12 May 2024 13:26:37
Pressed send too early on that last post…

Don’t know why clement has given us Sterling in the middle of the park a few times earlier in the season, performing very well, before deciding never to play him there again. Done well at centre back but think the obvious move at half time would have been to put him in the middle and take Lawrence off. Perhaps Cantwell out on the wing as the replacement.

Starting barasic was always going to be a howler of a decision but think he was let down by whoever was supposed to be covering him. We were so good at having the centre mids offering our full backs cover under gerrard but every time Forrest cut inside him he had acres of space to run into.

Off the ball Lawrence’s position was far too high in that first half, don’t know if this was laziness or instructed. They often outnumbered us at the edge of our box because of this. Need to go man for man with them in that midfield at hampden. Never going to get the space that Cantwell got v Hearts in the semis against Celtic.

There is a player in Diomande but thought he was really poor yesterday. Lucky not to get booked and it frustrates the life out of me that when we are in possession he wasn’t dropping into space looking to pick the ball up, often hides behind other players. Can only hope we haven’t picked up another coward and hopefully Clement noticed it too and makes a point of it before the cup final because I think he’s a guy that can make things happen when on the ball.

Lundstram can f**k off.

1.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 13:47:52
Did we watch the same game, numerous times this season I have seen Diomande in the middle shouting and pointing for the ball only for the pass to be ignored. Same happened yesterday. Did he have a good game, nope! But our midfield was dreadful until Raskin came on. Had Diomande had Raskin from the start it might have been different.

Lawrence was sheer lazy, I saw that he was just jogging back slowly many times but then again quiet a few were tbh.

2.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 14:06:55
Bigblue am with you obviously he watched a different game. The obvious sub at HT? Souttar was injured that’s why Sterling went to CB

Sterling positIon is RB and that’s where we need to start playing him in his proper position.

3.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 14:16:29
Because sterling is so versatile he was needed to cover other areas of the team due to. injuries.

4.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 14:16:50
Lawrence imo not lazy, just has no legs and is finished At this level.

5.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 14:36:56
Agreed John the guy is done.

6.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 14:43:05
Stromtrooper1 I was just going off what was said on the tv that Souttar didn’t pick up an injury and it was a tactical sub which appears to be wrong. Watched the same game as you pal, how do you suggest we improve the midfield 3 when we play them at hampden if you’re dismissing my Sterling in midfield shout? You’re also deluded if you think he’s going to drop Tavernier, despite the fact that he should.

Jim whenever he was calling for the ball he was stood right beside one of their players knowing fine well he wasn’t going to get passed to, there was numerous occasions where he could have moved into space to receive the ball.

7.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 14:57:16
Maybe john but I thought he was lazy and not just in yesterdays game, like you say he could be done in now. Impact sub at best.

8.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 15:03:53
Lawrence is a very talented player, had too many injuries and probably hasn’t looked after his body very well going by past incidents he’s been involved in .

Said when we signed him, and dowell both weren’t good enough and I think I’ve been proven correct.

9.) 12 May 2024
12 may 2024 15:12:54
your absolutely correct john, lawrence is done, at least 2 divs out of his depth now, doesn't have the natural fitness to bluff it

anyone know why sky sports said soutter is not injured?

10.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 15:32:48
Tom, sky just make it up. Souttar pulled up after about thirty minutes hold his thigh, all the more criminal lundstrum challenge.

11.) 12 May 2024
12 May 2024 15:36:35
I said myself when there were rumours on here that lawrence would start days before the game on saturday there, that it would be a major mistake, as unfortunately lawrence doesn't have the legs for it anymore, especially so against a midfield of mcgregor, hatate and o'riley ?We need legs in the engine room in the cup final against them and storm yes sterling should be in midfield against them at hampden with raskin and cantwell for me ?.

12.) 12 May 2024
12 may 2024 16:02:09
fair enough john

yes agree lundstrum is finished for me, hois legacy destroyed

coops, what does that say about the manager.