02 Feb 2023 13:50:15
Neil McCann should now be finished on rangers TV. stupid comments by him.

1.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 14:21:04
Why? is the world got that bad that someone can't comment on someone else's actions without uproar?

2.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 14:25:17
I was really annoyed when heard that today, but if I am honest do I want a bunch of media sycophants like the other mob have I would say a massive no.

For me they are an embarrassment to thier club and i don't mind having Rangers pundits who criticise the club/ team now and again as long as it's not over the top like this.

3.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 14:35:00
Calling a rangers player an idiot,
(morelos) for celebrating his goal after var. Regardless of any1 diffrent view than mine. nobody should be calling any rangers player an idiot and still have a job at rangers.

4.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 14:36:02
So on your reply super Cooper are you agreeing with McCann calling Morelos an idiot?

5.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 14:48:18
McCann's got a cheek! I've witnessed him winding up opposition fans after scoring. Remember the day we won the league at the midden?!

6.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 14:48:34
Also as Michael Beale said, if you can't celebrate a goal then footballs finished.

7.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 14:56:31
He should've ran to the Rangers fans and celebrated the goal imo.

8.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 15:02:42
You want someone to be sacked from their role because he called someone an idiot? Get a grip.

Do you go to the games DD? Let me tell you Morelos has been called far worse that an idiot. Should we find out everyone who has shouted something at Alfie at Ibrox this season and ban them from Ibrox? What about the abuse Tav gets? Ban all them too? The stadium would be empty.

The world has gone mad.

9.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 15:10:59
Well said Baz, I'd rather have Neil McCann talk the truth than a crawler like John Hartson who says anything to the messes to get a job.

10.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 15:13:35
Super me personally after getting the abuse from they hearts fans I would do the exact same as what Morelos done if you can dish it out but can't take it back that is not the way I work either.

11.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 15:34:03
Baz he has been called much worse on here.

12.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 17:19:58
He shouldn’t be on rangers tv again and he has done worse than what Alfredo done last night with the huddle at CP.
Super cooper is letting his mask slip he is coldo.