22 Oct 2022 18:08:39
Afternoon everyone

I started the day off watching hearts v Celtic. And for a little while I thought wow we could go top today thinking hearts were going to get something from the game
All credit to Celtic they dug deep and thought tooth and nail to grind out 4-3 winners and get the 3 points.

And that's where it's laid bare for us they can come back get Equalizers and winning goals it's where we have lacked for a while now
Is it GVB fault? We had same problems with Gerrard?
So is the main problem players in the squad?

Colak had his shirt pulled in first minutes if the game maybe that could have changed it
lundstrum header at the end could have made it 2-1

but all that doesn't excuse the way the players are playing just now we have said it or a few of us have said it for a while now this season something ain't clicking
Given we're still having same problems as when under Gerrard as I pointed out says it's more to do with playing squad perhaps they are just not giving everything for the shirt or there not giving everything for the club period?
Who knows what will happen this season still early but I have to keep coming back to a very important point this summer is goi g to be huge with what we would all agree I'm sure that there is goi g to be important 1st team players retiring and leaving
Leaving us with huge gaps in the team to fill whether we think these players have been playing poorly or perhaps just not as good as they once were
Macgreggor, Davis, kent, Morelos,
Kamarra maybe? Barasic maybe? Arfield?
McLaughlin? Sakala? Wright?

That's a possible 10 players who could potentially be leaving for one reason or another?
That's potentially a lot of players we would need replacing
Has anyone actually sat down and thought about the potential players who could be leaving like I say for one reason or another

Is GVB going to be given funds to replace and strengthen this squad?
That all depends on one main thing for me the board
Is this American woman going to have share by then? Is anyone else going to be buying in what's there main objectives and plans

What's the main objectives and plans for current board?
Do they have funds to pay GVB off even if they wanted too?
Who else would they get in that could work with a budget that maybe short of what they would want and what we need as a whole?

to many questions with too many answers that can't be answered so on we go I reckon watching and wandering what the outcomes to all my questions are going to be.

A board that don't say much and a manager who looks like he has a hand perhaps tire behind his back and players that perhaps have there heads somewhere other than playing for the club we all love
And we the supporters supporting and watching on is all we really can do

One player I feel sorry for is Tavenier he has stayed with us and tried his best and does his best and the boos at the end of the game aren't justified for a captain like tavenier

There are players I will be glad to see the end of at ibrox under this current squad there is an element that just don't understand who there actually playing for and what that actually should entail and what it represents and means it's a shame really and just shows the lack of understanding they have about our club and history and heritage within glasgow Scotland and on the world stage as a whole.
And GVB should know and understand all of the above being a previous very good payer for the club.
But that doesn't make great managers unfortunately.

1.) 22 Oct 2022
22 Oct 2022 19:07:47
Even Liz Truss had the decency to do the right thing. Its time up in my opinion for GVB and I take zero pleasure in saying that. Let's get Sean Dyche in.

2.) 22 Oct 2022
22 Oct 2022 19:16:44
The fact is Gio will pay the price for the teams failure to perform.
We have a very pedestrian squad of players with very little quality.
I’m not looking forward to our little trip to Naples it’s hard to see anything other than a skelping. It’s been difficult to watch the team struggle this season.
Gio was a brilliant footballer but unfortunately he’s not the manager we need.

3.) 22 Oct 2022
22 Oct 2022 19:20:26
good post mate but it will all fall on deaf ears, don't think anyone at rangers footbal club reads these pages, pity.

4.) 22 Oct 2022
22 Oct 2022 20:13:14
tav sold the goal. AGAIN.

5.) 22 Oct 2022
22 Oct 2022 20:34:10
Tav needs to go and get his tidy up op asap. The stick Borna gets when Tav has been dreadful is questionable.

6.) 22 Oct 2022
22 Oct 2022 20:53:49
So what you saying John26 it’s Tavs fault for the failings of the team just now

as you can see I put up an in-depth post of my own thoughts and opinions of the current team management and board would be nice to hear yours and other regular posters responses
in a more in-depth conversation when you have the right time to respond appropriately after all we’re all rangers supporters wanting the best outcome for the club ??.

7.) 23 Oct 2022
23 Oct 2022 08:33:37
No chance of Sean Dyche being at Ibrox unless its to cheer on the manky mob with the rest of his family.

8.) 23 Oct 2022
23 Oct 2022 10:30:26
John it’s been happening time and time again even last year both our full backs do not bust a gut to try and stop crosses, nowhere near close enough it’s the basics Stand the Ball and stop the cross!
When we play the better teams it’s obvious that they target our full backs.
My nephew plays for a lower league team and he always comments on how far off shutting down crosses our full backs are, his team do regular drills on it. It’s basic stuff. Ability is one thing but working hard should be a given pulling on the shirt.