19 Jul 2022 13:37:11

Fairly new to this, but few observations if I may, I have a suspicion on what may come down the line, but here it is.

1. I try to be objective in what I see/ read on here and I am fully aware this is a rumours page. There are quite a few that are very quick to jump onto people for having an opinion, or view that does not concur with the majority.

2. John25, who let me put on record as saying has been the source of many many greta pieces of information, but there are too many on here that take what John25 says a gospel. Again, see point number 1. (Please note this is not a pop at John25, just that other people who have alternative opinions/ views are ridiculed etc for having an alternative viewpoint. Plus John25 must be inundated with points to reply on, give the guy a break….

3. On the sale of players, it’s always going to be an emotive subject, but few we must remember we should sell at points where it suits Rangers Football Club and no one else.

Aribo, had to go, no intention of staying. Was the deal a good one, that’s open to debate.

Bassey, money too good for a player with bags of potential, but not proven over the longer term. That said I reckon he makes it to the top as he has excellent temperament.

Kamara, no need to sell, we are not desperate. He signed a long term deal to “protect” Rangers and secure best price.

We must remember that we try and keep the spine/ nucleus of the starting squad intact. We must also ensure that there is not a squad divide between the old and the new, so I take on board any concerns about decimating the squad.

4. On the squad, “they” were incredibly lucky last season that most of their signing hit the ground running, this is incredibly rare indeed. We must be guarded around this situation.

Barasic, took ages to bed in.

Jack, first season was poor IMO, but settled in to become exceptional for us.

Lundstram, majority of people wanted gone in January, I don’t care what anyone says, it’s a fact. Proper leader now.

That’s a few off top of head.

5. Finally, we are all supposed to be behind the Rangers, but at times it’s one upmanship on here. Respect each other’s opinions, as at times I think the criticism is a little bit too much for my liking and is the reason why many like myself would perhaps not post etc one here.

Only my observations….


1.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 14:12:58
Proderator excellent post, I don’t reply to everything or I might be hung drawn and quarter by her indoors.

2.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 14:24:27
Wise words Proddy! Well put.

Certainly no need for Kamara to go and yes spine would be broken if he did.

I’ll be surprised if he goes for the reasons I’ve put. If he does we are grabbing money and thinking about football 2nd. Which I don’t think they will do.

With perhaps the exception of Tillman ( to a degree ) none of the new players have played for a club the size of ours. And there is evry chance they will all take some time to settle. We don’t have time! Not if we want CL football.

Keeping McGregor and Davis was perhaps in anticipation for 4/ 5 key members going. Who knows.

But Joe, Bassey, Kamara, Sakala ( as some would be happy with ) leaving on top of possibly no Buff n Kent signing is suicide!

Again this ain’t FIFA 22!

Great first post topical Prod.

3.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 14:29:05
Good post bud
Welcome to the site ??.

4.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 14:33:00
Good post Proderator. Looking forward to the new season enjoy. ?.

5.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 14:37:56
well balanced first post sir.
welcome to the chunderdome!

6.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 15:04:52
Question for gdog and predator also anyone else.

What do you do if we set a fee for kamara when he signed his extended deal, allows him to to other clubs. Do we renege.

Also everyone talks about we must back Gio, what if he is prepared to sacrifice kamara or anyone else to bring in his own player.
Do we not back him.

Some off the people who wanted several players out, especially if the don’t sign new deals are making the most nouse
, do we let them leave for zero,
I still stand by my post Morelos and kent will sign new deals.

Aribo Bassey kamara wanted to go, kamara signing a deal to get us very good money if he does.

7.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 15:22:17
Great post, I’m not sure if include Kamara on the spine just my observation, and if he is sold it comes down only to money, which would be a considerable profit to the club. I’m happy if he stays as he is dependable but as a business model, it’s a no brainer anything upwards of 8/ 9m.

8.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 15:51:17
John maybe Kamara just signed new contract just to help the club out knowing he will leave but as a thank you to club for giving him a chance.

9.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 16:01:45

Feedback appreciated gents.

John25, Just to clarify on what I said on my post re Kamara:

Kamara, no need to sell, we are not desperate. He signed a long term deal to “protect” Rangers and secure best price.

“We must remember that we try and keep the spine/ nucleus of the starting squad intact. We must also ensure that there is not a squad divide between the old and the new, so I take on board any concerns about decimating the squad”

If Kamara wishes to speak to another club and we have contractually agreed this then I have no issue at all, he signed up to protect us.

My observation was that we try and maintain as much of the current squad, at no stage did I suggest not backing out manager, that goes without question. If he decides that’s the way to go then so be it. He works with these guys day in day out and will also have forgotten more than I will ever learn about football.

Also regarding selling those whose contract runs down, see my point re Aribo below:

“ Aribo, had to go, no intention of staying. Was the deal a good one, that’s open to debate”

We should sell at the correct times, it’s a balancing act, but I trust them to get this right.

Finally, I’ve not mentioned Morelos or Kent, but I believe you to be correct. Like I say, not connected etc, just my viewpoint etc.

10.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 16:10:06
100% right about selling when the time is right for the clubs. We timed the aribo and bassey sales perfectly imo. In six months aribo could have negotiated a bowman and be gone on a free. All it takes is bsssey to have a poor season and his value drops dramatically. I reckon we have timed it spot on.

11.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 16:57:04
Hi John25!

I don’t disagree mate on many points on here but the concern is Kent and Buff. You sell Kamara and Sakala there is a problem if they don’t extend and or do a Goldson and it’s hanging over the club for a season!

I hope you’re right J25 and they stay.

Bassey did not want to go. In so much as he would have been happy to progress with us. However we wanted the money now he left. The lad is a professional and an example to others. He will go to the top imo.

Part of this summer issue was signing so many players within the time period and contract over last two seasons. I mentioned it at the time it will be an issue if players don’t extend.

I’m always behind Gio! And any manager in our time. When the first whistle blows I will be right behind the lads. There will be a right good few on here not so, yet over the moon we are selling key players.

12.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 17:06:27
Great reply prod. U r a welcome addition the debate
Some off my points r for gdog I suppose.

13.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 18:18:24
Cool gdog. Good discussion.

14.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 18:19:56
Would be very gracious of Kamara to sign a deal just to help out rangers. More likely he signs knowing if he gets a big move he won’t get the signing on fee he’d get if he was a free but he’ll still get more in wages, and if no one comes in for him then He has the security of a longer deal and will be aware he could break his leg and career finished so either way he wins.

15.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 18:32:50
Welcome to the site mate and a very well constructed first post. I would like to ask though that in future posts if you could refrain from referring to our magnificent club as “the” rangers. Let’s just leave that to the Celtic fans eh ?.

16.) 19 Jul 2022
19 Jul 2022 23:04:50
Think Kamara is a win, win, situation for us, if he goes Gio has option to bring in his own player, if he stats we have a top class player in our squad, if Kamara has a price in his contract as a club we have to honour that as he trusted club when signing, or no other player will trust us.