26 Jan 2023 22:04:50
So we only need to pay 800k for Raskin c'mon RW pay that and get the boy over.

1.) 27 Jan 2023
27 Jan 2023 01:55:24
100% mate.

2.) 27 Jan 2023
27 Jan 2023 05:55:10
Who says we only need to pay 800k?

3.) 27 Jan 2023
27 Jan 2023 06:56:08
Onewalter 1m is a lot of cash for us at this moment in time what part of we are struggling for cash don't you understand and how do you know 800k will be enough for standard liege.

4.) 27 Jan 2023
27 Jan 2023 07:27:29
800 to 900k is supposobly our opening bid and there looking for a lot more supposobly. around 1.8m is what's being reported.

5.) 27 Jan 2023
27 Jan 2023 07:46:59
Allegedly bid £1.5m that's been rejected- i emphasise allegedly!

6.) 27 Jan 2023
27 Jan 2023 08:09:31
Apparently Liege want £1.75 million. Also, Ross Wilson can't just "pay up" if the board won't release the money.

7.) 27 Jan 2023
27 Jan 2023 08:36:48
I read in Scotsman they're looking for 1m euros roughly 8/ 850k now I don't know how reliable but if its true let's get him signed and in.

8.) 27 Jan 2023
27 Jan 2023 10:14:51
ibrox noise said we offered 440,000 which was knocked back, i do not know if this true, if it was true its an utter joke.

9.) 27 Jan 2023
27 Jan 2023 10:36:09
How’s it a joke? You want to just steam in with a multi million pound bit straight away, sick of our club getting our pants pulled down by teams for players. We aren’t made of money and if the guy is coming for free in the summer anyway then why would be pay over the odds for him now. That’s why you have these guys like Wilson in charge to negotiate fees otherwise it would just be a free for all. Did Liverpool no want over £10m for Kent from us? Imagine we just said ok no bother there you go! We negotiate a price that works for us and they will counter off until something is agreed and if not we’ll see him in June for f all!

10.) 27 Jan 2023
27 Jan 2023 14:32:15
So you are going by the papers then? ?.