27 Jun 2023 15:05:50
Is there any update on the Traore rumour? The original post by someone earlier got sidetracked because of the first reply. He looks a very exciting prospect.

1.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 15:37:14
Think it is just that.
The only bids so far are for Dessers and Danillo. Reading between the lines it looks highly unlikely we will be getting them both. One or the other. Would love to be wrong though.

2.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 15:49:57
Seems we are one of a number of clubs interested in Traore, which is usually a bad sign for us as we can't compete financially with Teams from 'bigger' leagues.

Not a player I know anything about, but looks to be a hell of a prospect - so fingers crossed.

3.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 15:57:02
We have no chance. Bid 3 million for him. They paid 3.5 million for him and he is banging them in. He is easily a 6-7 million player.

4.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 15:57:42
Hacken want to break their record transfer fee of £3.5m. Rangers have allegedly had a bid of £3m turned down.

5.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 16:27:12
Codliveroil I'm very sure that i read they paid 850k for him.

6.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 16:28:43
Reading into this n tbink you're right they are at least after

N look like trying too start a bidding war can see him going for more.

7.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 16:34:05
They never paid 3.5 million for him that is the highest transfers fee they have received for a player.

8.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 17:09:13
Beale is correct, 850k for him they paid.

9.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 17:57:52
If it is between dessers and danilo to which striker we sign, who do we prefer ?.

10.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 18:11:34
Danilo for me. Better value for money imo.

11.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 18:17:20
@Sir Walter - It looks like Rangers have been priced out of a move for Dessers. The club have moved on to Danilo but the initial bid is seemingly way of Feyenoord’s valuation too. Rangers won't get either player unless they Kure willing to up the bids. Same goes for Traore.

We’re low balling clubs right now and we’ll away from what they seemingly want.

12.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 18:25:18
@Foolmonty - Danilo is a proper CF that can score, hold the ball up, and bring others into play. A good replacement for Alfredo Morelos to lead the line in a line striker system.

I think Traore shares many similar attributes to that of Sima. If we get Sima in a loan deal I doubt the club will push for Traore again. I would expect the raising funds to go towards a striker, with a view to getting Cifuentes in as well.

If Rangers got another 3 in (Cifentes, Sima, and Danilo) that would be 7 new players in already. I imagine the transfer budget will have been spent at that point too. It would then be time to move players on and see what cash can be raised before any new business is done.

Just my opinion but it makes sense in terms of squad numbers and budget.

13.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 18:32:07
If there is a fee involved that will rule us out won’t put there hand in there pockets will come back to haunt us.

14.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 18:32:39
Danilo. Dessers away to be 29. Players trading model has to be danilo.

15.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 18:50:56
Coops Danilo for me if it's a straight choice. Boy looks a better around player than Dessers.

16.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 19:04:09
I would pick Danilo.

17.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 19:39:07
Danilo looks the part tho think dessers ain't too shabby too

Danilo seems too be able too play more in the attacking half n bully defenders, bit younger as well

N who dsnt like a Brazilian.

18.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 19:45:58
Think I'd rather offer 4 million for traore boy looks sharp and would be a handful and for once a player with a good scoring record.

We always seem to dally on players we should push for and go steaming in for player that we should maybe be more cautious about.

19.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 20:29:53
Traore looks the part as well i'd be happy with either.

20.) 27 Jun 2023
27 Jun 2023 21:58:55
Not every transfer is the layer trading model he wants in guys good to go, dressers for me is a far better all round striker than danilo, I really want in Dressers I honestly think he could be a fantastic signing, scores all types of goals and he's strong too for holding off defenders, Danilo looks more the tricky type striker but in our system that will be the two supporting forwards roles in my opinion, only thing is with Dressers the right money has to be paid and I think 7 million is out of our reach, I was hoping we could get him for under 5 and possibly add ons depending on goals return or success at the club, really really want this lad, quite liking some of the forwards being linked with us but probably for me on a free Maja in as well as a main striker is a total no brainer, relatively risk free, great age, strong, experience in foreign. League and not too bad a goal return, 16 last year I'm led to believe.