31 May 2024 12:12:29
"What's the chances of Jack leaving"?

"He's loving life up here".

Butland isn't going anywhere and certainly not in the summer, between the lines Europe is keeping him here, not the champions league, just Europe.

1.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 12:35:49
I hope so mate. Is this Goldsons words?

2.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 12:36:15
If a big bid comes in he may go but he won’t get a bigger club than us and I’m sure he wouldn’t move unless he was guaranteed first choice keeper.

3.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 12:36:15
I don't want him to go and actually don't think he will go but sometimes players have no choice to go if they are told they are to be sold for money to rebuild, I'm not saying this is the case I think / hope we have a decent enough pot saved up for Clement to bring in who he needs and keeping super jack as no 1 but no one is not for sale at any price due to our league.

4.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 12:40:37
It will all depend on his ambitions he has. If he is happy to challenge for trophies and be a strong no1 playing in front of 50k every week then he will stay. If he wants to be England no1 he has no choice but to leave.

5.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 12:41:33
A decent offer comes in for him, we'll snap their hands off. A great chance to make money on someone we got for nothing. Hopefully the days of letting players run down their contracts, and leave for nothing, are gone.

6.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 13:08:50
I wouldn't really want to say who said it publicly but they are a current player. They pretty much said without saying that he's happy here and they'd be surprised if he left especially in the summer. Like GJ said, often times players have no choice, I don't think that would necessarily be the case here mind you as he is very highly regarded for all the right reasons and rated also.

7.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 13:49:18
When Jack Butland was sifting through contract options last year I imagine there were some far jucier bits of fruit on the table from EPL and farher afield than the honest offer Rangers could put up. He is chasing silver not gold to show his grandkids. That said in todays game the board can intervene if the magic number is struck. Ask Alan Hutton or more recently Fashion Sakala and Nathan Paterson.

8.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 13:51:16
I like it mate, your rumours are to the point, no code talk or word games. Keep them coming my man?.

9.) 31 May 2024
31 may 2024 14:15:41
“ between the lines, butland is staying because of eurooe, not cl just europe,

but i wouldn't like to say who said it publicly

( blue river, your rumours are to the point and no code talk or word games,

il tell you who said it, the poster said it just there, , no code talk or word games, just jacks staying but i can't tell you who said it,

10.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 14:26:39
All Good BlueRiver. We shall see what transpires over the weeks, I even got a photo at the gates yesterday for the sake of the doubters and to lend credence but there's nowhere to post on here. He's not a bad lad to be honest, when we got talking he was shocked that there was a football fan let alone a Rangers fan, not really a football school, rugger and hockey, I felt a bit bad calling him a "Useless ******" after a few performances,

{Ed001's Note - you can post it to the sightings page.}

11.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 14:52:37
Any offers of £5 million or more for Butland and we will sell him - we are not in a position to turn down any instant profit of reasonable magnitude -.

12.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 14:55:14
Fair enough. Thanks again for your posts appreciate your updates. Keep them coming if you can.

13.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 15:10:58
Big tel we rejected 8 mill from forest in Jan. So not sure we now would accept 5 mill?

14.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 15:32:00
TT1212, just notice your back bud, how was Croatia?

15.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 15:43:06
Hope all good with you tt

Paul all the parts I’m seeing say rangers rejected 5 for butland, can u direct me to where it says we rejected 8.

16.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 15:55:06
Big Tel, behave with 5million. Minimum 15million and I personally think that’s still too little based on the English market.

17.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 16:01:13
We won't be accepting an offer of 5 million.

18.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 16:01:22
Big tel we will it sell him for 5 million that’s ridiculous.

19.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 17:20:30
Blue we ain't getting 15m for butland and as has been pointed out he himself was culpable for dropped points in the run in and the cup final defeat so yes a good keeper I'd keep but not the quality we could ask for 15m for.

20.) 31 May 2024
31 may 2024 17:41:42
just back on weds to sign some things john, back on sunday.

21.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 17:54:55
Paul probably seen it on here as it's been posted on here loads that we turned down 8 million.

22.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 17:55:41
Tom good to have you back hope your well pal ?.

23.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 18:39:05
People need to be realistic

Butland is not irreplaceable and he’s not as good as a lot think great shot stopper but has some flaws in his game ball at feet he is horrendous even worse than McLaughlin I’d say.

He has been great for us overall though

Anything north of 8 million is a great bit of business for a guy we got for nothing will ease our financial fair play and can replace him with a younger top quality keeper with that money and maybe even left over monies for other signing or decent youth

Storable lekovic looks like a real find at 22 years of age has some rough around edges stuff but with McGregor there to coach too I’m confident we could replace butland no problem.

24.) 31 May 2024
31 may 2024 18:49:34
im ok blue, fork, just home for 4 days, back sunday, thanks guys.

25.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 19:13:55
Nice to hear from you again TT12?Hope your doing well pal and enjoy croatia when you go back on sunday mate ?.

26.) 31 May 2024
31 may 2024 19:22:04
cheers coops, hope your well my friend.

27.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 19:27:44
Gofor got to disagree massively with you, he's the best goalkeeper we've had in a long time you've got McGregor klos goram, I'd go as far as saying he's in the top 3 of my lifetime at 41.

28.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 20:47:15
Big tel, you chat some amount of absolute rubbish, if you think we’d sell butland for 5m you’re needing your head checked. If he does what shagger did then He has the potential to be the best GK this club has ever seen. We couldn’t replace him with 20 million let alone 5.

29.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 21:11:51
Gofor he ain’t as bad as John mc with ball at his feet he isn’t even as bad as McGregor with the ball at his feet he ain’t the greatest but he is still better than what we have had evenly in those terms.

30.) 31 May 2024
31 may 2024 21:18:15
certainly won't be “ the best this club has ever seen “, so its not big tel whos talking “ absolute rubbish”

butland is very good, but he hasn't come close to goram klos or greegs atm.

31.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 21:32:17
Ed001. Posted on sightings. Edited slightly as I'm not one for paparazzi rubbish. Only posted for credence.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks, picture is now on the banter page.

32.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 21:34:12
No one would expect him to tell us who his source is, Tom. People can say things or imply meaning without actually saying it word for word. We know it was the poster who said it. We all read the post.

33.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 21:49:40
Price is right he leaves.

34.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 21:55:43
Is it possible to delete photos on sightings maybe in an hour or two. Quite sneaky snapping, was literally just for sake of doubters.

{Ed033's Note - Photo is now removed from the Sightings page.

35.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 22:22:29
£10 mil minimum plus if Butland leaves, but hopefully not do we replace him with an experienced GK?

Kasper Schmeichel is available on a free transfer or do we look at signing a keeper that is more in line with our player trading model?

36.) 01 Jun 2024
01 Jun 2024 23:07:59
Lol he’s not better than

Klos prime before injury

Or even niemi.