12 May 2024 01:36:29
Phil needs to be backed in the summer for obvious reasons however, the team cannot be built in his image. Rangers FC needs a playing style and philosophy that dictates the types of players we buy and the types of managers we bring in in the future. The mistake was made with allowing Beale to build "his" team and look where that has got us.

This is what all the best and successful teams do nowadays so that succession planning is in place. It will also make it easier to scout players if we know they fit into our system.

Work needs to be done quickly starting tomorrow on players we need in for next season so we have a chance of getting through European qualifiers.

Only a small handful players I would keep but we can't get rid of 20 players in one window unfortunately.

GK - Butland (captain)
RB - Sterling/ Devine
RCB -? New first choice/ Souttar
LCB - Cordoba/ younger back up
LB - Yilmaz/ Jefte
CM - Diomande
CM - someone who can control a game (I'd keep Raskin as well)
AM -?
LW - Cortes/ Matondo
RW - Sima/ McCausland
CF -? (Shankland or Miovski) / Danilo/ and another

Release - everyone that is out of contract
Sell - Tav, Goldson, Wright, Davies, Dowell, Lawrence, Hagi, Dessers, Lammers

Bring through McKinnon, Rice, Lowry.
Like to sign a young Scottish player will potential like Barron or Miller


1.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 03:54:59
Agree with most of that Blue89, but Devine shouldn’t be anywhere near our first team. Barely played 500mins at Motherwell and used as a late sub for last 10mins to give a poor ageing Stephen O’Donnell a rest.

2.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 06:24:47
Blue - Mostly agree with one exception - Matondo will not take us forward - he of all needs replaced with a winger who is truly consistent and who has brains to know what he is going to do in final third - Matondo is headless chicken material on the whole! SELL SELL SELL please - we are spending too much wages on an impact player from bench at that.

3.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 06:54:15
Tbf I agree but I wouldn’t like for Sima and Cortes to get injured again and be left with McCausland and Matondo, I don’t think McCausland is physically ready for first team football. He’s still built like a teenager yet he’s 21 so really needs to work in a Physical sense. Which is why I said something unpopular amongst Rangers fans yesterday and said I would loan him out because I actually think it would benefit him, play every week. Have a physical strength program and I actually think he’d come back a way better player in a years time. People just heard what I said and thought I wanted rid of him. Which isn’t the case it was about using the loan market in a different way to get the best out of a player.

Anyway I say this because I think they’ll be more than Sima and Cortes brought in as wide men. I think they’ll bring in 3-4 wide players and I’m not 100% sure Sima will be coming back, maybe if we can qualify for CL. The only one I really think will be definitely there next season is Cortes, as I heard ages ago how impressed big Phil was with Oscar in even that short period, then last week we were talking to Lens. And that’s just the wings I’m talking about there are multiple other positions that are in need. But I’d agree that CAM is a? Because I think we may have seen the last of Todd Cantwell.

4.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 06:58:17
I felt January was the time to bring in a few and have them upto speed for the new season. Personally I’d only keep Tav, Sterling and Butland. None of the rest are rangers players. Balogun maybe useful to playing to bleed new players. Also the manager needs a style of play. We have no style of play.

5.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 07:22:56
Tommy so u keep tav. We stand still till we get rid.

6.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 07:52:47
We can't get rid of all and once you have better quality that drags up the standard of those around them but massive summer coming up and we need to sort out defence 1st 2 ch needed midfielder to replace lunny and 2 wide men I also think we need a no10 Lawrence or cantwell won't do and then 2 strikers so the loan market and ooc players will be important.

7.) 12 May 2024
12 may 2024 08:18:30
tav goldson should have gone long ago, some people are fixated on the penalties and occasional free kick v st mirren, one of the worst right backs i ever saw in a rangers strip,

8.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 08:31:02
Keep Tav! OK, so you never want to win the league again, tommy?

9.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 08:39:58
Agreed to getting rid of Tav last year and nothing has changed. He needs to go. Agreed with keeping Jack last year but he also now needs to go. Regarding funds. If investment is found that allows the increase in revenue through increase capacity etc then I believe has no effect on FFP. Therefore player sales and end of contract i presume. Already been muted in the region of 25 million will be given to rebuild this team.

Clement like others before took over after a bad start and like other started well and then faded and after a disastrous start got canned or will he? He needs to get rid of Goldson and Tav. He needs to bring in proven winners with a history of desire to succeed not just young players with potential. The young players follow by example and feed of that desire. I think the board will see that.

Not been mentioned but who was Lundstram pointing to when he scored that og. He definitely indicated to someone that’s your fault?

10.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 08:49:34
Also. Lundstram was bought as a defensive mid. He has been asked to be our most creative player for months. Lawrence, Cantwell, etc? Glas he is going but Diomande needs someone to kick his arse or again will be off as the pace of those games flys by him.

11.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 09:38:11
Biggest mistake Gerrard done was keep Tavernier as captain. How that man is still in the 1st 11 I'll never know. He's supposedly a RB but he's never in that position when the opposition are attacking.