25 Jan 2023 14:45:21
Paper talk today - Hagi to Galatasaray; Morelos agent pushing him to Inter. Anyone else think Morelos needs a more realistic agent? :-)

1.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 14:54:19
I love Alfie, and he is still my favourite player, but Inter?! Not a snowballs chance in hell. Ludicrous!
If this is true, he really needs to find a new agent. ??.

2.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 14:55:59
Why you think a free agent that was rated 20 million at one point wouldn't interest a team like inter is more daft than you think his agent is. ?

From Thier point of view even if he's third choice scores one or two goals they could sell him on for At least 3 or 4 million and make a profit ?

How would he be any different to what we've done with cantwell business wise?

3.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 15:03:21
Wouldn't be a huge shock to see Morelos out and a replacement in this week, looks unlikely but stranger things have happened . Think there's at least one big surprise coming.

4.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 15:06:55
On a more realistic note i was just told by a good source and friend of mine in London this afternoon we have an agreement with Swansea for Whittaker at £1.8 million should be public knowledge within 48 hours apparently the chap is desperate to come to us / could be good business onwards and upwards.

5.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 15:13:10
Typical nonsense from a desperate agent. Trying to get a real bid in by dangling a big team's name. Not a chance will he be playing at Inter, frankly he isn't good enough!

6.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 15:23:12
I think Alfredo would tear it up in Italy. His lack of pace wouldn't be as much of an issue. However not a hope Inter take him. They have Martinez, Dzeko, Lukaku and Correa. the manager Inzaghi would probably get a start before Alfredo.

7.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 15:23:47
I think you are more needing to stop reading papers more than slate Morelos's agent!
Fooled by being baited by the click?.

8.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 15:28:41
Hope your right Gregory boy looks like a decent prospect.

9.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 15:48:14
Well it came from my friend that gave me the nod that Gerrard was in London on the Tuesday agreeing to the villa job and as it was him that gave me yhe Cantwell info 10 days ago that it wouldn't be a pre contract and he would be announced on monday as i posted so his info is good and he was very positive about the whittaker deal as he forced me to buy him more Stella in the pub - heres hoping.

10.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 16:30:03
Wont be Nisbet anyway, the BBC say Millwall bid £2.3m then they reported they had increased the bid to £2m! either somebody isny good at the counting or the BBC are just daft .

11.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 16:31:12
I was sure

Martinez wanted a move end of season
Lukaku only on loan
And dzeko must be a decent age now

So could quite believe they are willing to take a punt as they have not same money as past inter teams.

12.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 16:42:58
How's about Aribo on loan, not picked last 4 games and not in the squad v Newcastle, could be carrying something or the gaffer don't fancy him?

13.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 17:03:14
Kelso are u guessing about a surprise or heard something?

14.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 17:21:12
If the fee was good for Hagi I'd sell (recent career changing injury), same goes for Alfie - but won't be to Inter???. Take the cash and re invest wisely.

15.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 18:20:22
I’d sell Hagi and use the money to make the Tillman deal permanent. We have no idea what condition Hagi will be in after such a severe injury, and Tillman is years younger.

16.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 18:42:32
onewalter . guessing.

17.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 19:02:18
Tillman had exact same injury last season as hagi.

18.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 19:04:04
Has 2 players from our league not all ready went to italy and done really well recently think from hibs so i'm sure Alfredo would be a hit.

19.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 21:24:43
Already got tillsman on loan plus option to buy! . Kent will renew contract alf won't but we should've got shot of him years ago no one is bigger than the club!

20.) 25 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 21:55:37
Inter could easy pay £2 million bring Alfie in January if he works out would be good if not sell for 3/ 4million.

21.) 26 Jan 2023
25 Jan 2023 23:45:27
Posted the other day about Hagi going on loan and got pelters!
The club want him to get game time. Fact.