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Rfc_55's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Rfc_55's rumours posts


14 Jun 2024 16:58:21
So any news on who we are actually going for? I'm sure someone mentioned we had a few.


1.) 14 Jun 2024 17:05:31
We don’t know, no one knows anything as much as they claim to do.

2.) 14 Jun 2024 17:14:14
RFC the ones I have written in past. I believe we r interested in

Kabadayi name has came to the fore, let’s wait and see. How many times we hear a. Player supposedly going to Turkey

I’m told we have no interest in adijeu, as we knew his price was over 7 million.

3.) 14 Jun 2024 19:50:19
Barron is done barring any last minute hickups which I doubt.

4.) 14 Jun 2024 19:50:52
Appreciate the info John, you know if we are close with any?

5.) 14 Jun 2024 20:53:14
RFC the first three on my list, although mafokeng should be signed when South Africa’s games are over.

6.) 14 Jun 2024 21:00:15
Yeah appreciate it also John227 because I was starting to wonder who really was a target ?. I hope there is a couple more with real quality on top of that. Another Midfielder and CB but then I don’t know if we have enough money for what I’d like. I like the players on John227 list Barron is the no brainier but the little I’ve seen of Galdames of Rrahmani I’ve seen something our squad doesn’t currently have. Although I was a little worried that if Galdames has a good Copa America we will have maybe a bit of competition.

Then again I don’t really know much about how transfers work, I just see players I like and talk rubbish about them. Anyway only first day of the window- I just want the majority of the new players are in for the CL qualifiers. Heres hoping.

7.) 14 Jun 2024 21:07:24
Really hope Rrhamni happens. I think we will get a few surprise names out of no where like Diomande.

8.) 14 Jun 2024 21:20:48
South Africa played their last game 3 days ago.

9.) 14 Jun 2024 21:48:49
A few of those names excite me but hope we are interested in more than that.

10.) 14 Jun 2024 21:50:07
These are all the names that have been in the press for weeks, there's no new info.

11.) 14 Jun 2024 22:02:06
Good Scott, International transfers and transfer registration open 1/ 7.



08 Jun 2024 14:41:23
Kelly signed a contract extension with Motherwell, take it he ain't coming?


1.) 08 Jun 2024 15:33:13
Don’t think he has mate, where you seeing that?

2.) 08 Jun 2024 15:36:31
Kelly is still available for nothing, but he's signed on again with the Steelmen for a few weeks to ensure they are paid the six-figure UEFA compensation for having players at a tournament.

3.) 08 Jun 2024 15:36:56
That was just a cut and paste job from an article.

4.) 08 Jun 2024 15:38:43
He signed an extension until after the euros, So Motherwell get money from UEFA for his participation in the euros.

5.) 08 Jun 2024 15:39:30
He is still leaving in summer he has signed a short term contract so mwell get money for him being at euros allegedly 6 figure sum.

6.) 08 Jun 2024 15:42:57
He’s only signed a contract that will take him to the end of the Euros (probably end of June or something) . It’s so Motherwell will receive a payment for having a ‘player’ participating at the tournament. He’ll still be leaving after that so probably a deal arranged to allow that to happen.

7.) 08 Jun 2024 16:03:40
Really hoping were nit signi g him anyway.

8.) 08 Jun 2024 16:56:06
He is decent but Robbie is a good enough number 2 should promote a youth goalie to number 3gk.

9.) 08 Jun 2024 17:39:13
Mccrorie wants to leave what bit of that can't anyone seem to understand.

10.) 08 Jun 2024 17:40:55
We're the Rangers board smart enough to get Ryan Jack to sign short term to get the EUROS money? . I suspect not.

11.) 08 Jun 2024 18:23:13
Which youth goalie u promoting to no3.

If Kelly has done this, we should simply walk away.

12.) 08 Jun 2024 19:00:10
Teds. Ryan Jack's wages for 4 weeks would probably be close to what we'd get for him going to the Euros. Liam Kelly will be on pennies.

13.) 08 Jun 2024 19:12:22
Good point John, if infact if Kelly has a deal in place with Rangers, he should have signed it, its not as if Rangers don't need the money.

14.) 08 Jun 2024 19:13:15
Why would we walk away, the boys doing his old team a turn by signing a short term deal to the end of the Euros on buttons so that Motherwell get the 140k (ish) payment from Uefa. If anything it shows the sort of guy he is.

15.) 08 Jun 2024 19:21:18
Kelly has signed a contract for a few weeks so motherwell get compensation from uefa. This doesn't affect anything. Kelly will sign after the euros.

16.) 08 Jun 2024 19:41:51
Copland if he signed for us when window opens we get the money,

So he’s more interested in helping his old club, not the one that’s giving him a big pay deal next three years.

Mb Kelly should get Motherwell to use the money to resign him.

17.) 08 Jun 2024 21:31:04
He's not out of contract till half way during the euros so don't think we'd get much anyway. Let him focus on tourney then join. Makes pretty pretty good good sense to me.

18.) 08 Jun 2024 21:53:23
Would not be suprised if Kelly had been given a golden goodbye on the back of this. Not sure whow I feel about it tbh not having all the facts. If Rangers are in the loop, fine if not then not sure.

19.) 08 Jun 2024 21:57:34
Tbh I think there's integrity in what Kelly has done for the benefit of his current employer and their present financial plight. I see no shame in that.
I watch him a fair bit and IMHO whilst I applaud his integrity, I doubt his ability! He has a mistake in him, every 5th or 6th match and I would steer clear.

20.) 09 Jun 2024 00:17:20
Rangers need Kelly because he is Scottish and homegrown. Rangers are going to need him for the European squads, especially since McCrorie is leaving. Kelly is also a cheap and can be a capable number 2 for the next 4 years or more.

Kelly represents excellent value, and he meets criteria that is very hard to find elsewhere. Rangers need Scottish players and academy graduates for the Euro squads - We all know this.

Jack has left, and McCrorie wants to leave. So who hare the current Scots we will have for next season? McAusland, Souttar, Wright, then you’re dipping into B team players. I don’t even think guys like King and Lowry will be here next season. They need to be playing football, they need loans.

Rangers are in a position right now whereby they really need to buy a few Scots for the European squads.

21.) 09 Jun 2024 11:32:54
Totally agree John.



01 Jun 2024 13:49:21
Any new links or updates on incomings/ outgoings?


1.) 01 Jun 2024 14:39:25
Someone posted last night barron to come in.

2.) 01 Jun 2024 15:23:20
Although I agree there needs to be a clear out, unfortunately with the amount of numbers coming the other way it worries me a tad, as they will need time to hell and acclimatise to there new club, last thing we need is a slow start next season, but ultimately this has to be the way forward as we have gone stale, in pc we trust ??.

3.) 01 Jun 2024 15:35:41
I would love/ hope we sign the young aberdeen midfielder connor barron ? From what i've seen of him i can see why there's comparisons to him and ryan jack with his style ?Like many have already stated, barron could be our longterm replacement for the now departed ryan jack ? here's hoping ?.

4.) 01 Jun 2024 15:50:33
If we had a decent enough budget I would bring in 5 spl players
Kelly gk motherwell free
Barron cm Aberdeen 400k
Watson cm killie 2-3m
Miller cm motherwell 2-3m
Miovski St Aberdeen 4-5m
I think these 5 would give us a solid 4 homegrown players and a proven spl striker that will score goals. More importantly 4 have huge potential to grow and make us good money.

5.) 01 Jun 2024 16:32:40
I really don't see Motherwell letting go of miller for they numbers, if that was the case we should buy him and keep Jim at Motherwell for another year atleast to get games in but I don't think we will have the luxury at this moment to spend millions on a player to loan him back out.

6.) 01 Jun 2024 16:33:13
Not a bad shout bellshill.

7.) 01 Jun 2024 16:33:58
I think Aberdeen could get near double that for Miovski.

8.) 01 Jun 2024 16:35:30
Could do with an experienced centre mid,
Anyone got any ideas?

9.) 01 Jun 2024 16:41:28
heard ryan jacks on a free CO2 could do a job in our midfield ???.

10.) 01 Jun 2024 16:43:22
Bellshill i'd take all of them too mate. Be interested to hear how much we value cantwell. The £5m quoted for lammers seems good. Any money we get for dowell, lawerence, matondo and the likes could give us a pretty penny. I would also sell butland in a heartbeat if the prices quoted in here are close. I feel goalkeeper is probably easier to fill with there not being too much difference in class. Butland is an incredible goalie but he's no shagger or goram plus we could make a good return on him. Tav i'd would keep but by all accounts is off along with goldson who i won't miss too much but he is a ger and ill always like him for his service. If tav and goldson go to Saudi and we get good cash plus shift cantwell i'd sign all those players but i'd break the bank for one and that is lewis ferguson. He will be out for a wee while with his injury and i would table a £15-20m bid. We want the league we want to do well in europe this is what we need and in the past would have brought him. let's do it as we need a statement signing and that boy would bring us success and is young enough to return a profit. I will defend this team all the time but if we are having a clear out and rebuild, no half measures and no losers please. WATP ????.

11.) 01 Jun 2024 16:49:06
Is barron injured all the time as well sir walter to replace jack? ?.

12.) 01 Jun 2024 16:54:26
I will be astounded if i don't see a poll regarding Ryan Jack within next 24 hours.

13.) 01 Jun 2024 16:55:34
How much would Billy gilmour cost?
And do does anyone think he could do a job in midfield area?

14.) 01 Jun 2024 17:05:51
I would use McCrorie and Adam Devine as makeweights for Lennon Miller deal. Also offer Motherwell loan options from Rice, King, Lovelace and Lowry. Pry him away for 1.5m.

15.) 01 Jun 2024 17:18:58
Bel blue Gilmour would do a job but we would not be able to afford him.

Livi I would never buy a player recovering from his injury, what if he does not come back from it, also if he gets fit he is destined for much better than us

Also where r Rangers getting 15 - 20 for Ferguson, than add in say four years salary

Cantwell would have been sold if we were not in Europe for less than three million in January, we owe Norwich a hefty % on profit we make.

16.) 01 Jun 2024 17:35:48
Belblue gilmour would not want to leave epl football in his prime to come to spfl.

17.) 01 Jun 2024 18:07:59
Start yourself being astounded Paul86 ? Watch not fall now ?.

18.) 01 Jun 2024 18:25:53
Just need to get a mannequin to replace Ryan Jack for all we have seen him the last 2 years.

19.) 01 Jun 2024 18:31:16
Table a 15-20 million bid for Ferguson ? You ain’t playing football manager mate where we getting that money from? Am blaming the sun.

20.) 01 Jun 2024 18:42:27
White shark, I’m guessing that’s why we are getting transfers done early give them more time to train with each other if anything the new players might give us the kickstart we need ?.

21.) 01 Jun 2024 18:52:16
Ultimately, I don't think Cantwell has that quality needed, but he's someone with better around him could get better but as a no. 10 needing to make it happen, I don't think so.

22.) 01 Jun 2024 20:32:28
So you wouldn't buy cortes then John.

23.) 01 Jun 2024 20:48:20
Todd ler tantrums from Cantwell in a head full of mince.

24.) 01 Jun 2024 21:57:35
Orangeim not buying a player who has just been injured, not walking yet, 15 million cmon

We need to stop having opinions on here, should just close the site.

25.) 01 Jun 2024 22:24:20
Spot on John27, boy may not come back the same, if we had the cash for him, which we don't, it would be lunacy to table a bid before he's fully recovered and playing regular at the same level.

26.) 02 Jun 2024 01:32:31
Nah I never said I would buy ferguson for 15million or at all. I was questioning whether you would buy xortes because you wouldn't buy a recently injured player. No offence either john but any time someone has something conflicting to you, you say stuff like close the site down etc.



31 Jan 2024 19:24:06
John, cf5 or anyone have any good info on other players we are going for? Not seeing much in the way of a striker anymore.


1.) 31 Jan 2024 20:19:33
Has the Colombian signed If he signs I don’t see anyone else coming in.

2.) 31 Jan 2024 21:00:15
Need another striker, so hopefully we bring someone in permanently or on loan before 11.30pm tomorrow.

3.) 31 Jan 2024 21:26:31
I agree storm seem to be dragging it out to last day kinda dissapointed not getting striker Danilo sima roofe all not available.

4.) 31 Jan 2024 22:14:52
Think a cf will be signed.

5.) 31 Jan 2024 22:27:39
Hope so that kennedy you mentioned looks decent.



24 Jan 2024 05:37:41
John what new info you have about possible signings?


1.) 24 Jan 2024 06:36:31
Never heard anything for a good few days now from CoplandFront5 ? He's also got very good info and names.

2.) 24 Jan 2024 07:36:03
Think we need to bide our time and wait n see if we have any nice surprises, at this rate we'll all end up doolally ??.

3.) 24 Jan 2024 07:39:07
I'm getting so bad with names on here that's why I only mentioned John as he was hinting at something the other day pmsl.

4.) 24 Jan 2024 08:16:53
The deal for Diomande is done. Just waiting for his arrival to Glasgow for the formalities to be completed then the social media team can do their thing before it’s announced.

5.) 24 Jan 2024 10:34:33
RFC two three things in the pipeline.

6.) 24 Jan 2024 11:39:22
It’s that including diomade (pardon spelling) or plus him?

7.) 24 Jan 2024 11:42:31
John is it smal manhoef and a striker.

8.) 24 Jan 2024 12:29:02
Just give one word answers John it drives everyone crazy like the other day lol.

9.) 24 Jan 2024 13:28:08
Club have denied interest in Smal. LB isn’t a priority at the moment. Diomande and 2 others max. Striker and a winger although not sure how big a priority a winger really is now. Silva can slot into simas role. Diomande, cantwell, Matondo, Lawrence, wright, Macausland can all play wide positions as well. Imaging Diomande slots into midfield with Raskin and lunny. I’d be looking for a solid CB to be honest and a goal scorer. Who would have thought when balogun was brought back he would be first choice lol definitely an area that needs improving.

10.) 24 Jan 2024 13:44:48
Monty I'd agree. Next 2 signings need to be a dominant CB and a CF.

11.) 24 Jan 2024 13:47:06
There is a reason people can't give names cause know a days we only find out at the last second the way it should be. but I agree 2 or 3 is what the manager has hinted at.

12.) 24 Jan 2024 13:49:50
Imo it doesn't matter who 'can' play on the wing. We need a winger who is a natural there and make the position his own. Weve done this for years and its time to fix it. Wright matondo will never cut it for me not when you want to win leagues.

13.) 24 Jan 2024 14:30:19
I’m disappointed that Rangers denied interest in Smal, thought he would have made our team better and if we had have got him with diomande coming in, then importantly a RW and a goalscorer- it would have been a bit of a team makeover. I’d get rid of Ridvan in a heartbeat for Smal.

Ridvan has been here over a year and is only starting to show some good signs, but his final ball is terrible and Smal’s isn’t. Maybe it isn’t a coincidence that he’s started to improve around the transfer window, too wee injury prone and horrendous final ball and shot. Please get Smal.

14.) 24 Jan 2024 14:38:47
Cantwell not a winger Lawrence not a winger.
Matondo has been poor. Wright can’t believe he is still at rangers and the new guys best position ain’t winger. Just because people can’t play that position doesn’t mean we don’t need a winger we have been crying out for proper wingers for years.

15.) 24 Jan 2024 14:57:11
Being able to play on the wing and being good on the wing is two entirely different things. We need a winger no question.

16.) 24 Jan 2024 15:09:52
No one knows who's signing or not, Clement, Koppen and the football board have kept everything very quiet, Diomande news came from the Danish side, we have been linked with dozens of players so far this window and Diomande wasnt on anyone's radar. Be an interesting week.

17.) 24 Jan 2024 15:09:54
John 27 . Your word is enough.

18.) 24 Jan 2024 15:28:14
I get what your saying dado/ storm but we can’t make wholesale changes this window. We can’t sign a striker, midfielder, winger and a centre back. We have already brought in silva. Diomande is imminent. I’d say 1 or 2 at a push coming in. If Goldson were to get injured we are weak at cb. We only have him Davies souttar registered for Europe. Davies never fit. Why I’d take a cb. Silva Diomande and 1 other will be the 3 changes to euro squad.

19.) 24 Jan 2024 15:44:45
Do folk just expect players to sign but be told sorry you’re not part of European squad. Let’s face it that’s the pull for majority who sign. This will be having an impact on sales/ signings. We can’t leave ourselves short or sign to many and risk making some unhappy before they kick a ball.

20.) 24 Jan 2024 15:53:23
We don't need any defenders or midfielders till the summer, unless we are moving any on.
We need attackers and we need two this window.

21.) 24 Jan 2024 16:03:44
Club are very much interested in Smal, but it won't be in this window.

22.) 24 Jan 2024 16:53:43
If the managers not telling us who's coming or going then John sure as hell disnae know.

23.) 24 Jan 2024 17:26:27
We need a winger and a striker we have the best defence in the league at this moment of time. I don’t really care about Europe the league is far more important and the riches it brings with the new format for the champs league.

24.) 24 Jan 2024 18:28:22
Sure same thing was said that there were more signings to come after Cantwell and raskin truth is nobody knows for sure as it’s a very tricky window.

25.) 24 Jan 2024 18:29:48
If we do sign another forward I hope it’s at least a guy with a good scoring record

Think it’s laughable we sign injury prone players and guys with not great scoring records then wonder why we have all these injuries and forwards that don’t score ?.

26.) 24 Jan 2024 18:37:29
Defraz, u may well be correct.

27.) 24 Jan 2024 19:43:58
Cheers everyone for the input, much appreciated.

28.) 24 Jan 2024 19:45:08
Storm why do we struggle to get fringe players off the books? Are we paying too high a wage clubs struggle to match.

29.) 24 Jan 2024 22:00:16
That’s exactly the reason Walter,
The other Scottish teams can’t afford to offer contracts and the lesser English team as aren’t interested.
Look at Scott wright, refused to go to turkey.
Happened with a few over the years, look at Scott Allan at Celtic he chose to run down a 5 year contract ahead of go have a decent career.
Likely knew his athsma would come up at Medicaid and he’d find it hard to get a decent contract again:

30.) 24 Jan 2024 22:30:15
Gofor Clement has said that and he doesn't give much away, so more signings.

31.) 24 Jan 2024 23:23:20
Other than diomande, if there were 2 more to come in hypothetically, I'd prefer a striker and winger. As much as I'm not 100% convinced on any of our options to partner Goldson at CB, we can get away with what we have for the spfl this year which is most important. Too many of our attacks break down with poor decision making or poor delivery in the final third. We have to prioritise and that's where we're needing better options.

32.) 25 Jan 2024 00:29:38
Fingers crossed my star

Good to see yilmaz doing it again ??

Hopefully keep a few off his back for a while think people forget this is just a young lad and not barisic type at the end of career with all that experience.

33.) 25 Jan 2024 00:50:21
Who do the regs on here think is coming to the club?

No one on here seems to know.

we have 2 done, 3 more i reckon.

I'm going with Manhoef and Batshuayi,

34.) 25 Jan 2024 02:33:09
Hardly hearing anything it gets a bit frustrating, but it's definitely the best way lh.

35.) 25 Jan 2024 06:14:01
Love it when they surprise us with a signing nobody leaked.

36.) 25 Jan 2024 10:21:47
I know I'm right John he LITERALLY says it at every press conference that he'll only discuss players IN the building so he's not telling somebody on a rumours site who and how many players we are signing Or that persons "mate" who gets the rolls at Auchenhowie.

37.) 25 Jan 2024 11:47:41
Defraz why shout, do u know who’s staying in Glasgow tonight, that’s how info gets out

Why rangers do less medicals in Glasgow. Why agents talk etc.




Rfc_55's banter posts with other poster's replies to Rfc_55's banter posts


02 Jun 2024 17:27:00
Seems like all the transfer news has gone quiet, all i'm seeing is who people want us to sign. can't wait to see who comes in!


1.) 02 Jun 2024 19:09:19
Maybe things are quiet, maybe people in the know don’t want to reveal in case the deal falls through and they get a barrage of the usual snide comments.

2.) 02 Jun 2024 19:33:55
RFC window does not open to 14/ 6. So we will see a wee lull imo.

Bgate makes a very good point, I felt ast week when Rangers dumped cordoba it was posters on here at fault.

3.) 02 Jun 2024 20:30:09
The players were going to bring in are going to be unknowns. So there’s not a lot of people in the know about them to report it.
Fine are the days we sign players we all know something about.

I’ve a feeling it will all be hush hush.

4.) 02 Jun 2024 20:42:35
Yeah your probably right bgate, hate how this page has gotten. I actually enjoy when people come on with rumours real or fake. and it pisses me off when others just take the piss. John sometimes you get it right, sometimes you get it wrong, things can alway change even if they seem certain!

5.) 02 Jun 2024 21:18:37
Have a look on discussion page JBL has posted a fair few rumours, worth a look.

6.) 02 Jun 2024 21:44:05
Your bang on Stevie, we won’t know until we see them play.
I do hope we try and sign two or three Scottish guys or players that know the league, also would love to see one or two young players make the step up.
I think it’s important we have a balance.

Don’t know what made me think about it and not trying to be negative but I hope it’s not a Le-Guen re run, where we bring in a number of young players that done ok overseas but don’t settle here, Think Papac was the only one of about seven or eight that turned out a good signing.
Positive thoughts that we can get some good yins through the door.

7.) 02 Jun 2024 21:52:18
It’s the responses that are poor Rfc, and it happens a lot with any posts, calling fellow fans clueless or trying to get digs in when someone disagrees.
Shame I’m like you it was better, but post less think that’s the only answer.

8.) 02 Jun 2024 23:22:33
True blue I’d love us to get Gordon rather than Kelly as back up but if it’s Kelly fine.

Also think max Johnston would be decent as back uk at rb.
Barron amd Lennon miller also from our league both improves our squad and 11 from last season.
Shankland would be good back up to a top striker.

There’s talent in our league it’s whether PC think so.

9.) 03 Jun 2024 21:34:21
Max Johnston another young Scottish player who is having success with Sturm Graz.



16 May 2024 09:23:05
Right so now that that's over with, who would we all like to see brought in this summer? (being realistic) big improvements needed to stop them catching us on league titles! Also what rumours or names have people got?


1.) 16 May 2024 09:39:37
As much as who is brought in is vitally important, who goes is even more so.

It's time for Tav, Goldson and Co. to leave and for us to be refreshed and upgraded. We need a new direction and style of play and I hope to see huge changes but not just in personnel but in playing style.

We need to be more game savvy and have a plan A, B, C and sometimes D.

Does this manager have that in him? I really do hope so.

2.) 16 May 2024 11:04:56
Christenson (spelling off/ Scandinavian CB)
Lennon Miller
A really good CM that can control a game.

3.) 16 May 2024 11:08:45
Smarter recruitment, recognising that spending millions is no guarantee for success (beales recruits are a prime example) . Getting folk in who'll run through brick walls for the club, people with fight and grit. Pace and technical ability is key, we need creativity and fast players to enable quicker movement and transitions. i think based on his recruitment so far, clement knows what we need so i'm excited about the summer.

4.) 16 May 2024 12:45:17
RFC it’s not who we bring in at this stage, it’s who we move on, serial losers, players getting millions to sit in medical room.

Out have to be roofe lundstrum Jack Barisic, possibly Balogun possibly McLaughlin

Silva will go,

Then we need to grasp the nettle move Davies tav hagi Goldson lammmers

Find out if yilmaz wants to be here, do we keep cantwell or take couple of million, I’d keep

Then what off mcrorie, yefeko Lovelace stevens Lowry ishaka rice all reputed to want out

That leaves us a team capable of challenging top six

We mb left butland Souttar diomande Danilo dessers Raskin Sterling mcausland

Add Devine lyall king McKinnon Fraser.

There r plenty names floated, at least three agreed.

But till everything confirmed we do not know what positions we need to bring in for

RFC one thing is sure, we will be caught. But to focus on that means we will continue to fall behind.

Sometimes you need to be knocked down hard to get back up stronger.

Remember in our histOry we have won 55 therefore lost nearly 100.

5.) 16 May 2024 12:45:38
Blue89 am afraid with them signings were still 2nd.

6.) 16 May 2024 14:20:24
Paul, what signings do you want like? We ain’t got loads of money.

7.) 16 May 2024 15:12:38
Well said John27 ???????????.



26 Jan 2024 11:32:32
do who do we think will be next in the door?


1.) 26 Jan 2024 15:39:05
Jefte (Brazilian left back) by the sound of it.

2.) 26 Jan 2024 16:35:17
Alonso looks nailed on especially if he can win the title with Leverkusen, BTW SG who was thought to be a fav to succeed JK isn't even quoted as a contender with some bookies what a fall he's had since walking out on us.



25 Nov 2023 09:51:09
Any word on Dof?


1.) 25 Nov 2023 11:22:49
Hearing Sam Jewell is very much in the frame, couple of others but he's the man I'm hearing most about, be done in the next couple of weeks.



03 Oct 2023 23:59:24
So what's the script with lampard? If the board hire him I recon there will be a bigger uproar than beale staying on after the celtic game.


1.) 04 Oct 2023 08:21:33
I don’t think he would get the job anyway. Rangers need a proper coach if they are to stand any chance of saving this season. Lampard is a billboard name, but not a proper coach.

2.) 04 Oct 2023 08:30:21
NO, NO, NO, not ever.




Rfc_55's rumour replies


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14 Jun 2024 19:50:52
Appreciate the info John, you know if we are close with any?




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11 Jun 2024 13:58:17
No way is Rrahmani 850k? Are you thinking of someone else? Maybe that german winger?




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09 Jun 2024 12:48:23
Seen that but it was on ibrox noise which I'd usually rubbish, fingers crossed tho.




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03 Jun 2024 14:22:04
We have an obligation to buy dio for around 4.5million.




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02 Jun 2024 06:33:03
From what I remember he has made about 90 appearances for us.





Rfc_55's banter replies


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05 Jun 2024 16:30:12
Not the first time man, no wonder we have an influx of new people on here.




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02 Jun 2024 20:42:35
Yeah your probably right bgate, hate how this page has gotten. I actually enjoy when people come on with rumours real or fake. and it pisses me off when others just take the piss. John sometimes you get it right, sometimes you get it wrong, things can alway change even if they seem certain!




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17 May 2024 15:00:12
Rtr, he is meaning the Celtic fans?




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16 May 2024 16:42:52
It's Beale's fault for the players he brought in, it's the players' fault if they don't have the balls to fight for the team.




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11 May 2024 07:56:15
Honestly, I'd try a 4-3-2-1 formation, normal defence, dio + sterling and lunny in midfield, Cantwell and Lawrence attacking with dessers up top, tav and ridvan running the wings.

We could have lunny and Sterling falling back to defend and dio being the box to box midfielder. Cantwell and Lawrence are in there for obvious reasons and dessers just in case he can get lucky.




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