14 Sep 2014 07:36:54
What's all the fuss surrounding Fraser Airds comments on twitter, I thought we lived in a democracy where freedom of speech was a given, did millions sacrifice there lives in two world wars for such a privilege only to be told by the looney politically correct party which molly coddles the UK That is not the case, from what I read in the boys tweet there was nothing racist or malicious just home truths he may even have been counting himself in the immigrant comment, there have been players at other clubs with views and affiliations to far more sinister things that pick hardly any media coverage. Give the boy a break.

1.) 14 Sep 2014
Probably something to do with the colour of jersey he wears, how's that for democracy?

2.) 14 Sep 2014
Absolutely Soton Bear. A lot of easily offended people desperate to get involved in PC witch hunts nowadays.

3.) 16 Sep 2014
Cromjo. surprised you can walk with that chip on your shoulder, grow up. Not everything in this world is decreed by the team you support, your religion, colour of your skin. jeez, dark ages or what.