22 May 2023 11:09:30
Ryan Kent's in talks way Everton.

1.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 12:47:17
Honestly don't care where he goes, when he moves on he is no longer of an interest to me.

2.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 12:58:08
Agreed. No interest in players leaving who have dooned tools for a while now.

3.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 13:30:06
Ryan who ?.

4.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 13:34:12
i think he will go to everton.

5.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 14:52:24
You would expect the transfer of Kent to be dependent on Everton avoiding relegation if they are interested in bring him to the club.

6.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 15:44:51
When kenty leaves i wish him and alfie and who ever else leaves all the very best


7.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 15:50:48
Is that them preparing for life in the championship? Not who ud want in a relegation dogfight.

8.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 15:51:53
You would have to be fair he was sensational in some games that third goal to set up johnny lundstram was brilliant just didn't do it often enough.

9.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 15:52:58
Kent will definitely do well in EPL. Don’t understand why some on here think otherwise. Good luck to the boy, he’s been a great player for Rangers and not his fault our management team failed to capitalise on his transfer value.

10.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 16:15:56
A great player for Rangers i must have missed that Bankie.

11.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 16:16:30
It's not just the failings in his contract renewal it's also the failure to provide him any competition.

He got to comfortable whilst also being our main threat only people to blame here is the Transfer strategy.

Best of luck to Kent. Bored of all these fans who just sprout constant hate. Try and enjoy life.

12.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 16:41:31
Bankie because he couldn’t do it in spfl on a regular basis that’s why we don’t think he will do it in epl.

13.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 16:50:01
He leaves with my best wishes for his future him doing well elswhere only reflects well on rangers.

So all the best to the guy.

14.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 16:52:13
I also hope you are all big enough to give him a good reception in the last game for his send off no bitterness he honoured his contract and gave us some good times in Europe at least.

Thanks and we move on.

15.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 16:52:30
Same goes for morelos.

16.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 16:57:16
Obviously won't be involved in a relegation dog fight kaiser as he won't be able to play for them till his contract expires with us.

17.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 16:58:34
Kent would need to be at his best nearly ever game for playing regularly in the epl, can he do it i have my doubts but wish him all the best.

18.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 17:06:34
I wish both well when they leave.

19.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 17:13:53
From what I am hearing Kent meeting with anyone of any substance is just speculation. This is from contacts in Liverpool and folks at the Echo.
Admittedly I was more interested in news on Tom Davies and was told that he is back in training but is unlikely to play again this season. He is not expected to sign again for Everton unless he is given guarantees on game time.
Rangers have been in contact but was told 'not recently' although we are still rumoured to be interested.
If Everton stay up then I would expect them to be targeting better players than Kent although they do have issues regarding 'Financial Fair Play', which they need to resolve.
Whether they stay up or go down they are looking to move on a number of players - most of whom are as good as Kent.

I actually thought that they might have gone after Morelos but nothing on the radar on that.

20.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 17:41:30
know what. i like negative posts ie goid ridance, and i like positive poste ie thanks for what u done.
im very mixed.
but i'm certain i dint want him to stay. thanks and good luck. goodbye. alm the best.

21.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 18:02:25
The constant berating kent is going over the score lads so it is! Move on as you've got your wish. He's leaving!

22.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 18:08:18
I wish every player well when they leave.
Do I care where they end up? Nope.

23.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 18:10:22
My goodness Tinted, obviously I'm not talking about this season. Everton are in a mess financially, if they do stay up there's a good chance they'll be in dogfight next season too. I'd not want him for a scrap but if they down in the championship, I actually believe he could do a good job for them if he regains his desire.

Bankie agree we may have made a mistake not capitalising on him tho not sure we really ever had the chance but most are glad he's going because he failed to capitalise on his own potential and talent. Bar 1 good season and a few great performances in Europe he's been a huge disappointment. Well be far better without him.

24.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 20:53:39
I hope Kent goes on to. have a great career but right or wrong still can't forget that chance to win the EL and the fact he's barely played to his standard in the league since 55 but good luck to all the guys who leave.

25.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 21:41:43
Walter smith people r entitled their view.

26.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 22:20:56
I know everyone is entitled to their opinions John27 but surely to god you must see yourself it's constant mate regarding kent ?.

27.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 22:59:00
No difference to earlier in season coops when you were on constantly bashing mcglaughlin and others. Everybody entitled to a viewpoint. Kents been a serious failure and its long time hecwas gone.

28.) 22 May 2023
22 May 2023 23:15:27
Sws simply because Kent gets mentioned regular on here and people opinions won't change in what we are seeing.

29.) 23 May 2023
23 May 2023 00:31:26
It was a painful one Walter but it was more painful to me that goldson didn't cut out the cross for Thier leveller. Main reason I'll never see goldson as a great defender doesn't cut out crosses that often or slide to block or even win enough headers in his own box.

30.) 23 May 2023
23 May 2023 03:50:33
Correct HWG55 and Beale but it’s selective memory with coops.

I hope kent has a great Career when he leaves here I hope every player does, also with kent I think the problem is that everyone knows he has it in his locker but doesn’t produce it enough for whatever reason.

31.) 23 May 2023
23 May 2023 11:17:44
Kent played the fans, has had more fines for turning up late at training,
Mind not on his role, leave training head south, get up at five to try reach trining constantly.

But all we hear is abuse of Morelos Souttar McLaughlin and others

The boy will leave and his career will drop off.

32.) 23 May 2023
23 May 2023 12:17:31
Sure Kent has been inconsistent this season, but how many wingers play 100% every week? or any player in any position for that matter, footballers are not immune to personal issues, on top of that we have had 3 management changes and the players have to adjust to each new managers tactics.
Easy to forget that but that's the reality.
Kent was Gerrards Protege he brought the lad through along with Beale at Liverpool, lucky we even got the lad in our team, he had plenty other options, but chose to stay under Gerrards management, Kent has by far been the the Best LW we have had in the last 10 years, and you all know that's the case. He has a bad run of form for a while especially in the league, and has not been the same since Gerrard lef, in the Europa games under Gio he was sensational and played his part in getting us to the final.
What next from the haters, Cantwell has a bad run of form for 6 months and he is rangers worst ever player. Have a word with yerselfs .

33.) 23 May 2023
23 May 2023 13:30:17
Well said John. It appears it's ok for some to criticise on here but not others.