11 May 2024 06:41:03
Would love him to be adventurous and try something a little different today. A 3 5 2 with Lunny sweeping up any danger at the back and Tav as the RWB and either Ridvan / Yfeko as the other

With Sterling central and Roofe and Dessers up front

Would need a disciplined performance and to have been worked on but it could just out fox them.

1.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 08:55:52
Roofe ain’t match fit hardly played a game
All season.

2.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 07:52:44
I would love to try something adventurous too, and actually try to win. That's all I'm interested in!

3.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 07:56:15
Honestly, I'd try a 4-3-2-1 formation, normal defence, dio + sterling and lunny in midfield, Cantwell and Lawrence attacking with dessers up top, tav and ridvan running the wings.

We could have lunny and Sterling falling back to defend and dio being the box to box midfielder. Cantwell and Lawrence are in there for obvious reasons and dessers just in case he can get lucky.

4.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 09:07:27
I don't think we have a 3 at the back that are quick enough, mobile enough, smart enough or hard enough to play that system, but I like the system.

5.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 09:13:52
SDR you have something there, I don't think BB will start and there just maybe something PC is planning, The players have all been gagged this last week and everything coming through PC, DS could move around and have a pivotal role.

6.) 11 May 2024
11 may 2024 09:38:46
absolutely correct rtr

whatever team goes out must go out with a win at all costs attitude

nothing less will be good enough, systems, patterns etc matter not a jot without the correct attitude

thats all we ask.