26 May 2024 23:24:21
All I read on here is a lot of negativity first it was Ferguson not good enough for Europe look at him now, shankland to slow ran past our defenders last week and player of the year, now Kenny maclean no better than we have the snobbery amongst our fans is laughable I would take All three before laundstrum who really could've been red carded again on Saturday due to another stupid and dangerous tackle, dessers, and spit the dummy out Cantwell who is nothing but a showman who thinks he's better than what he is get rid.

1.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 00:58:30
Bobbyboy what is your post about then? sounds very negative too me.

2.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 07:03:31
Completely agree Bobby! We've missed out on some good players and signed some dross because they come from a "better league".

Sometimes having players in the squad that understand scottish football and get what it means to play for old firm is exactly what you need when it comes to crunch time.

3.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 07:47:11
You know what his point is about, My star, so stop trying to be a smart arse.

You're absolutely correct, we turn our nose up at players like L Ferguson, but end up buying absolute dug meat like Cifuentes.

4.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 09:31:37
At the time, I didn't think Ferguson was good enough for Rangers.
He wasn't getting in our first team at that time.
And as every penny was a prisoner, we weren't going to splash the cash for him to be a squad player.
When he developed further, we couldn't afford the premium Aberdeen would have charged us. Plus, our management team at the time have also got to want him.
And would he have made that much of a difference to a squad that has consistently under achieved?

5.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 10:30:00
??? Oh, dear! "Would he have made much of a difference"?! Easy answer (for some that is) . Aye!

6.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 10:00:51
Spot on Bobby. If shankland was Italian every rangers fan would want him. All the nonsense about not having sell on value etc, is just that, nonsense! We need to win the league this year more than previous seasons with this lot catching up on trophies, titles. Nobody's a guarantee to get goals but is there anyone who would be less of a risk?
Knows the league-
63 goals in 2 seasons-
6 goals in 9 games v celtic-
6 goals in 12 games in europe-
One of our own 100% commitment-
We need to stop overlooking Scottish players, there's always been Scottish players at our core when we were successful.
Totally laughable Bobby.

7.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 10:08:16
Ferguson would have gave us that bite and leadership in midfield that we desperately lacked, he would have walked into our team then and now.

8.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 10:49:32
To be fair the fact he was at Aberdeen ment we would have to pay over the odds hindsight is a wonderfull thing did any of you crystal ball folk think Ferguson would go to seria A and become player of year?

Look with his family history domestic trained status we should have signed him but for all you know Aberdeen maybe made it impossible

Shankland we should get word to him we will sign if he doesn’t sign a new deal with hearts go back in January when he on last 6 months of deal if our other forwards are not working out sorry large fees for players of his age are just not smart for a club like us anymore.

9.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 11:16:37
Shankland from Hearts. Theo Bair and Lennon Miller from Motherwell. Armstrong and Watson from Killie would all enhance our squad. let's not kid ourselves . 7 million goes a long long way in SPL. If Matondo, Wright, Dessers, Hagi, Roofe, Lammers, Lundsream etc aren't going to be around next season, let the burden of heavy wages go out the door with them. Sometimes there answers are staring you in the face on your own doorstep.

10.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 11:23:03
I'm the same MPH, as i said also at the time that lewis ferguson wasn't good enough for the rangers midfield and have a few times since admitted i was so wrong ?At the time i hold my hands up, as i didn't think he was good enough but he's went over to bologna and proved what a very good midfielder he is and i wish lewis ferguson all the best in his career ?.

11.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 11:26:19
Ferguson would have walked into our team at that point. I said it at the time those players then weren’t good enough either.

Gofor yeah it’s not like we have signed players from Aberdeen over the last few years ?

Kenny McLean is not snobbery he is rank rotten and slow.

12.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 18:29:37
Storm have u ever kicked a ball?
Or can you ever be respectful, you are anything but to your fellow Rangers fans, Kenny McLean is a decent player who has played for the national team, fair enough if you don’t think he’s good enough to play for Rangers.
He’s hardly rotten and is probably nearing the end of his career.
If you read back your posts is obvious to see who is clueless.