31 May 2024 22:44:46
I find it incredulous to think some think we lost it because of Lunny, Goldson and Tav. You put all 3 of them in the Cetic team and Celtic still win the league. Why don't some see we will always lose goals but scoring is where we have been poor. Finishing a season with Dessers Sterling, Mcausland and Silva up front we were doomed.

1.) 01 Jun 2024
31 May 2024 23:42:17
Exactly TJBB5656, Spot on, nail on the head, putting the ball in the net and not having quality options up top is the defining factor and has been plain to see. 100%.

2.) 01 Jun 2024
31 May 2024 23:47:47
Remind me, TJBB, who out of Dessers, McCausland, Sterling or Silva was it who made a complete arse of it and sold the first goal against the tims at Ibrox? Or which one got sent off for a stupid foul during a must win game against them? Do you see where I'm going with this?
Oh, and by the way, all 3 of them would get nowhere near their team!

3.) 01 Jun 2024
31 May 2024 23:57:58
Over the course of the season they scored 8 more goals than us. We have had to do without Sima and Danilo for long spells while Celtic haven't really been without a first choice striker all season. Lundstram up till his horror old firm game was doing ok but goldson and Tavernier have been awful and not just this season. in the 3 each at Ibrox Tavernier absolutely kills us after 20 seconds. He gets targeted every game now and that's even when barasic is playing. Goldson has lost any pace he had and points the finger at everyone but himself. Would love stats on how many free headers he's put over the bar from corners. I'd like to see a clear out especially our captain and vice captain.

4.) 01 Jun 2024
31 May 2024 23:59:31
They wouldn’t get in the Celtic team.

5.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 00:17:54
Spot on TJBB56. Goals were the issue. And no matter what you think of those 3, between them they played nearly 150 games which was too many. But they had to as around them so many were injured or didn’t fancy it.

6.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 00:51:17
Butlands probably the only Gers player who would get into the Celtic team.

7.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 01:04:02
Both points can be true TJBB. We definitely need more goals in the team but you cannot deny that there is a culture of failure with the three mentioned. I’ve said before I’m a big Tav fan but his race has been run. You can see it in his face and when he speaks in interviews. He’s tired and needs to be moved on. Lunny and Goldson are the same, too slow. We need more physical, faster, dynamic players. Just look at the cup final with Dio and Raskin in the middle. It was night and day what some legs and mobility do in the middle of the park.

8.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 06:11:12
Aye right it's not the defences fault we concede goals, by that logic it's not the fwd's and midfield either that we don't score. Seriously ?.

9.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 06:29:23
Agree Blue?.

10.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 07:29:52
Ah, the weekly blame Dessers post for only scoring 20+ goals this season.

Those 3 would be lucky to get into the Hibs team, they wouldn’t get on the bench of an injured Celtic team.

11.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 07:42:46
They're more a sign of failure our club have had as they've been mainstays during the last 3 years along with bb Ryan Jack and roofe but they've had there time and are simply not good enough now.

12.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 07:45:35
Blue - Bang on we can only match them when we have pace and aggression in midfield - we did well last game for spells but still gave McGregor too much room and time on the ball - and as other posters have said those 3 would get nowhere near Celtic team as they all lack pace/ ball pressing and desire which is a requisite of their team and they have that in spades all over the park. Totally agree also regarding lack of goals up front as they had numerous goal scoring candidates and we were floored by Danilo and Sima out leaving only Dessers as our main threat! - and am ready for the onslaught but we should have gone for Shankland in Jan when in an upward trajectory and I truly believe the league would have been ours now- IMHO.

13.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 07:53:37
The lack of goals from around the team is poor but they are supposed to be the leaders and particularly against celtic they have been directly to blame for giving away goals on a regular basis.

14.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 08:22:37
The 3 of those would be lucky to get on their bench . Tav had a good few games when clement came on at 1st but was rotten from jan forward how anyone can defend him is beyond belief.

15.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 10:08:32
Not defending any of them, not attacking any of them not saying any of them would get in the Celtic team. What i'm saying is imo we lost the league against Celtic because their front 4 are better than ours and not because their defense is better than ours, for spells their defense was pretty ropey and even at full strength you can still get a goal but hey look they still one the league and that's my point goals win games, they had the cutting edge, remind me who won the Scottish cup in the last min with one goal, a defender no, the guy who come off the bench and done his job.

16.) 01 Jun 2024
01 jun 2024 10:39:56
Easy having occasional good games v St Johnston or Dundee, actually no not Dundee, they couldn't manage that one, nor Ross county, and its all of them with exception of the keeper and young McCausland.

Dio should be given time and Cortes looked great, Goldson closes his eyes and tucks his head into his shoulder when he goes for a header, this is because he is a devout coward, so is Tavernier, both are scared of being hit either with the ball or someone else.

Watching Goldson go for a header is actually embarrassing, never in all my time playing have i witnessed such a scared centre half, i noticed this years ago, but playing at Ibrox v donkeys you tend to get away with winging it, thus second place became acceptable, get rid now please.

17.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 11:04:20
You don’t win many games when you are needing to score 2 or 3 goals to win a game. Something that Sir Walter fully understood. We will always score goals, but the goals we concede is criminal.

18.) 01 Jun 2024
01 jun 2024 11:12:41
absolutely dado, you can have the greatest striker in the world on your team

but when your throwing goals in every single week you've no chance.

19.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 11:13:17
Tav has ran his race but folk saying he’s been terrible etc are full of it his numbers were amazing this year but he seemed wore out time the split came having a 33 year old playing 60 games is obviously a problem. The Japanese boy being faster isn’t tav throwing the game.

20.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 11:41:20
Got agree about Goldston how many times does ball come of his shoulder etc when he goes for headers either defending or attacking,

21.) 01 Jun 2024
01 jun 2024 13:46:51
ger, he's scared of the ball hitting his head, he screws his face up, closes his eyes tight, and attempts to cover his head with his shoulder blades, quite pathetic to see, I've noticed it for years, i stopped backing him to score 4 years ago when i realised he couldn't see the ball, that's why so many of the headers he dies reach almost always fly high over the bar, the mans a coward.

22.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 14:06:04
Tavernier has been a brilliant signing, his time is now up .
If we get the anywhere near the service that man has given us from any of the summer signings I will be delighted.
His goal scoring exploits on the way to Seville were out of this world.
Whatever he chooses to do going forward I hope he enjoys himself.

23.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 19:24:41
I honestly think McCausland is vastly underrated. The boy is always positive, always looking forward with his passes. We need to give him time to develop and give him more confidence, not shoot him down every two minutes.

Some seem to think just because a guy hasn’t got all the goals, he’s not good enough.