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19 May 2024 15:26:47
Anyone know if the cup final will be on BBC or another channel?


1.) 19 May 2024 15:55:15
It’s on bbc.

2.) 19 May 2024 16:03:49
On BBC and premier.

3.) 19 May 2024 16:11:26
BBC Scotland and Viaplay mate.

4.) 19 May 2024 16:27:15
BBC and perm sports. Google full of good info.

5.) 19 May 2024 16:29:42
On BBC One and Viaplay I think.

6.) 19 May 2024 16:58:04
Its on bbc.

7.) 19 May 2024 16:58:56
BBC and Premier Sports.

8.) 19 May 2024 17:47:21
I'll be watching the FA Cup final. I think the results of both finals are inevitable and I can't stand watching another defeat to them. Go with King and Davies at the back then its going to be a long afternoon.

9.) 19 May 2024 18:29:05
Way to support your team mate ?.

10.) 19 May 2024 18:51:15
So whatever channel M Stewart not on will win the ratings, we really need Balogon or Soapy back for next week and hopefully the week will give Sima a chance to get fitness up to start for 70 mins.

11.) 19 May 2024 18:58:40
I'll be at hampden on saturday supporting and cheering on glasgow rangers, the club i adore ❤️Even if i wasn't going, i'd always watch my own club playing everytime as i honestly couldn't care who wins the fa cup ? It's all about the rangers for me and always has been through the good and the bad times, always ?.

12.) 19 May 2024 19:06:19
Coopers I believe Souttar is out, mb doubt for Germany.

13.) 19 May 2024 19:15:57
King and Davies will be no worse than Goldson and Soutter. Hopefully Balogun plays because him and Davies might just work. It's the 2 FBs I'm more worried about.

14.) 19 May 2024 19:44:51
Sirstruth that’s just not what supporting your football team is all about, I’ll be watching hoping and praying for a little bit of magic from someone .

15.) 19 May 2024 20:36:23
Sterling will start at centre back i think if balogun is out. Mccausland has nailed his start on the right. Sterling in centre mid is what i want to see. No way back for lundstram now, i hope.

16.) 19 May 2024 22:42:28
Reckon team will be


17.) 20 May 2024 14:12:31
Balogun in would be a boost. I'd get Sterling into the midfield at all costs.



12 May 2024 13:26:37
Pressed send too early on that last post…

Don’t know why clement has given us Sterling in the middle of the park a few times earlier in the season, performing very well, before deciding never to play him there again. Done well at centre back but think the obvious move at half time would have been to put him in the middle and take Lawrence off. Perhaps Cantwell out on the wing as the replacement.

Starting barasic was always going to be a howler of a decision but think he was let down by whoever was supposed to be covering him. We were so good at having the centre mids offering our full backs cover under gerrard but every time Forrest cut inside him he had acres of space to run into.

Off the ball Lawrence’s position was far too high in that first half, don’t know if this was laziness or instructed. They often outnumbered us at the edge of our box because of this. Need to go man for man with them in that midfield at hampden. Never going to get the space that Cantwell got v Hearts in the semis against Celtic.

There is a player in Diomande but thought he was really poor yesterday. Lucky not to get booked and it frustrates the life out of me that when we are in possession he wasn’t dropping into space looking to pick the ball up, often hides behind other players. Can only hope we haven’t picked up another coward and hopefully Clement noticed it too and makes a point of it before the cup final because I think he’s a guy that can make things happen when on the ball.

Lundstram can f**k off.


1.) 12 May 2024 13:47:52
Did we watch the same game, numerous times this season I have seen Diomande in the middle shouting and pointing for the ball only for the pass to be ignored. Same happened yesterday. Did he have a good game, nope! But our midfield was dreadful until Raskin came on. Had Diomande had Raskin from the start it might have been different.

Lawrence was sheer lazy, I saw that he was just jogging back slowly many times but then again quiet a few were tbh.

2.) 12 May 2024 14:06:55
Bigblue am with you obviously he watched a different game. The obvious sub at HT? Souttar was injured that’s why Sterling went to CB

Sterling positIon is RB and that’s where we need to start playing him in his proper position.

3.) 12 May 2024 14:16:29
Because sterling is so versatile he was needed to cover other areas of the team due to. injuries.

4.) 12 May 2024 14:16:50
Lawrence imo not lazy, just has no legs and is finished At this level.

5.) 12 May 2024 14:36:56
Agreed John the guy is done.

6.) 12 May 2024 14:43:05
Stromtrooper1 I was just going off what was said on the tv that Souttar didn’t pick up an injury and it was a tactical sub which appears to be wrong. Watched the same game as you pal, how do you suggest we improve the midfield 3 when we play them at hampden if you’re dismissing my Sterling in midfield shout? You’re also deluded if you think he’s going to drop Tavernier, despite the fact that he should.

Jim whenever he was calling for the ball he was stood right beside one of their players knowing fine well he wasn’t going to get passed to, there was numerous occasions where he could have moved into space to receive the ball.

7.) 12 May 2024 14:57:16
Maybe john but I thought he was lazy and not just in yesterdays game, like you say he could be done in now. Impact sub at best.

8.) 12 May 2024 15:03:53
Lawrence is a very talented player, had too many injuries and probably hasn’t looked after his body very well going by past incidents he’s been involved in .

Said when we signed him, and dowell both weren’t good enough and I think I’ve been proven correct.

9.) 12 may 2024 15:12:54
your absolutely correct john, lawrence is done, at least 2 divs out of his depth now, doesn't have the natural fitness to bluff it

anyone know why sky sports said soutter is not injured?

10.) 12 May 2024 15:32:48
Tom, sky just make it up. Souttar pulled up after about thirty minutes hold his thigh, all the more criminal lundstrum challenge.

11.) 12 May 2024 15:36:35
I said myself when there were rumours on here that lawrence would start days before the game on saturday there, that it would be a major mistake, as unfortunately lawrence doesn't have the legs for it anymore, especially so against a midfield of mcgregor, hatate and o'riley ?We need legs in the engine room in the cup final against them and storm yes sterling should be in midfield against them at hampden with raskin and cantwell for me ?.

12.) 12 may 2024 16:02:09
fair enough john

yes agree lundstrum is finished for me, hois legacy destroyed

coops, what does that say about the manager.



12 May 2024 13:09:14
Few points I want to highlight.

Granted the boy is still mince in my eyes but think Silva got the better of Johnson yesterday, hence why I think Maeda got switched to his side for a while to help tracking him back. Leads me to believe he’ll end up starting in the final. Can only hope Sima is fit for the other side because Taylor is there for the taking too with a competent winger.

Don’t know why Clement would bother.


1.) 12 May 2024 14:03:03
Johnson is brutal for them we need to exploit him at every opportunity, same with Scales we need to be tight on these two in the final if they play - i thought their defence was brutal yesterday and when they are pressed they are all over the place - yesterday was another example of us making them look better than they are.

2.) 12 May 2024 14:17:09
Don't know shy Clement would bother what?

3.) 12 May 2024 14:35:14
It was silva defensive duties that had me very worried yesterday. Time and time again failed to track the runner.

4.) 12 May 2024 14:48:10
I clarified that I pressed post accidentally too early. Don’t know why you would reply on the continued post before coming back to this and questioning what I meant, you obviously read the rest of my post ows.



06 May 2024 11:17:57
Going to ramble a bit here, hopefully get some discussion going.

Would like to see Clement go for a 4321 next Sat with:

Tav Souttar Balogun/ Davies Ridvan
Sterling Lunny Dio
Cantwell Lawrence

Think its the strongest 11 we have available and whereby I do think their full backs can be got at, I just don't think our options on the wing of Wright/ Silva/ McAusland are good enough. Would therefore keep a more narrow shape and get Dessers either playing off Scales every chance he gets or keeping Carter Vickers occupied so Cantwell or Lawrence have more licence to run at Scales with the ball.

Unfortunately I do think they're best midfield 3 of O'Reilly, McGregor and Hatate is better than our starting midfield so would overload it a bit more than we have done to try win the battle there with Dio and Sterling shunting over to cover our full backs whenever their wingers are attacking.

Really hope Sima is back for the cup final, not the most polished player in the world but made a massive difference against them in the last game. If he and Matondo are fit then I wouldn't be opposed to just trying the 2 of them up top somewhat similar to what Matondo and Sakala done against them towards the end of last year when we beat them 3-0 just playing constant through balls to them. They are both lightning quick.

Would like to know the common consensus hypotheticallty on who out of Barron, Watson, Cameron or Miller people would want to bring in to replace Jack or if they would just like to promote from within the youth team? All young Scottish players which we need that look very promising for the future, I would be happy with any of the above as long as we don't get shafted with the price.

I also want to give my opinion on a mixed topic here that I would 100% take Oli McBurnie on a free next year. We could and have done a lot worse in the past and if Clement want to persevere with the amount of crosses we throw in to the box then he might be the ideal man. Plus he seems to love the club and hates them, with the likes of Ryan Jack likely to be released it can't hurt to have another Rangers man come in. I would hope with Roofe and likely Lammers (and I would also still say Dessers for the right money) on the way out that he wouldn't be the only striker coming in and Koppen can find a more out and out goalscorer from somewhere but I think it is a no brainer to take a punt on him as an option.


1.) 06 may 2024 13:07:09
a rangers man who loves scoring v celtic, that's a novel idea mate

yes mcburnie or shanks would be good with a poacher type,

dessers is awful footballer imo, the manager should know there's massive change needed, nit just up top, strong centre half is the first part, 2 years late but needed desperately.

2.) 06 May 2024 13:33:09
Tom there can't be many strikers going about whos not instinctive enough to hit it 1st time in the box. Always trys to cut inside. Terrible footballer hopefully he moves on also can't see it tho.

3.) 06 May 2024 13:33:42
The sad and frightening thing is that if dessers scored even half the opportunities he's missed. he'd be up there with mccoist on a season tally! ?.

4.) 06 May 2024 13:41:17
If Clement doesn't move these players on in the summer they will cost him his job.

5.) 06 May 2024 13:48:42
You are correct, Paul, he is a terrible footballer! Honestly, sitting watching our number 1 striker fail to hit a first time shot was excruciating.
Although, as I believe the league is lost, my opinion is apparently "irrelevant"! ?.

6.) 06 May 2024 13:48:56
Gerrard tried 5 centre mids against celtic and it failed miserably. Pace on the wings is key.

7.) 06 May 2024 13:52:22
If Tav is still our captain next season, Mark, then the clock will be ticking on PC.

8.) 06 May 2024 14:04:33
Gerrard never "failed miserably" in a game against them. SG was the last manager to have their number!

9.) 06 May 2024 14:18:43
Tbh I don't think formation matter the players don't believe they can go there and win and that's why so many need moved on.

10.) 06 May 2024 14:37:52
Tjn respectfully mate with Sima and Matondo both out then what pace on the wings do you suggest? God forbid we end up with Scott Wright there again.

11.) 06 May 2024 14:55:48
Gerrard certainly knew how to beat them. we've failed miserably since he left. nothing but a win will do against them.

12.) 06 May 2024 14:57:32
Raise, I wouldn't be surprised if Tav staying did cost him his job. Massive cull needed in the summer.

13.) 06 May 2024 15:56:22
RTR they beat us at ibrox 1-0 with an ntcham goal when gerrard tried to flood the midfield with 5 CMs and it was diabolical.

14.) 06 May 2024 16:35:18
I would definitely go for McBurnie, we need to upgrade the quality throughout the team and I believe that McBurnie would be a definite upgrade on Dessers.
With the number of chances that we created yesterday we should have had seven or eight, how Dessers failed to score at least a double is beyond me.
As far as our set up against Celtic is concerned it will be irrelevant if our attitude is the same as it has been in other games. We need to be in their face from the start, need to have a win at all costs mentality and we need to take our chances.
Unfortunately I feel that we have too many losers and players that are not up for the battle in our current squad and I don't see it changing sadly until there is a fundamental change in personnel.

15.) 06 May 2024 16:40:40
Was at Parkhead though ??.

16.) 06 May 2024 16:27:36
Gerrard never lost many games against they xxxxxxx tjn.

17.) 06 May 2024 17:34:12
He didn't win many trophies against them either mystar.

18.) 06 May 2024 18:03:35
In the end gerrard 100% had their number don't think we lost in his last 7 games against them. Strange comment.

19.) 06 May 2024 20:09:29
Storm think it was his record against them.

20.) 06 May 2024 21:07:58
Don’t have an answer, but if we play the usual 4231 it is game over. They pressed us well at Ibrox, lunny struggled to find an out ball most of the time, we need to offer something - anything - that is unexpected.

2 up front?

If we don’t win by at least 2 it’s probably all over, so why not roll the dice? Go Wide ball and long ball? I do not want to see soapy and Davies, who have barely met, trying to play out. Fast and long, and win the second ball. Pressure CV - he did not respond well vs the sheep.

The back 4 picks itself (tav/ soapy/ davies/ wee man) assuming injuries. Tav should probably be dropped for sterling, but free kicks will be key for us.

Dessy + Roofe (always good with head) up?

Leaves 4 in the middle?

Dio - has to play
sterling - ditto, engine room
MacC or wright - need width. Wee man will get forward on the left.
Lawrence - belter of a shot on him, plus Todd will get booked within 30.

Yes I’m smoked the wacky, but We need to offer the
Unexpected - otherwise Brenda has our number.

21.) 06 May 2024 19:11:26
We lost a cup final in a match we bossed. was gutted that day. Julian goal looked offside but didn’t have car then.




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12 May 2024 14:48:10
I clarified that I pressed post accidentally too early. Don’t know why you would reply on the continued post before coming back to this and questioning what I meant, you obviously read the rest of my post ows.




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12 May 2024 14:43:05
Stromtrooper1 I was just going off what was said on the tv that Souttar didn’t pick up an injury and it was a tactical sub which appears to be wrong. Watched the same game as you pal, how do you suggest we improve the midfield 3 when we play them at hampden if you’re dismissing my Sterling in midfield shout? You’re also deluded if you think he’s going to drop Tavernier, despite the fact that he should.

Jim whenever he was calling for the ball he was stood right beside one of their players knowing fine well he wasn’t going to get passed to, there was numerous occasions where he could have moved into space to receive the ball.




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06 May 2024 14:37:52
Tjn respectfully mate with Sima and Matondo both out then what pace on the wings do you suggest? God forbid we end up with Scott Wright there again.




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