11 May 2024 21:11:51
Reading the comments some for the manager to get his budget and try rebuild

can the club afford for him to fail?
Does the board think he's the right man now?
Oh he has inherited a bad team true so did Mcinnes at Kilmarnock yet still managed to beat Celtic 2-1 with players of less calibre than our own etc

we have become a support that is too eager to look for an excuse than to say how it is

I'd take Mcinnes right now and try build a team to re take the league from Celtic I'm of the opinion the foreign managers just don't get it at our club and we have not been as fortunate as Celtic when picking our managers from other shores

I don't think we will see anything different next season under clement unfortunately and think it could possibly be another 20 odd million depending what he gets down the drain
And we will still be clutching at excuses

Why can't we just re build a good solid Rangers team who can dominate the league and worry about Europe later
Or is it the board want European money and happy with being second
Right now it looks the latter

Anyone see Rodger's face at end of the game?
Think we will continue to see that face for a while.

1.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 22:52:53
That McInnes boat has sailed Stig,
And let’s get rid of a manager having one window and inheriting Beales dross.

2.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 22:58:38
I think this board needs to be brave and find some way to replace at least 10players minimum looking at squad might be closer to 15 but would settle for ten


Should 100% be shown exit

Further players possible exit


Tav if decent fee
Cantwell if fee
Dessers if money back
Yilmaz still a? Mark over injuries

Felt we were short squad depth coming out jan window and still think the same

It’s probably the biggest rebuild ever needed that I can remember.

3.) 12 May 2024
11 May 2024 23:54:08
I agree wholeheartedly with this

Whilst I think it’s massively harsh sacking him, I think he’s proven he’s not the right man for the job, so why give him the biggest window in living memory, we did it with Beale and it’s clear it was a massive mistake

If it was just 1 or 2 signings coming in and out I would probably say give him a go at it, but it’s not.

4.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 01:38:33
Unbelievable, how has he proved he's not the right man for the job? I seriywonder what goes through people heads on here at times.

5.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 05:53:02
Clement’s downfall will be his stubbornness to alter shape and trust mediocrity. How Lundstum has been played ahead of Raskin iis bordering on madness as is his reliance on Lawrence over Cantwell .