27 Jun 2023 08:08:36
Seems to be the new fad, searching untapped markets for players. That makes sense to me. Problem is, we are not. I am not impressed one iota with what is coming in. No winners with winners mentality. that's where we have been falling short for 5 years. We have players who accept runners ups as being an achievement. We need to get to these new markets and buy players that have won titles. Players whio are used to winning trophies becuase our lot has not. We have won 2 trophies in a generation. That is simply not good enough!

1.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 09:01:17
Good positive post cod. condemn the players before they've even kicked a ball for us. ?

And how do you know what markets we've been searching?

Ridiculous post.

2.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 09:24:55
Scouting the mls codliveroil and what a signing Cifuentes will be.

3.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 09:25:05
What players that are winning trophies could we realistically go for, please do tell.

4.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 10:03:44
My point is players whio have been winning leagues and cups in places like Finland, Belguim, Austria, Australia, Sweden, Denmark. These guys are in our price bracket. It maybe a centre hlaf, a right winger or a right back, my point is they have been winning stuff. We are buying players that the most they have won in life is the Grand National sweep or a few quid in a casino. It a mindset. We need lions, the kinda guys that crave silverware!

5.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 13:42:19
Sorry Jim are you saying we can't afford players who've won trophies in the country they play. So Belgium Norway Denmark are outwit our budget?

6.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 14:33:28
I just wanted some names as he obviously thinks they're better than the players we're linked with.
Todd Cantwell won nothing so should we not have signed him, same for our other signings.
It seems a bit of a daft point if he's not going to name the players.

7.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 15:40:09
Urho Nissilä 26 years old, there is a name. Plays with KUPS un Finland. Played 10 games, scored 2 goals. Valued at 400k. Won a league and a national cup last season. Maybe I should apply for the DOF job. I plucked that up in 2 minutes.

8.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 15:42:56
Bojan Radulovic, there is another name. Top scorer in Finland, 23 years old. Won a bag of trophies and is valued at 300k.

9.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 17:31:17
Thanks, I'm sure if MB thought they were worth bidding on then we would. I'll stick with his judgement for now. Imo he got it right with both cantwell and raskin, not from winning teams.
Here's hoping he continues getting that standard and above.