16 Apr 2023 12:32:21
So from the sounds of it, big Itten’s main issue is that he just can’t handle the physical side of the game (or being called names ?) . Think that will always be part of the risk when we sign players. They may be good players with good attributes and technical ability and seem to tick the right boxes, but if they can’t handle the physical side of the Scottish game then they’ll not succeed.

Doubt he is the only player who we’ve signed and has disappointed that will of done so because they can’t handle the hammer throwers of Scottish football. May be why we tend to have been trying to shop more in the British / English markets recently as those types of players are probably more accustomed to it.

1.) 16 Apr 2023
16 Apr 2023 13:21:19
The physical side must have included pace he was towing a caravan ?.

2.) 16 Apr 2023
16 Apr 2023 13:22:21
Are we saying other leagues are easy peasy compared to Scottish football when it comes to the physical side of the game? I don’t think so. Look if you can’t handle the physical side of the game your in the wrong game!

3.) 16 Apr 2023
16 Apr 2023 15:05:01
I agree 2Blue, I was actually having a bit of a go at him for basically being a bit of a woose! Doesn’t change the fact that he’s not the only player we have signed in the past who, although clearly has talent, can’t handle playing against bully boy opposition, Amad Diallo springs straight to mind (never seen a player pull out of a 70 / 30 in his favour as often as he did) . And there have been plenty others who have looked good elsewhere before coming to us, been awful for us, left and then looked like world beaters again. Right back to the likes of Peter Van Vossen.

4.) 16 Apr 2023
16 Apr 2023 15:22:41
'Other' leagues seem to do ok against Scottish sides in Europe most seasons, so take this with a pinch of salt.

5.) 16 Apr 2023
16 Apr 2023 15:29:58
Rangers scouting network has let them down. Its nothing to do with what league the player is coming from more to do with the type of player being not good enough.

6.) 16 Apr 2023
16 Apr 2023 15:31:24
Football is a physical sport. Doesn't matter if your playing in Scotland or Brazil its physical.