29 Jul 2023 16:41:13
we so need a dominant centre back in the Gough etc mold --otherwise I have deep concerns for our european journey as today a more clinical team would have put us to the word - kudos for the comeback though . and danilo should have started. why he didn't only tinkerbell knows.

1.) 29 Jul 2023
29 Jul 2023 17:05:30
Johnny Evans that's is the man.

2.) 29 Jul 2023
29 Jul 2023 17:08:03
Katic would’ve been good.
Porteous also.
We should have fixed this defence first and foremost and if Davies does t want to move I’d tell him he’s not playing with any team and can train on his own if that’s what’s holding us up.

3.) 29 Jul 2023
29 Jul 2023 18:30:25
Katic?! Really?! How?

For anyone on here still going on about Porteous, you do know he'd rather eat his own sh*#e than play for us, don't you?

FS, If you're going to suggest CD's, at least make them decent, or ones who would actually sign for us.

JE is a really good shout, Beale!

4.) 29 Jul 2023
29 Jul 2023 18:47:39
Stevie, good lord u want to replace our defensive guys with a poorer ch, some forget how bad he was, oh wait a minute he scored against them.

5.) 29 Jul 2023
29 Jul 2023 19:58:14
BB are you 10 years old. Your petulant bordering on abusive responses to other posters doesn't encourage anyone to say what they think. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and doesn't need to be put down on every occasion.

6.) 29 Jul 2023
29 Jul 2023 19:02:38
Johnny evans a great shout Big Ben but he was on £100k a week or sumfin at Leicester and is currently playing for his first club Man Utd, basically on trial. So chances are he’s not coming mate ??
Katic is exactly type of centre half we need his style is exactly what we are lacking. He’s went away and matured and if u seen his performance against arsenal last season in Europa u would agree he’s a very good centre half. Craig Moore wasn’t so great at a similar age to when we let Katic go. Look how he turned out. Defenders get better with age and games and experience.
As for porteous? What about Celtic or rangers players who supported opposite teams and went into have stellar careers at the other side? There’s plenty of them.
So I’m sure for the right wage and a crack at Europe and trophies he could’ve been persuaded. And I’m sure he wouldn’t want to eat his own shi* for anything Ben lol
U tell me Ben who is the type of attainable player we should go and get then mate.

7.) 29 Jul 2023
29 Jul 2023 19:27:11
Spot on Ben … but can we give Conner and soapy a wee shot before shooting all the defenders we have.

8.) 29 Jul 2023
29 Jul 2023 20:39:34
Ridiculous statement stevie about davies. Banish a player because he doesn't want to leave after 1 season. Wow, honestly.

9.) 29 Jul 2023
29 Jul 2023 21:34:19
I fully agree, Mols! C Goldson and J Souttar should be, and will be, our CD pairing, and they will be solid!

Sorry, 56, too harsh for you? Awww, wee soul!

10.) 29 Jul 2023
29 Jul 2023 22:17:55
My thinking on that matter orange is he’s clearly not going to cut it at rangers. So he needs to move on. He’s holding us up from getting other players in mate.
I’d make it clear he’s not part of the plans and if he’s not willing to move he will just be an unhappy player.
Make it clear to any player who isn’t part of the plans and refuses good offers to move elsewhere and play that they’re not in the plans and so no point training with the players who are.
I bet very quickly he:they would change their stance on not moving.

I do get your point it’s a bit harsh but there’s no time for sentiment here mate.

11.) 29 Jul 2023
29 Jul 2023 22:22:25
John, I’d say Katic is a better option than Davies king lundstrum n balogun. Not Conor or Souttar (I think) but it’s a shout as from the arsenal games I thought he was outstanding and best player on the park in one of the games.
If not him fair enough but that’s the type we need at the back alongside the tidy Goldson or Souttar type. One of each always works better for me instead of two of the same which Goldson and Souttar are and I think trusty n panzo are similar aswell. We don’t have any no nonsense players.