13 May 2024 15:55:29
Heard this morning were interested in Malang Sarr of Chelsea young left sided centre back that can play left wingback don't know much about him or how true the rumour is but thought I would pass it on.

1.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 16:36:39
Rated highly when Chelsea signed him, never played for them, still a good age.

2.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 16:37:06
Monaco have an option to by him when his loan ends. buts he’s 25 and an area we need to strengthen so maybe it’s doable.

3.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 18:05:38
spotrac has him at 120,000. is that the truth? no idea.

4.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 18:05:57
If so it would likely be a loan.

Why do this if we have yfeko for example?

5.) 13 May 2024
13 may 2024 18:36:54
possibly because he's far better than yfeko, only a guess mind.

6.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 18:41:20
Because Yfeko isn’t good enough and potentially never will be.

7.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 19:00:50
Guy was one of the top prospects in France about 6 7 years ago. Signed with Chelsea and they ruined the lad. Was a cracking CB but not seen him for a bit.

8.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 19:20:27
If Yfeko was good enough he’d have played more this season.

9.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 19:32:42
If Yfeko was any good then he would have played more this season and at least been making the bench.

10.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 20:12:52
Wow man. The negative attitude towards all our players is atrocious on here.

Yfeko is no good.
Many of u have even watched the boy play other than his odd first team game. when he looked decent.

Be the same lot a yous that said Bassey was hopeless anaw a take it aye?
Most folk on here have absolutely no clue about football just here to moan about players managers results n Celtic.

See the boy in question Tom?
Many times u seen him play lad?
Be truthful n a bet the answer is zero.

So how can u say he’s better than yfeko?
Absolute mess of a site these days honestly.

Anybody anything good to say about anything or anyone involving rangers or is it just a site to slaughter captions and youngsters? Managers and potential targets.
Absolute riot man so it is.

11.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 22:03:38
Yfeko is a young player that will hopefully develop, difficult to criticise him at this stage of his career, however the same cannot be said for the bottle merchants that have just rolled over and handed Celtic the league.
Difficult to be anything other than critical of a number of those players and if the latest rumour regarding Lundstram is true then he deserves every last ounce of criticism that he receives.
Of course the real problem lies with Wilson and Park that brought the majority of these players to the Club in the first place and thankfully neither are at the Club anymore.

12.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 20:40:04
Stevie cmon. Look the nick we've been in with injuries and yfeko has not played. That tells you something.

13.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 20:43:06
Stevie not many good things get said on here regarding anything Rangers mate ?.

14.) 13 May 2024
13 may 2024 20:49:46
ho, ho, ho, long time since i was called lad!

stevie, firstly i'll be truthful, I've seen yfeko every time he's played for rangers first team, and i didn't think he's the best, and i only know what I've seen or read about "the boy in question" and he's on another level as far as i can see.

stevie, you need to stop giving your opinion on players, then attacking guys with a different opinion.

all i said to you was, "possibly because he's far better than yfeko only a guess mind".

if you can't handle that "lad" are you sure an online forum is best for you?

15.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 20:50:40
Steve mate, for your own sake you need to get off your high horse, even if just to help with your blood pressure.

Not sure why your comparing him to Bassey, from memory Bassey got in to a championship winning team, yfeko would be unlikely to get on the bench most weeks, only injury’s have got him a seat to keep warm.

There is no benefit to having a go at fans who are frustrated with the constant failures of our first team, most people just want them to leave and for better players to come in.

16.) 13 May 2024
13 May 2024 21:06:42
Yfeko isn't good enough for rangers 11.

17.) 14 May 2024
14 May 2024 00:01:47
Tj, fair enough mate u did say possibly and only a guess so fair enough. Accept that.

I’m not meaning to be awe argumentative and on ma high horse lads. Just seems way too overly negative towards the players that don’t deserve it like tav Goldson n tbh even lunny doesn’t deserve the shi* he’s getting.
These guys are at rangers and in Scotland cause that’s their level, so why are they getting the amount of ott abuse for doing their best for this club?
That’s what I can’t handle.

As for yfeko I think he looks a good prospect. His pace and physique will stand him I. Good stead. He needs a year on loan. And play 30+ games at cb.

My likening him to Bassey is the age they signed they’re both left footed cb/ fb’s both have very similar physique and attributes.

Bassey got slaughtered on here aswell and look how he turned out.

I get we’re frustrated but taking it out on the players is wrong.

Take it out on the board who failed to back Gerrard, who got it wrong appointing Beale and giving him so much to spend and so much power and then even now, it’s questionable if this man is going to be the right guy aswell.

It’s not the players faults they’re giving all they have got to give.

18.) 14 May 2024
14 May 2024 00:02:42
Scales wasn’t good enuff for Celtic, now after 1 year at Aberdeen he’s first choice lcb.
Could easily be yfeko.

19.) 14 May 2024
14 May 2024 06:40:06
Stevie, let's be honest if any of our youngsters were good enough they would be in or around the first team squad on a match day.

Us as Rangers fans are guilty of bigging up the youngsters to be something they're not. McCausland is a prime example of that, he was fine when he first game into the team when Clement came in but there's a reason why he's been reduced to sub appearances the last few months. A lack of goals and assists, not sure what else he really brings to the team. He's not good enough for where we want to be.

20.) 14 May 2024
14 May 2024 08:22:28
Stevie put your tampon back in. We have every right to be moaning and unhappy with everything to do with our football club at the moment. Have you seen the state of it? They are about to win title 12 in 13 years and are on course to over tske every record we have over them.

21.) 14 May 2024
14 May 2024 10:27:09
So who’s to blame for that wishy?
James tavernier?
He’s gave more on the pitch than any other player in those 13 years u speak of.

The board are to blame mate.
Slaughter then.
Clement is to blame for losing the league when he had it in our own hands.

Bad tactics wrong selections and failure to change this from 1st of game to last.

Tav and Goldson don’t deserve the rubbish. Neither does bb who has hardly played or yfeko. Lunny neither. Might not be good enough but the rubbish being aimed at them is ott.

Also mate I wear pads ??.

22.) 14 May 2024
14 May 2024 10:28:24
Scotty agree re McCausland he’s not good enough. Needs a year or 2 at a club in spl that plays attacking football to see how he flourishes.

23.) 14 May 2024
14 may 2024 10:46:49
It's a rangers fan forum lad, not the Brighton loyal annual singalong or the big walk at glesga green. some people say what they think of players, whether good or bad, or indifferent,

if you're actually saying you "can't handle", i suggest another lie down, because it's what fans do, everywhere, yfeko, imo, won't be rangers ch, going forward, but maybe I'm wrong and he will, i don't mind being wrong,

and listen, guys who have poured many thousands following their club are allowed to talk about football, on a football site, so simmer and chill out mate.

24.) 14 May 2024
14 May 2024 11:55:25
Stevie while I agree 100% on the board, they hold more blame than anyone. We still need to move on tav, Goldson etc they are past it and at one point we’re good servants but now they are the best paid players in the league and they aren't justifying they wages. Lundstram I 100% can’t stand he’s now chucked it under 3 managers and he did the same at sherif field Utd he should be chased out the door mate. We need to hold the board accountable as much as we do the players that I agree on.

25.) 14 May 2024
14 May 2024 11:56:39
Fair enough Tom, maybe the problem is actually cause I’ve simmered down too much over the last 10-15 years and when I see others taking it too far it scunners me. Only a game a football and the abuse part really gets to me.
Apologies if av came back n got on people ms nerves arguing n that.

I don’t mind slaughtering players who don’t give their all and deserve it.
But I can’t watch players like tav goldson bb Naismith even. And so on who gave a lot for the club and team and fans n pith. And off it being absolute destroyed when I don’t think it’s balanced.

26.) 14 May 2024
14 May 2024 12:52:29
Weird Tavs not been here 13 years, only 9. Him and Goldson deserve criticism of their performances, they would be first to say so themselves, anything outside that draws criticism is not acceptable though, family probs etc. Sentimentality about past exploits don't count today.

27.) 14 May 2024
14 May 2024 14:00:11
SG I think football has changed a lot and mediocre is well rewarded. Tav and others have contributed and made f we win the Scottish cup that’s improvement. How? Two trophies in one year since we came back.

We have to look at the evidence and apart from the 55 we have caved in every year when we had the chance to win the league or least mount a serious challenge. Twice with SG and now this.

28.) 14 May 2024
14 May 2024 14:47:11
talking about giving players abuse as if they are on here reading it and getting their feelings hurt LOL

This page is a hoot!

29.) 14 May 2024
14 May 2024 15:51:57
Allymc, there gave the same abuse at games and outside stadiums though mate.

30.) 14 May 2024
14 May 2024 16:03:10
Look boys love or hate Tavs or Goldson is not really the big deal here - It is plainly obvious they and many others have run their course at Ibrox and if the club does not change its playing staff BIGTIME then sit back and suck up the s*** for the next 5 years as we fall further and further behind.

Football is cyclical and we have plainly came to the end of a fairly poor cycle and it is time to move on and progress rather than stagnate IMO. We should thank those who have came and tried and move on to a new hopefully better chapter? Time to get behind the board and PC to make the club great again.