06 Nov 2022 19:45:21
In answer to the fans who don't understand that generally the 4 teams in the 2 European finals are there for a very good reason and that would be because they Have played well enough to get into those finals. Hence my 4th in Europe tag. May not be true but on paper yes it certainly Is. If --and its a big If we beat our rivals going into new year and lie 4 points back at that time I would fancy us to pull it off. As the old saying goes . "Your only as good or bad as your last game ". I'll leave it at that and won't stop believing . Over and out.

1.) 06 Nov 2022
06 Nov 2022 20:08:19
Would the 4 semi finalists in the champions league not be 4 best teams in Europe?

Why am I asking. Of course they are ??.

2.) 06 Nov 2022
06 nov 2022 20:09:59

difficult to comprehend how you can begin

" for those who don't understand "

then proceed to post nonsense about being 4th best in europe " on paper ", what does that even mean mate

we were nowhere near 4th best, either on paper, on the field

or in cloud cuckoo land . and on paper, the majority of clubs competing in the sections and knock out stages of the cl would be higher that rangers

3.) 06 Nov 2022
06 Nov 2022 20:16:02
Nonsense europa league nowhere near champions league level. Ant q/ finalist would win Europa league. Can't say Loser of Europe league final is 4th best in Europe. Not even on paper.

4.) 06 Nov 2022
06 Nov 2022 20:48:59
Heavens I certainly hope we go on a run of winning games with purpose . as john27 stated "everyone has their right to their opinion" and that's mine. maybe we should just have removed GVB after the qualies to reach the group stages . saved us all this Glass half empty stuff i'm reading. Thanks for the replies. I think.

5.) 06 Nov 2022
06 Nov 2022 21:22:08
Not even in our dreams never mind on paper.

6.) 06 Nov 2022
06 Nov 2022 21:22:33
We are a massive club in global football terms But I believe we are a club who will never fully realise its full potential, and that of its loyal supporters. It Break my heart to say it. But I am just so tired of this year in year out SPL crap. The sooner a Northern European league happens the better.

7.) 06 Nov 2022
06 Nov 2022 21:39:01
Deecee really The 4 best teams in euorpe would have contested the semis of the champions league ?‍♂️ please stop digging a bigger hole as your Gona need a bigger spade ?.

8.) 06 Nov 2022
06 Nov 2022 22:07:20
Folks, the problem that any Scottish Team has in European Competiton today is the image our game presents up here. The days of us getting any big name players to come to a Scottish Team are over in my opinion.

What we need to do is at the very least get some excitement back into the game by ditching this playing every team 4 times per season, if Sky don't like that tell them to piss off and generate our own TV money.

As for today, until we see what the real financial situation is, we should get these final 2 games out of the way with Maximum points, regroup. and go again in January, hopefully minus those not interested in playing for us any more, and with the inclusion of some fresh new players.