17 Apr 2015 07:36:03
The SFA muppet Regan has issued a statement casting doubt over whether King will be cleared to be Rangers' chairman. Here we go again, the SFA preparing to kick us in the teeth. Having said that, I'm sure that King will have made provisions to be 'in control' of Rangers whether or not he is chairman and as he's been cleared to be a director via the courts, surely the SFA can't stop him sitting on the board? The board must start taking action now:
1. Inject much-need funds. What about the 3 Bears' £6.5m they said they were prepared to invest? Also, King mentioned up to £30m at one time - where is it?
2. Pay of fat-cat Ashley and get him off our backs for good.
3. Start discussing new player targets for next season.
4. If McCall gets us up to the SPL, then I think he should be given the managers' job on a permanent basis.
5. Ditch the deadwood, sign two or three marque players and give the kids their chance!

The board also needs to keep fans informed on all ongoing issues and get the business listed on the ISDX exchange.

1.) 17 Apr 2015
17 Apr 2015 09:28:50
Dear god, we've already been asked to be patient, this doesn't happen overnight. DK AND THE REST OF THE BOARD WILL GET IT RIGHT, let them get on with there job and support the team and trust the rest

2.) 17 Apr 2015
17 Apr 2015 10:20:21
what makes u think these things are not in hand they will be clearing up debris from last encumbents for ever and a day we must walk before we can run

3.) 17 Apr 2015
17 Apr 2015 10:28:15
DOIGER, I would have thought the first thing the 3 Bears and King would have done was too stand at the front door of Ibrox with the Title Deeds in their hands to put everyone at rest. I think that King will be passed and then youz will have to get a shift on if you are promoted as youz are not equipped yet for the SPFL. The worrying thing is that with Cashley and the "DEEDS" there will be so much red tape and disclosures for keeping things silent, it could be years before you get any proper information about who owns what. Divina should get the Job though,Hail Hail

4.) 17 Apr 2015
17 Apr 2015 10:34:28
Agree DOIGER,but any signings we make will be two-man tent material rather than marquee lol.

5.) 17 Apr 2015
17 Apr 2015 11:08:40
Nice on gkk!

6.) 17 Apr 2015
17 Apr 2015 12:55:56
Previously the boards if we can call them that rushed in and made some ridiculous and mind blowing descions . Now we have a board that are taking due diligence in going through the details of certain transactions that were basically set up by scallywags, very business minded ones at that . They did things that served their needs and not the clubs. Now all your moaners if you new how business was run there are legal issues that must be investigated and these issues must remain at the moment under wraps. Please bide the time and all will be revealed.

7.) 17 Apr 2015
17 Apr 2015 13:45:59
Nobody is paying off Ashley - not unless someone has a spare £25m rattling about in their pocket.