07 Jun 2024 21:24:25
We should be all over
Mcburnie (not as much)
We need Scottish players in the team and that’s 3 players all available on a free.

1.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 22:31:10
Id only be after barron from those players.

2.) 07 Jun 2024
07 jun 2024 22:31:16
why “ all over mcburnie, but not as much

but all over mckenna, is it because mcburnie would spill blood for rangers and mckenna has never had rangers in his blood,

something really weird about rangers supporting players on here

some people just can't handle it, i would have mcburnie in a hearbeat and would couldn't care less about mckenna, to my mind they're not in same class as footballer.

3.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 22:43:18
Were we not linked with the boy Conway at one point?

4.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 23:19:34
Completely get where you’re coming from but he’s just never impressed me. Since his first season of football the 13/ 14 season he’s had 2! Seasons he’s managed 10+ goals.

5.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 22:56:50
Fort Conway would be a cracking signing mate, Mcburnie is far better than most give him credit for, personally opinion I'm choosing him before Shankland only because he covers far more ground than him, bully's a gpod few defenders in probably the best league in the world, he would be a very good signing for us, I'm playing him before Dessers.

6.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 04:02:54
Hahaha sakala was better than Kent agree or disagree ?.

7.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 04:46:36
McBurnie would be a yes from me, he seems a good championship player but not the standard for the premier league. My only worry would be he’s on par with Dessers, ie will work hard and score goals but as he will also miss a fair few he’d be deemed not good enough. Definitely a hard working player in him.

8.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 06:16:24
You don't know who would be a cracking signing let's face it. Big names players with plenty of pedigree at highest level have joined us and we all thought would be cracking signings and failed, badly. Bruno Alves, niko krancjar, Aaron Ramsey and less so joey Barton to name a few of recent times.

9.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 07:30:39
I heard when Stevie G was manager he invited McBurnie in for interview. Mcburnie was allegedly under the influence bridges burnt immediately.

10.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 07:39:48
If we lose Davies and gain McKenna we would not drop in standard.
Barron on a free is no brainer.
Losing Dessers for McBurnie no drop in standard.
All free and Scottish so a positive gain all in.

11.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 07:59:14
Would sign Barron, not sure McKenna is an upgrade but is home grown for European squad. Actually think mcburnie although wouldn’t be homegrown could be a useful option with his qualities.

12.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 09:39:34
McKenna too slow for us the way we play with high line.

McBurnie is a strange one as he could do a job for us but it doesn’t matter who he supports/ supported as a kid.

Barron would take but we ain’t signing Barron IMO or it would have happened by now.

13.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 11:04:56
McKenna is a thug of a player takers but people talk about getting to next level an we are ment to do that with McKenna seriously! Even Souttar is a better option than him.

14.) 08 Jun 2024
08 jun 2024 11:25:14
Every major club should have guys raised in the traditions and history in their club, it's always a big boost to have guys like Ferguson, Durrant, Cooper, Coisty wee Doddy 2 bombers, and hundreds more, are you saying it makes no difference. I know it can very much make a difference.

15.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 12:00:37
I think it does make a difference if your a Rangers fan through and through. It must rub off in the dressing room and in training, we've had too many palyers recelnty that don't get our club and take the easy route by not making themnsleves available for games or hiding in a game. Humans are capabe of an extra couple of percent given the right motivation. imo.

16.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 12:25:41
Spot on Tom and TJBB.

17.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 13:42:01
Totally agree with TT here I honestly think on a free McBurnie would be an excellent signing been missing a big strong rough an tumble striker for years, would be another option in tight compact games.

18.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 14:31:53
Too many fans living in the past tho I would blame their age for that maybe it mattered years ago, but it doesn’t these days.

19.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 14:53:45
I’m not sure re mcburnie, we did show interest under gerrard but walked away

For those who talk about a good Scottish signing, not the case, born and bred in Leeds, never set foot in a Scottish academy, so does not meet any criteria would simply be classed as foreign if we wanted him in Europe squad.

I think some at ibrox may be nervous of his background,