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Blue Laudrup's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Blue Laudrup's rumours posts


07 Jun 2024 13:28:00
Scouring the far east on line and one name popped up. Japanese I believe, midfeild player name of Ishifani San heis 23 yrs old.

Blue Laudrup

1.) 07 Jun 2024 13:44:09
Not going there!

2.) 07 Jun 2024 13:44:32
Is he in the same team as Wan Hung Lo who plays in the back pocket.

3.) 07 Jun 2024 13:53:27
That sounds a bit fishy. Surprised Celtic haven't signed that wan.

4.) 07 Jun 2024 14:41:31
Think he has a Scottish cousin Haw Yu.

5.) 07 Jun 2024 15:58:56
Sum yung guy ripping it up in S Korea.

6.) 07 Jun 2024 16:36:48
I'm saying nothing?.

7.) 08 Jun 2024 07:23:25
Bit of humour lads, gets to serious on this site sometimes.
I worked at a Japanese plant in Livingston for several years. security were the usual G4 pensioners on reception. as plant was so big tannoy calls went out all the time. the favourite was to call reception and ask for "Itchy fanny san" to call 3000. Needless to say several hundred workers were in stitches and japanese bosses running around going mental.

Anyway back to rumours, Another Asian "Sictekfoc" plays on the wing.

8.) 08 Jun 2024 13:22:33
hahaha blue laudrup actually Sik the Fok was a chinese restaurant in edinburgh for years on hanover st. never ate there myself!

9.) 08 Jun 2024 14:50:02
Blue Laudrup Mitsubishi or NEC ???????????.




Blue Laudrup's banter posts with other poster's replies to Blue Laudrup's banter posts


02 May 2024 08:08:31
Watched the under18 youth cup final last night and it was a good game. The star for me was young Mason Munn goalkeeper. He definately kept us in the game with some fantastic saves.
He will surely be a Rangers No.1 goalie in the near future.

Ohh and another bit of siverware for the trophy cabinet.

Blue Laudrup

1.) 02 May 2024 09:44:18
Blue laudrup we don’t see many 17 year goalies, will ne at arsenal soon.

2.) 02 May 2024 11:40:56
Is that who is after him John? It’s a shame he looks like a unit for his age also.

3.) 02 May 2024 12:24:23
Yep word is he will go to arsenal for development fee as soon as contract expires.

4.) 02 May 2024 20:03:59
Oh dear.



28 May 2023 11:03:35
original post 02may 23 I also think we need a new Captain. I don't want to take anything from Tav. he has done well, but it is time for change new squad new captain and not Goldson. We need a true Ranger someone who commands respect preferably a Scottish player but not essential.

I give you John Soutter if he can stay fit then why not.

Blue Laudrup

1.) 28 May 2023 11:24:51
More nonsense a new captain isn’t going to make us a better team if anything it will cause trouble as your taking the armband off one of our longest serving players who contributes more than anyone else lol sputter is a great player but probably will miss a lot of games threw injuries. It was the same talk when Jack was in form look how that turned out.

2.) 28 May 2023 11:38:56
Tav has been our player of the year 3 season in a row how he’s still the scapegoat all never know at least our manager will keep him captain because he’s no daft enough to think a Scottish player being it would make a difference.

3.) 28 May 2023 11:42:48
Blue Laudrup tav will be our captain next season.

4.) 28 May 2023 11:50:49
Because Tav is the captain, that's why not. What do folk have against him, because you don't see him roaring and shouting at his team mates? There are plenty of players doing that, Tav is a fantastic ambassador for our club, something not everyone can be, so he is quite rightly our captain.

5.) 28 May 2023 12:00:06
That's what I love about this forum.

The signing of Souttar was heavily criticised and labelled another of Wilson's failings.

A handful of appearances later and we're debating if he should be captain.

6.) 28 May 2023 12:11:57
Are we going to get rid of Tav then? The guy is available every week and leads by example. He is never on the front pages or creating any drama. His numbers for appearances goals and assists are phenomenal yet you would publicly humiliate him and insult him by stripping him if the captaincy. Ask yourselves this if any of you got demoted at work when you've done your job beyond expectation yet someone else is getting because the boss likes them better. How many would stay or go and get a new job. Tav is our captain, he captained us to a European final where if we played with any one of our strikers who were injured we'd have won it and there would have been a statue of Tav outside Ibrox. I love Tav as a player and a man and I hope to see him lift more trophies and breakthrough the 500 appearances.

7.) 28 May 2023 12:21:17
Agenda against Tav is embarrassing.

8.) 28 May 2023 12:37:19
I’m confident Tav will be Captain next season and I’m 100% behind him, Mikel Beal and all the players that pull on the jersey next year however they may be.

9.) 28 May 2023 12:44:03
Tav will continue on as captain until he's bombed out of the starting 11 - only then will the captaincy change. With respect to our captain, he has consistently delivered when nobody else has. Now we're seeing what Cantwell and Raskin brings to the team, but before them, Tav was the only player who actually showed up on a consistent basis.

10.) 28 May 2023 12:50:06
Ehl how true no going to say any names but a right few were calling him another disaster signings to discredit Wilson now he’s captain material. Let’s see the boy play 6 month straight before we come away with such statements his talent to me has never been in dout.

11.) 28 May 2023 13:16:30
James Tavernier will be our captain for at least one or two more seasons. He is a Rangers stalwart, an inspirational leader by example, a credit to our club in every way and admired and respected by the other players.
We've had quieter captains in my lifetime, we've had noisy ones, inspiring ones, bullies, the lot.
Maybe, just maybe, John Souttar will have grown into such a role in the next couple of years if he follows Tavernier's example.

12.) 28 May 2023 13:25:45
Tav is going to become a legend. Strip him of captaincy is insane.

13.) 28 May 2023 14:21:54
I agree Raskinloyal, for me Souttar has the potential to be the long term replacement for Goldson, but we need to be patient and manage his game time to ensure he can put his injuries behind him.

14.) 28 May 2023 18:44:03
Are we not supposed to be loyal?



24 May 2023
New image uploaded to the
Rangers Player Sightings page entitled, Rangers kit

Click picture for larger image

Blue Laudrup

1.) 24 May 2023 11:07:40
It’s fake.

2.) 24 May 2023 11:08:52
Somebody's having a laugh.

3.) 24 May 2023 11:36:19
Deffo fake, we don't have tomket tyres as sponsors anymore.

4.) 24 May 2023 12:01:26
Nor do we have the 5 stars above the crest any more?!

5.) 24 May 2023 12:15:25
Some wee guy painted that at school surely in P1 ?.

6.) 24 May 2023 13:58:54
Heart and hand pr 4 lads, can't mind which one said its not it but it's not miles off the one they have seen.



02 May 2023 14:49:02
Lot of discussion on who should go and who should stay. I have to agree a lot of new faces are needed.

I also think we need a new Captain. I don't want to take anything from Tav. he has done well, but it is time for change new squad new captain and not Goldson. We need a true Ranger someone who commands respect preferably a Scottish player but not essential.
Any idea guys.

Blue Laudrup

1.) 02 May 2023 16:26:05
So who is this Scottish player who’s going to come in and automatically be captain seems like it would cause unrest.

2.) 02 May 2023 16:30:37
There's a quandary blue laudrup. Captain . not tavernier. not Goldson. preferably a Scot. we haven't bought this Scottish player yet . and unlikely to.

3.) 02 May 2023 16:42:11
You don't need to wear the captain's Armband to be a leader. We need 11 Leaders, players with a winning mentality that are hungry and won't accept being second best!

4.) 02 May 2023 16:59:28
Tav ? % remains captain for me!

5.) 02 May 2023 16:59:35
Agree Berkshire. Imo be a while b4 a Scot captains us.

6.) 02 May 2023 17:12:08
100% BB great post.

Tav is not a leader he isn’t a defender either come to think of it.

I would get rid of the back 5 keep Goldson as back up and maybe Tav as back up.

7.) 02 May 2023 17:23:22
For me Tavs done. Thank you but time to move on. Been a decent servant during some difficult times.

8.) 02 May 2023 17:49:29
Good post Berkshire, totally agree.

9.) 02 May 2023 20:36:33
BerkshireBlue brilliant post.



05 Aug 2022 17:06:38
Not been on here for a long time but still read and enjoy the banter.

After Tuesday IMO Mcglaughlin is just a stand in keeper for gers and never a No.1. We definitely need a goalie this season or we will not be in any champions league.

Other interesting fact if you looked at the full sqaud for that game. Our seven homegrown players were 3 goalies, R Jack, S Wright, L King and A Devine. I think that about says it all. One that's why Greegsy signed on for another year and if we are not buying another goalie he should be No.1 McCrorie should go never will be a gers goalie. Spend decent money and get a new No.1 in.

Blue Laudrup

1.) 05 Aug 2022 17:18:11
So because he got beat by a deflection he’s no good enough our fans are far to quick to write people off.

2.) 05 Aug 2022 17:25:18
Thats my opinion and that is yours. I am not writing anyone off. He is just not good enough.

3.) 05 Aug 2022 17:48:22
Bassey, I for one don't think he is good enough as I am sure you know. Rangers have always had top quality keepers. McLaughlin is not one of them. Nothing to do with the goal he lost the other night or the one he lost against West Ham or being in no mans land at the Livingston goal. He doesn't come close to being Rangers No.1.

4.) 05 Aug 2022 17:53:28
Blue laudrup all wrong.
We had two rangers academy players McGregor Mccrorie

Four Scottish academy, in squad as Souttar did not travel Arfield Jack Wright

Players under 21 don’t count towards the 8 allowed.
Ie king and Devine.

5.) 05 Aug 2022 18:02:49
If it hadn't been for McLaughlin on Tuesday, we would already be out of the CL. Some seem to forget that.
Plenty others at fault for the defeat and that includes Gio. He picked the team and formation and got it badly wrong.
Starting Jack who has done nothing for months and playing Sands (right footed) on left side of Central defence certainly never helped.

6.) 05 Aug 2022 18:19:56
BB right now he is no1.

7.) 05 Aug 2022 18:26:00
Bassey that same goalie was in no mans land for livis goal he's hopless.

8.) 05 Aug 2022 18:46:45
We all have our opinions but i think McGregor is still better than mclaughlin and should be our no.1 in front of him, that's my honest opinion ?Jon mclaughlin is a good no.2 goalkeeper but i honestly don't see him as a rangers no.1 goalkeeper and nothing will change my mind and for the record if gio still plays him in front of greegs, i'll still give jon mclaughlin my full backing ?.

9.) 05 Aug 2022 20:08:15
If it was shagger who got beat by a deflection you would be saying he’s to old seen it all last season.

10.) 05 Aug 2022 20:32:16
100% correct Bassey.

11.) 05 Aug 2022 21:09:17
Slim Jim spot on and the save with his legs late on kept the score at 2-0 and gives us a chance on Tuesday to claw back the deficit.
Let’s give JM a chance as we are all too eager to be pre judge players but we are all entitled to voice our opinions.




Blue Laudrup's rumour replies


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19 Jun 2024 09:43:59
Barron will without doubt be a future captain of the club all going well, just like young Barry Ferguson.

Blue Laudrup



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08 Jun 2024 07:23:25
Bit of humour lads, gets to serious on this site sometimes.
I worked at a Japanese plant in Livingston for several years. security were the usual G4 pensioners on reception. as plant was so big tannoy calls went out all the time. the favourite was to call reception and ask for "Itchy fanny san" to call 3000. Needless to say several hundred workers were in stitches and japanese bosses running around going mental.

Anyway back to rumours, Another Asian "Sictekfoc" plays on the wing.

Blue Laudrup



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07 Jun 2024 07:45:40
We seem to do things arse for tit. We could have had Mclean for nothing last season (oops the barrow boy was still here) but we and others in club new he bleed's blue.

Blue Laudrup



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18 May 2024 09:14:38
Guys, The transfer market isn't even open and you are all working yourself into a frenzy. The club and in particular the recruitment dept. is as tight as a knats ass to avoid any leaks.
It is all just rumour (well this is a rumours site) and clickbait no one has a clue who will appear at the foot of the marble staircase, it's a case of wait and see.
Oh. I will give you one Mason Munn is going nowhere.

Blue Laudrup



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15 May 2024 12:22:28
Gunn ha a figure of £5million on his head. Jack Butland will stay new back four have to be built around him.

Blue Laudrup




Blue Laudrup's banter replies


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29 Jun 2024 07:20:21
Well said Dsquare.

Blue Laudrup



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26 Jun 2024 17:17:17
Aye John227, not so long ago you had him going to Arsenal.
He as I have said before on other sites will be a Rangers No.1 goalie. He is good, very good.

Blue Laudrup



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19 Jun 2024 13:19:52
Don't know who started the rumour.
1. No problem with construction.
2.The mobile crane is on trackside hard footway round entire pitch and NOT on the pitch.
3. Sounds like some dirty wee tims on here spreading rumours.

Blue Laudrup



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11 Jun 2024 09:45:21
all these 20 plus year olds are first team players for us along side some more experienced players. example Balogun and Nsiala.

Blue Laudrup



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08 Jun 2024 07:30:39
I heard when Stevie G was manager he invited McBurnie in for interview. Mcburnie was allegedly under the influence bridges burnt immediately.

Blue Laudrup



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