06 Nov 2022 18:56:03
God what a mess we have ourselves in. We are one or two results away from the season being finished. Waiting for this board to act decisively is like waiting on your dad coming back from the shop with that milk. IMO, Gio needs to go, kent and Morelos need to be replaced in January. Two trophies out of a possible twelve over the past 4 years is pathetic.

1.) 06 Nov 2022
06 Nov 2022 19:19:02
The board need to go just a bunch of headless chickens.

2.) 06 Nov 2022
06 nov 2022 21:27:29
the board have saved and restored our cluvb.

3.) 06 Nov 2022
06 Nov 2022 21:46:39
And then made a mess of it.