the minority but I wouldn't be too fussed with Wright staying on the basis I imagine his wages are low and we need home trained players to fill out the squad. That said, If we're bringing kids through to replace him I'd be fine with that.

All in al, with the focus on African/ South America players, I'm still pretty worries about what our squad will look like for Europe early int he season - and I think we really need to do all we can to get through the Champions League qualifiers given the significant financial boost that will come as a result.

I've a soft spot for Hagi, and like Ridvan, but I assume money talks for both of them and they will be relatively attractive to some sides (albeit maybe not top dollar) . But can we rally change a full team of players in one summer succesfully?

15.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 10:32:40
If Lawrence stayed fit and had an extra yard of pace he would be playing in a top team in England, think we all know what direction we are moving in and as Johns list shows it’s going to be a huge turnaround, the manager has a huge task in getting a team ready for start of season but in truth we needed this.

16.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 10:33:41
Not quite Rangers related but to me a clear path to follow.
Seen Braga just selling a 20yr old to Wolves for €15m. astounding not for this but when you see last season he was loaned out to Estoril in the same league!
Appreciate we are nowhere near as good as Portugal or powerful in league terms, but that model they have in place means they are able to command top $’s throughout the league…. Food for thought.

17.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 10:46:01
He's proved himself to be too injury prone. time to move him on. we need players that can play 40 plus games a season.

18.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 10:54:36
Lawrence and Roofe fully fit with no injury difficulties/ history, would not have been at Rangers.

19.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 11:48:09
Good info John, wouldn’t be against any of them going.

20.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 12:00:03
If these players were informed in March that they were surplus to requirements, it's a gross dereliction of duty from whoever told them. No wonder we stopped playing well and basically handed the league over to 'them'. If this is true, it's utterly out of order and disgusting.

{Ed001's Note - why? It happens at every club. Usually players then know they are playing for their career and actually try harder to impress any clubs that might be watching.}

21.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 12:08:34
I know fifepl - total dad joke and I’m shown my age ??.

22.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 12:52:37
Got to say that list gives me greater confidence in PC. Because I look at all those on it and only Cantwell offers anything. Glad our manager can see who cost us this season. That and all the wide players being linked gives me hope.

If players were told early and then under performed the way they did it shows that decision was correct. Because they would not have been told they are off, they would have been told they are playing for futures at the club.

{Ed001's Note - it happens everywhere, they are told to give time for their agents to find them their next club.}

23.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 13:12:04
To be honest i don't think that we have many players that we would demand to keep outside of maybe Butland and Sterling. Might not actively look to seel some but would be replaceable. Would love to see our club be ambitious with a couple targets. Would like to see maybe dele Ali on a pay as you play deal for a year to see if we could get his spark back.

24.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 13:29:15
There's no chance all the players will leave this window we simply can't afford to replace them and may need to put up with some players being here we'd rather not.

25.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 14:23:44
Ows plenty ooc players on much less wages than we pay most of our players, could be worked on.

26.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 14:25:07
But do agree ows, we ain't getting rid of 16 players.

27.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 14:44:44
macnaughten, we sold patterson for around same to everton. Only difference is we very rarely have youth players who come through and get sold for big £. The portuguese always have crops of youth players coming through to sell for big money.

28.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 16:27:37
25 grand a week.


29.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 16:41:26
Seems we're in the process of halfing our wage bill.

Thank the lord.