01 May 2023 07:03:06
Though they might seem miles ahead we've only been 2 CBs and a ST away from winning every game against them. Every goal against us has been down to own incredible stupidity and failing to take clear chances. Can't wait for the rebuild. Amazing to think we can get did of a dozen players without any negative impact on team. Greegs is done sadly so 3 GKs can go. (Butland in will be upgrade) Morelos Kent empty shirts. Helander Roofe Davis Arfield Jack are all done now. I'd keep Hagi and Matondo but again if they left wouldn't affect team as hardly played. After that any transfers out are hardly irreplaceable. Get this season over and can get excited again.

1.) 01 May 2023
01 May 2023 08:37:17
Here's my thoughts on our squad and imo who should stay and who should go?
McGregor-to go
McLaughlin-to go
Mccrorie-to stay
Tav-to stay
Yilmaz-to stay
Lundstram-to stay
Helander-to go
Goldson-to stay
Hagi-to stay
Jack-to stay
Colak-to stay
Davis-to retire
Lawrence-to stay
Cantwell-to stay
Kent-to go
Souttar-to stay
Matondo-to go
Kamara-to go
Morelos-to go
Wright-to go
Ofoborh-to go
Roofe-to stay
Davies-to go
Sakala-to stay as squad player
Barisic-to go
Arfield-to stay as squad player
King-to stay
Raskin-to stay
Devine-to stay
Lowry-to stay
Tillman-to stay
What's all other bears opinions ?.

2.) 01 May 2023
01 May 2023 08:44:36
They're 13 points clear of us in the league, have won the league Cup, will win the SC, so ANOTHER treble, will get automatic entry into CL, which is guaranteed millions in the bank, and will invest those millions in new players. So, please tell me, in what Universe are we anywhere near "winning every game against them"?! You, along with a good few others on here, are deluded!

If you think we're just a few players away from " winning every game against them", then what happens if they invest their money in a few more players, who will most probably cost more than ours as they have more money, to take them to a different level?

All I'm hearing is us buying better players, but they'll buy too. If you think they'll just sit back and watch us buy players without acting on it, then I fear for you next season!

3.) 01 May 2023
01 May 2023 09:03:41
Sorry, coops, Jack needs to go! Roofe, who I believe is easily our most talented firward, will stay because nobody will buy him, but we won't get much out of him.
And sakala, well, he can pack his bags and get tae as he is absolutely honking!

4.) 01 May 2023
01 May 2023 09:07:35
I wouldn't be too far off your list. i'd keep Matondo though, or at least give him the next 5 games to let him have a run. He can actually go past a player and has looked a little more dangerous. Everyone knows there's a difference between fit and match sharp, he might surprise a few.

5.) 01 May 2023
01 May 2023 09:23:51
I take your point GmBear ?.

6.) 01 May 2023
01 May 2023 09:30:40
Roofe needs to go SWS he hasn’t kicked a ball and has no interest trying to keep himself on the park or playing g through any niggles in his time here at our club
Be more ruthless get rid

Big Ben said the same myself celtic will try recruit a stronger squad as Ange will want a better run in champs league on his CV
So they will undoubtedly strengthen and I asked before where they leaves us in the grand scheme of it all
We try strengthen they will strengthen so how long will we be watching and seeing the same outcomes
Unfortunately it doesn’t look like we can compete financially with them at this present t time?

7.) 01 May 2023
01 May 2023 09:33:52
Walter, I agree with most of your list, although there's some on your stay list that I'd like to go.

8.) 01 May 2023
01 May 2023 10:10:09
Roofe and Jack to stay coops? Is that to keep each other happy on the injury table?

9.) 01 May 2023
01 May 2023 10:20:01
Big Ben uve missed my point. I meant in each of the games against them since Beale it's came down to stupid mistakes and missing sitters. They haven't been miles better. Obviously they have been the better team over the course of the season and have far more money to spend but even with a team that needs rebuild we've been close.

10.) 01 May 2023
01 May 2023 10:36:09
Walter interesting list. Get rid off all Rangers Academy players who r eligible for A LIST in Europe

So we can only have 21 in squad mb 22 if mcccrore stays, I’m told not happening

That’s fine but we would need to replace wright with an eligible Scottish player.

That is advantage of paying Jack and Arfield 500k cheerleaders I assume you r one who would keep Souttar, I would.

11.) 01 May 2023
01 May 2023 10:43:46
Good post @bigben.

12.) 01 May 2023
01 May 2023 10:54:46
Forgot to put Kamara Wright and Oforboh among those who could leave without noticing. Clearout sounds bad but much needed and can money can be better used. I May seem deluded but they have done their rebuild and nobody would have thought that after 55. Why can't we. If we came close to matching them with a squad we don't want imagine what we can do as Beale gets players he wants and want to play for us.

13.) 01 May 2023
01 May 2023 11:36:32
Guys, of course they'll strengthen and, unlike us, they'll get decent money for Abada, O'Reilly, Hatate etc, if they were to sell. They've already improved by getting in the lad Johnson who is an upgrade on the wee Croatian guy they sold. We might get a couple of half decent players in but unless we're willing to pay millions on a new strike force, we won't be winning the league any time soon. Our defence and GK is dreadful but we're increasingly needing to score at least three goals to win a game and we can't do that without a potent strike force and midfielders scoring their fair share of goals. Sound bites about upgrades are not going to cut it. If we had £5m set aside for Tillman, then that would be better spent going towards a striker. Hopefully an imposing GK will settle the central defenders but, much as we need strengthened in defence, two strikers must be priority.

14.) 01 May 2023
01 May 2023 12:27:02
Big Ben

Correct they will invest but they already have a strong squad who are winning a treble. How many would you expect them to bring in? Who do they sell to make way? Is Angie bringing in players to tell others they are not Champions League class. Good way to dismantle moral. Celtic will not spend more than what they will make in champs league. That’s 3/ 4 players max who will displace members of a current successful squad. That’s a gamble.

We are different. Can we have a worst season than this year, maybe but it would be hard, we would have to go back to 2014/ 15 stuff. Even with no champs league football I would expect a reasonable Kitty. So I don’t get this they get stronger out of sight thinking.

15.) 01 May 2023
01 May 2023 13:12:25
In reply to the squad.

McGregor / Replace New No 1
Helander / Replace
The Polish boy do what you can.
McCorie and McLaughlin replace if required.

New No1, Tav, Devine, Yilmaz, BB, Soutar, Goldson, Davis, King, 1 Other, Maybe New No 2 Keeper (11)

Big investment in a new number 1.

Retire Davis and Keep Arfield and Jack on a re- negotiate contract
Lowery if practical becomes part of 22

If The club are confident that Lawrence will come back then Sell Kamara and Lundstrum. If not then sell Kamara. I wouldn’t buy Tillman unless selling Hagi. if that happened keep him in midfield for feck sake.

So Cantwell, Raskin, Arfield, Jack, Lawerence, Hagi/ Tillman, Lowery, 1 Other. (8)

Morales/ Replace
Kent / Replace
Wright Sell
Colak Sell

So Matando, Salaka, Lovelace, Roofe, 3 Others. Most of the investment should be here.

Squad of 22 with 4 youngsters making 26.

All about opinions folks.
