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26 May 2024 10:48:59
Cantwell is leaving in the summer. He was speaking to fans outside ibrox after the game yesterday and said he's off.


1.) 26 May 2024 11:40:35
Called it weeks ago after all his cryptic instagram posts. he's talented but won't be a big loss and fairly easily replaced.

2.) 26 May 2024 11:41:28
Good, he's a fud.

3.) 26 May 2024 11:45:04
If he is then goodbye and thanks for very little.

4.) 26 May 2024 12:02:55
He's so annoying you can see how good a player he could be pisses about to much acting hard trying to wind people up on and off the pitch, always comes back to bite him in the backside.

5.) 26 May 2024 12:13:30
Won’t be in the slightest missed, I reckon in a few year we’ll forget he even played for us to be honest.

6.) 26 May 2024 12:16:14
I hope he stays, in a team with a more mobile 9 and width he wouls show his true ability on the ball. Some of the headless chicken comments flung at him is because he wants to do the job of everyone at the top end of the pitch, better players around him changes his focus.

7.) 26 May 2024 12:24:20
He's failed to show up in the bog matches so good luck if he goes.

8.) 26 May 2024 12:28:05
Good he’s flattered to deceive he’s far to lightweight for up here in my opinion I’m probably wrong but apart from Butland I’m not so sure many of Beales signings have played for the full 90 minutes 2 games in a row our recruitment has to be spot on this season.

9.) 26 May 2024 12:38:08
There’s a lovely send off from a few bitter fans with zero insight on how difficult it is to move, adapt to a different league and several managers and playing styles while going through personal issues and constant tears from fans when you don’t turn it on.

Very good player who doesn’t hit top level enough for us but will be a loss. At least he’s available enough for a player that must take 15+ kicks a game.

10.) 26 May 2024 12:41:52
If true, all the best. We move on.

11.) 26 May 2024 13:00:04
Surely not! We can’t lose the Poundland Jimmy Bullard! His locks will be sorely missed! Wee gimp….

12.) 26 May 2024 13:06:54
We need a proper 10 that scores and assists regular.

13.) 26 May 2024 13:07:28
Hopefully we give Lowry one last chance to show us he can cut it after getting through the terrible time he's had with his mother and injury.

14.) 26 May 2024 13:13:08
I think Cantwell still has two years on his contract so we should make a decent enough profit on him. (I could be wrong)
He has the ability to be an excellent player and early signs had me thinking we might end up with a Bassey type transfer fee in the future.
Unfortunately Cantwell hasn’t showed himself at his best this season and hasn’t been above a 6 or 7 that much in my opinion.
His social media stuff doesn’t help and was always going to be criticised if we weren’t winning.
If he does go good luck to him and get the money reinvested in what will be a very difficult rebuild.

15.) 26 May 2024 13:24:02
I’d offer Lowry to clubs in Portugal and Spain ms 2nd tier and hope he grasps it with both hands.
He’s got the talent to succeed in those country’s and it could be making of him as a person.

16.) 26 May 2024 13:24:24
I think guys like Cantwell get lambasted due to the inferior players around him.
Dessers offers very little movement and his link up ability is poor. On the other hand, when Danilo was fit him and Cantwell started to look good together because they were on the same wavelength.

Yesterday Cantwell was screaming to the midfield to press with him and Dessers but they sat too deep and allowed Celtic to get out of defence.

Not saying Cantwell should definitely be kept but maybe with better players around him he might contribute more often?

17.) 26 May 2024 13:26:22
Great news! He's dire, and overrated by a good few on here, which is embarrassing. Get him tae, the up his own arse wee show pony.
I still can't believe there were some on here posting that he "must start"! Honestly, I would love to know what they see in him, that most fans don't?!

18.) 26 May 2024 13:37:46
5 league goals and 4 assists in the spl this season, shocking numbers for our main attacking midfielder, matondo has the same number of goals and Lundstram has the same assists. He doesn't back up his style with numbers, he choses the wrong option far too often to.

19.) 26 May 2024 13:38:47
Cantwell doesn't have the mentality to play for Rangers. He'd have been sent off if he'd stayed on the park yesterday. We should give Lowry every chance, he's got the talent and has a better range of passing than Cantwell.

20.) 26 May 2024 13:42:08
My information is we will be looking for 6.5m. That's a complete deal with the add ons plus a 10% sell on. My information is 4.5 fee with 2m add ons. For me that's good money as he has been poor this season. Will look to bring in similar player that's a bosman.

21.) 26 May 2024 13:46:43
firstly you need a club to take him
off our hands at what price 2 -3mill
with some add ons or as a swapdeal
with some other player.

22.) 26 May 2024 14:06:04
But but he has a footballing brain c'mon now we can’t get rid of that.

23.) 26 May 2024 14:08:59
Bellshill I’d be stunned we get that for him, we were very close to accepting 2 million in January,

Derby vey interested although idont think they could afford 2 million.

24.) 26 May 2024 14:21:03
Sell Cantwell 3-5 mill.

Play Hagi as Cam, Fully recovered and fit again, better passer, higher assist rate, younger, no fee to pay, is already ours until 2026.

25.) 26 May 2024 14:27:06
Did he really yeah ?.

26.) 26 May 2024 14:50:31
Great football brain and first name on the teamsheet for some on here. ??? I won't miss him in the slightest.

27.) 26 May 2024 16:06:13
I think Todd posts on here under several aliases.

Certainly sounds like him: everyone else's fault and all about him.

Big mouth, wasted talent, just like at Norwich, where incidentally he was surrounded by better players than we have and suffered exactly the same problems.

This era's Joey Barton. All talk and no follow through.

28.) 26 May 2024 16:11:20
I agree that I think he'll move on.

Personality aside, I don't think he suits PC playing style.

Can see us lining up without a 10 next season and playing with two 8's instead.

29.) 26 May 2024 15:51:04
Storm, apart from liking dessers mate, is there any other rangers player you do actually like ?Honest to god your incredible ?.

30.) 26 May 2024 16:25:46
Hagi is no where good enough. Has never been a regular starter when fit so why now would he be our main man in that position.

31.) 26 May 2024 16:30:48
Question Gdogg did you see a lot of him at Norwich?

32.) 26 May 2024 16:31:55
SWS he’s fishing and you just bit mate.

33.) 26 May 2024 17:02:15
I like cantwell and reckon that he is capable of more. He certainly plays with his heart on his sleeve and I reckon that unlike others he understands the importance of winning against them. Little doubt that he could have got sent off yesterday because of the poor quality refereeing, and I can understand why PC intervened. I also believe that there will be plenty of interest in him. My concern is, who do we bring in to replace him.
Our Board aren't exactly renowned fro spending big bucks to bring in quality!

34.) 26 May 2024 18:05:29
Think Storm likes John McClaughlin???.

35.) 26 May 2024 18:09:51
Personally I like Cantwell and he is a trier and works his socks off for 75% of the games. He is capable of a lot more than anything else we have in that area and a good replacement won’t come. Cheap.

36.) 26 May 2024 18:47:49
Please let this be true.

37.) 27 May 2024 10:26:11
I also like Cantwell and think this is a mistake UNLESS it’s true that he’s become a problem at club and can’t follow managers instructions

But I’d say I will never fault the boys effort doesn’t deserve to leave club would be a handy squad player he has had some great spells this season and people forget his form only dipped after injury.



03 Sep 2023 15:44:49
I've got to ask, john27 or anyone else in the know. What's the chances of Beale being sacked after today.


1.) 03 Sep 2023 16:10:22
Surely to god he’s gone, he can’t continue.

2.) 03 Sep 2023 16:11:37
CJ, I'd be very surprised if he was sacked so early in the season. clearly not the man for the job, talk is all we get from him.

3.) 03 Sep 2023 16:14:06
CL I’d say very low.

4.) 03 Sep 2023 16:15:02
We can talk about a change of manager all we want, but the reality is MB is going no where any time soon, the most that will happen is that a Rangers minded coach will be brought in by Bisgrove and MB will be told to work with him.

5.) 03 Sep 2023 16:17:08
Doubt it and even if it's only due to a massive pay off and nothing suitable to replace him due to anyone of use also costing big money it's carry on Mick . They were lucky today no doubt about that .

6.) 03 Sep 2023 16:18:11
Slim to none. We'll wait till Celtic are too far gone and we're out of Europe, basically till there's nothing we can do but write off another season.

I'll be happy if we manage to turn it round, but I can't take to Beale at all. We have no style, we're terrible to watch, our recruitment has been terrible and I just don't like him as a person. I think he tries to gaslight us at every opportunity.

He actually claimed we were the better team today and Celtic didn't create any chances. We should have been 2-0 down before our chalked off goal for starters.

I see nothing from us at the moment to be optimistic about. Been 10 months in the job, lost every big game we've played under him and even after this time we've no idea how the team is even trying to play.

7.) 03 Sep 2023 16:19:43
He must be under severe pressure. So far it would seem the players he himself looked in the eye and chose are failing and letting him, the fans and the club down. That was embarrassing.

8.) 03 Sep 2023 16:22:40
Absolutely no chance beale will be sacked today but that isn't me saying i'm currently happy with how things are going at my club because i'm not! Beale will have to get a shape to this team and pretty quickly or he will eventually lose his job?I just can't see what he's trying to do here and he should never have taken roofe off ?Like i said before big mistake selling a very natural goalscorer in colak and oh how we miss a fit morelos.

9.) 03 Sep 2023 16:25:51
None. No way the board give him all that money to spend then sack him 2 days after the window closes. Unfortunately.

10.) 03 Sep 2023 16:28:17
John27 did I see a post a few days ago saying you were going to wait till after the Celtic game to post something?

11.) 03 Sep 2023 16:33:30
He can talk that's for sure, I half expected Lundstram to replace Dessers or Matondo I think he uses a lucky dip or raffle to make selections .

Someone must ask why he signed Danilo has the guy got a cracker of a wife? Sterling at left back was something that might make you want to bang your nut of a stane dyke as a left foot is quite handy in that position.

Matondo? just open the gates and let him run away .

12.) 03 Sep 2023 16:46:57
He has lost every game that’s mattered since been in the job as the last old firm game last season didn’t matter and it clearly wasn’t a marker. That Celtic team the day were there for the taking it was embarrassing. Makeshift defence and we hardly troubled it. I don’t think he will go but if it was up to me he would be gone.

John you have said bennet didn’t want him/ vote for him so is there no chance he may put his finger on the trigger?

13.) 03 Sep 2023 16:50:04
I doubt he will go, more a matter of money and how much it would cost us to replace him, but in the circumstances it would make sense to bring is an old head with a football brain and a winning mentality. If he was a Rangers Man then that would be an added bonus.
Personally, I would bring in Souness. One thing is for sure, a Rangers Team under Souness would not have capitulated the way we did today to that lot.

14.) 03 Sep 2023 16:52:18
Worst post seen on this site.
Beale to be sacked after this defeat?
And what and who would we replace him with?
And would they want to add there own players at more cost.
This is a project and apart from some obvious tactical blunders we weren't that bad today.
Second disallowed goal was a killer.
Sucker punched before half time.
But not all bad.
He needs the season with this squad at a minimum, last thing we need is another manager in a season.
Calm done, there are some very good signs.
He is inding his best 11 and it takes time for players to bond.

Biggest worry is our fullbacks once again! Every defeat comes from the flank!

Been saying it for three years and we never fixed it!

15.) 03 Sep 2023 16:54:30
Cantwell must be a bit fed up giving it his all when there are so many duds around him.

The tactic that bugs me is the fudding around at the back for a few risky passes then blootering it up the wing to nobody, it does appear to be a general sickness in the game.

But today with a one footed FB in the wrong place it was ridiculous, at least Barasic could give it a good thump up the wing to nobody .

16.) 03 Sep 2023 17:06:22
Just wait on the bookies posting "next Rangers manager " betting then we will know the score.

17.) 03 Sep 2023 17:08:37
JR it’s not one defeat tho it’s 3 this early in the season.

18.) 03 Sep 2023 17:09:45
Davie cantwell was rotten the day.

19.) 03 Sep 2023 17:14:51
Got to say I’ve never been in favour of Beale being manager but I think he has to get a little more time he signed 9 players! Who could come in and make a difference right away? If there’s someone out there in our budget then great but I’m not sure with that pool of players who could come in and do that!

20.) 03 Sep 2023 17:15:20
He will be here until at least Christmas time. That’s a guarantee.

21.) 03 Sep 2023 17:15:28
JR, are you joking. That was as bad as it gets! It was a tactical shambles with players played out of position all over the park. Long before the season started he should have known his best eleven but it looks like he just brought in players without any thought given to the structure of the team or the game plan.
Looking at Dessers I really do wonder whether he ever watched him because he really is poor, consistently being caught offside. That is not the way that a quality player plays.
We have been embarrassed by Kilmarnock, destroyed in Europe and there will be plenty more defeats to follow if we don't get things right and very quickly.
If he stays as he probably will for the season, more because of finances than football, then we need to bring in someone to work with him that knows how to manage and expects to win games. This is Rangers, not some two bit English Team with the same name.

22.) 03 Sep 2023 17:20:13
I'm not a Beale fan

But we were robbed there is no way that roofe goal should have been chopped off you don't have the right to space if dessers had made any other contact on defender would maybe had been an argument but he didn't

We've basically been cheated an I want the club and Beale to come out and say so regardless of touchline ban

Rangers should be asking for an explanation of were it says in the rules that you have a right to space to play the ball . cause if that's a rule football is dead.

23.) 03 Sep 2023 17:26:56
Jr how long to we give MB before judging his project. He's had all summer to prepare and if being honest 1 or 2 of his 9 signings have impressed.

24.) 03 Sep 2023 17:39:43
Sorry JR have to disagree with just about everything u said. The goal was straight down the middle so CB the problem (yet again) not the full backs. Most teams have made big changes but does stop them. And only 3 of signings started. Celtic bought more than us and had untried defence. Even Motherwell have started better than us with 11 new players. Ange got his signings right to hit the ground running. Honestly if u see good signs in the team please let me know what you see. Beale doesn't seem to have a system, an eye for a player, or an idea of his best X1. Boyd was right stop the drivel and excuses.

25.) 03 Sep 2023 17:42:13
The guy signed Lammers, Sima, Cifuentes and Danilo but doesn't start any of them, well now that's worth discussing . Danilo is going to get piles sitting on the bench most of the time and you might as well give Lammers a big bag of popcorn and leave him on the bench.

Cifuentes was called a midfield maestro on here, a big unit and a box to box marvel . naw he's none of them, it was like a soap opera in trying to sign him.

26.) 03 Sep 2023 18:15:46
Walter constantly feigned injury did not train did not want to play.

27.) 03 Sep 2023 18:28:35
I heard Xmas will be too late.

Gofor going by the letter of the law it’s a foul I don’t agree with it but it’s true we weren’t robbed.

Highland out of the 9 he signed how many started Wednesday and how many started today He doesn’t get any more time if we will have left it too late and they get 3 in a row.

28.) 03 Sep 2023 18:43:25
Davie to be fair to boy he's not played today and played out of position v psv and was played in cup by Beale v Morton when he's already had a full season Beale is clueless.

29.) 03 Sep 2023 18:44:03
Sick of telling folk the problem at the back.

30.) 03 Sep 2023 18:44:41
Think of any of our big games of recent years you will always see a Tav or goldson error or poor defending.

31.) 03 Sep 2023 18:46:36
Go back watch lammers interveiw he was under impression he was signed a s a striker not a midfielder we always buy players and play them out of position.

32.) 03 Sep 2023 18:51:22
We were unlucky today I’ll say that
For me the manger doesn’t know his starting 11
From barasic to sterling then yilmaz
I also agree with ciufentes and the hype and he’s no where to be seen same goes for Danilo £6m to sit Ona bench, Should have kept colak sold Davies
Bring in harry Souttar that’s just Off the top of my head, Disappointed ☹️.

33.) 03 Sep 2023 19:06:21
He ain't getting sacked!
Your crazy if you think we could bankroll all these transfers then sack him and leave a new manager with a previous managers signings!
Wake up!
We are in all comps and Europa.
Let him get on with it.
It's Septmeber!
I agree tactically we have been caught a bit short, wring set ups, but listen to his interview, he said he needs to take a good long hard look at himself and so do others!
That will do for me for now, he has my backing until end of the season.
What is wrong with some of you?

34.) 03 Sep 2023 19:13:07
Storm so tell me the exact rule and then tell me how it differs from Ronaldo penalty won at the world cup?

35.) 03 Sep 2023 19:26:42
Storm yes re Bennett, however I don’t think he is type of guy to act in haste

No matter what many think on here we r only four games in. If we go out league cup, I feel that’s different

The felling directed at Beale today was possibly worst I remember.

36.) 03 Sep 2023 19:29:02
Yes Burt, rumours re signings, posted it
Also told today by an ex captain Danilo and Cifuentes were not Beale appointed, hence why Beale not starting Danilo.

37.) 03 Sep 2023 19:41:53
JR, he must be removed now and that for me was the last straw. Tactically inept.

38.) 03 Sep 2023 19:53:21
Gofor look it up it’s not hard it’s in the rules. He is classed as to be in position of the ball as he has went to kick and been impeded by dessers.
I said I didn’t agree with it but it’s true. Maybe actually do your own research into rules instead of bumping your gums in here with nonsense as per.

John I don’t think they will act but by the time they do act it will be too late for this season. Yes only 4 games in but it’s 4 points behind and we have all the so called bigger teams at home in the 1st quarter of the season ?‍♂️.

39.) 03 Sep 2023 20:03:47
Not disputing Tav and Godson errors in the past but if it hadn`t been for the two of them we would have been 2 down before they scored. Another piece of dreadful refereeing and VAR disallowing a perfectly good goal, Dessers gets his foot in and the defender kicks into him, just like at the piggery last season when Alfie scored it seems that you are not allowed to score first against them. The argument is that you don`t sack Beale after he has spent all that money but I would say spending all that money on those 4 players is a sacking offence in itself. The fact that the only one you trust to play is possibly the worst of them all says something . Surely if someone else signed Danilo and Cifuentes ( and who would that be? ), any manager with his salt would walk away.

40.) 03 Sep 2023 20:24:20
JR, he tals a load of rubbish! It was the same after Kilmarnock and after our failure in the Champions League Play off. We will hear the same claptrap from him after every failure and I am not anticipating us to qualify for the knock out stages of the Europa Cup.
He leaves two of his potentially better players, Danilo and Cifuentes on the bench and plays Dessers who hasn't yet mastered the offside rule and today, Jack looked well of the pace at times and was way too slow.
No one wants us to fail but Beale just looks totally out of his depth.

41.) 03 Sep 2023 20:46:11
John what’s your honest opinion on Beale, I always sat on the fence but after today and Wednesday I don’t think he’s got it. I could see that change was needed in both games at halt time but nothing from the manager. I think that Beale had spoke to Roofe about giving everything for an hour then he would be substituted but can understand the fan’s frustration. like everyone I am just frustrated and find it easy to blame the poor refereeing but our manager must take some of the blame.

42.) 03 Sep 2023 20:59:10
I was at Dicks last game against Hibs and that was dire. This is a new low for me. Most managers dismissed before 2012 had some success before going. Gio was the only one since then that had some success before going. SG left. Even the 9 in a row who had a nightmare at times in Europe had success the year before. Beale needs the league cup and a last 32 in Europe minimum.

43.) 03 Sep 2023 21:00:23
Stormtrooper I wouldn't say Cantwell was rotten, ok not his best but he puts in some shift .

The manager loses next league match and he's off and he can take that tubby guy with the specs and whoever the other one is in the bus shelter with him.

We needed the defence sorted but he signs mid and forward players to sit on the bench, Sakala and Colak would have done much better v that cobbled together defence .

44.) 03 Sep 2023 21:03:04
I don't think we'll sack MB this early, unfortunately, but today the fans turned and that was the turning point for GVB.

Once you lose the fans, it's damn near impossible to recover.

I suspect the search for a new manager has already started behind the scenes.

45.) 03 Sep 2023 21:17:57
Guys I am not disputing the tactics at times are wrong.
But we are where what we are!
We can only attract what we can attract.
He ain't Harry Potter!
We have bought the best of what we could and those that wanted to come to us.
I think the signings will be good ones.
I think MB had been tactically naive which is a worry.
But it's September!

46.) 03 Sep 2023 21:32:54
Hey John27.

I am not in the know like you. just a lifer!

How can Danilo and Cifuenres not be Beale approved mate?

Sorry if I am being naive.

47.) 03 Sep 2023 23:42:37
JR, Beale doesn't have tactics, he is getting through games against mediocre opposition on a wing and a prayer and managing to lose other games against Teams that shouldn't be able to compete with us. He has signed players yet appears not to understand their positions and he doesn't appear to have a game plan never mind a clue who should be his starting eleven. He thinks our defence is ok. He won't get sacked yet but by the time he goes we will be so far behind in the league it will be pointless. He might just win the league cup but in all honesty it is a joke competition. He is already out of the major European Trophy handing Celtic a present of £2.5m in the process and he could embarrass us again in the Europa League. He is a narcissist and stubborn, he refuses to change things and accept that it isn't working. Everyone is wrong except him. His after the game comments were an embarrassment.
What is the answer. Appoint someone above him to work with him; someone that knows Rangers our standards and what is required by anyone that pulls on the blue jersey. Someone that has a football background. there are not many about but for me I would be asking Souness to work with him and hope he says yes.

48.) 04 Sep 2023 01:33:38
So In other words your not willing to back up your claim by letter of law . which law?

49.) 04 Sep 2023 01:51:47
Beale has been impossible to warm to. Still have a bad taste in my mouth from when he came up here whilst Gio was still the manager. Every big game we've lost. Cannot see what he is trying to do and his pressers are verging on comedic. This season so far we've seen Raskin regress as well, can't see anything positive.

50.) 04 Sep 2023 04:41:40
There is zero chance of Beale being sacked. Rangers aren’t going to back the new manager in the transfer market then sack him after 5 games. It would cost millions to remove him and his staff. Rangers paid millions to GVB and his staff less than a year ago just to walk away. Where do we go next? A new manager would need to be found instantly, and not be a disaster, or it could be a horror season like the time Murty was named caretaker and we were getting battered from pillar to post by Rodgers 3 and 4 nil.

The fans wanted Gerrard sacked at one point during the season we won 55. The board can’t give in to every emotional reaction the fans have or we’d be a basket case of a club. Managers need time and that’s what Beale will have.

51.) 04 Sep 2023 07:26:14
I agree with John on this, the costs related to sacking him so early based on his Contract and also the contracts of those players he signed on decent wages who may not be acceptable to any new Manager would, in my opinion, be very expensive and push us back financially as a Club, it's a very difficult scenario, which may appear simple, but certainly isn't.

52.) 04 Sep 2023 07:26:45
“ He is classed as to be in position of the ball as he has went to kick and been impeded by dessers. ” - Dessers did not “imped” anything - He won the ball back off the defender.

I played football for years and you're absolutely allowed to put your body between the ball and the opposition player. If the opposition player kicks you, and falls over, he doesn’t get a free-kick for it. The Dessers goal should have stood. Just about every neutral commentator has said the same thing and I wouldn’t be surprised if this turned up on Sky Sports ref watch like the Morelos one last year. A shocking decision by the referee. The Celtic players didn’t even contest it, there was no “clear and obvious error” so why VAR even looked at it I don’t know.

A error might have been made with the Cantwell penalty claim and they never checked that. No clear and obvious error was deemed to have been made by the referee. The refereeing decisions have no consistency about them at all.

53.) 04 Sep 2023 07:29:17
Davie, that tubby guy you refer to is neil banfield who worked beside arsene wenger at the arsenal, for many years mate. He's highly regarded ?.

54.) 04 Sep 2023 09:41:11
How can Dessers be given as a freekick to the defender but Maeda takes Cantwell out the game in the box and the ref doesn't even go to look at it.

Are the refs all scared of Celtic and their accusations over the years. pathetic.

Dessers was not a foul and Maedas was a foul. Regardless of the colour of the jersey and both decisions change the game.

55.) 04 Sep 2023 09:54:44
I agree cantwell like most of our players yesterday didn't have a particularly good game but cantwell never gave up and still gave it everything he had?I can accept even our best players can have off days but i will not accept them not still giving it everything for our club, cantwell even playing poorly by his standards yesterday, still gave it everything, which says a lot about a player?.

56.) 04 Sep 2023 10:40:34
There are 3 of them in the dug out coming up with ideas and tactics, though the tubby one might have his specs steamed up sometimes .

The one that had me banging my nut was Jack replacing Matondo at 5-1 down v PSV, what was the point of that nonsense? If it was to try and stop 6 or 7 down than he needs his head looked at .

57.) 04 Sep 2023 10:45:44
I firmly believe Beale will be sacked. If Rangers don't win their next 3 games he will be gone before the end of the month. How anyone thinks he will survive with our present performance levels, is kidding themselves on.

58.) 04 Sep 2023 11:52:24
Sir Walter none of them are highly regarded just now mate.

59.) 04 Sep 2023 14:21:14
Flb, I’m consistent I said b4 he was appointed the back stabbing snake should not be a rangers manager.
However once appointed I said I would back him

Many on here slaughtered me, now want him gone stating they never wanted him, go back read archives

JR exactly what I asked, I’m told Bennett and Bisgrove pushed these signings through, as th believe we w make big profit particularly on cifuentes, both these players were identified by John Park.

60.) 04 Sep 2023 14:09:01
Too many players playing out of position to accomodate Dessers who is horrendous and sorry, i'm not thick or blind and my judgement is correct wether its early or not. Midfielders tasked with covering fullbacks.
Roofe the only 1 with a brain to lead the line. Beale was doing fine last season what happened? Is it just his poor signings, or a mixture of tactics. Scunnered beyond belief that we lost at home to a poor celtic team that didn't even have to play that well to get job done. No goals either. Wake up beale and bin that dud up front or you will deserve the sack. Completely demoralised already, we've seen it before too many times and i see nothing to suggest we can come back from this. It isn't panty wetting as some say its just gut feelings are usually right.

61.) 04 Sep 2023 14:55:26
John so you believe Beale over kamara about training with youth thing but you call Beale a snake

Kind of hypocritical

But I do conceed you did not want Beale and did in fact say you get behind him after he was appointed so fair play ??.

62.) 04 Sep 2023 17:36:06
Also storm so what did you make of ref watch sky because higher level ref and whole panel all say no foul.

It's pretty obvious and I doubt there are many people on this site that would agree with you that goal should not have stood.

63.) 04 Sep 2023 19:50:49
Storm knows it’s not a foul. He knows the Rangers goal should have stood. He doesn’t care. He’s decided Beale is to be sacked and will spin the narrative to suit that agenda.

I’ve actually had Rangers fans tell me it's fine that the referee chopped off a perfectly good goal because there was plenty of time to go and make up for it. It’s like our fans are actually making excuses for the refs and trying to convince me we deserved to be beat - We didn’t! Rangers had more possession, we had 14 shots on goal, we had the ball in the net and the ref said no, we had a strong case for a penalty denied. We should be outraged but not at Beale, at the referee. Yesterday was a discarded and it follows on from a Morelos goal being wrongly chopped off last season. We have two high profile goals that should I’ve stood and that's been backed by the independent English referees on Sky Sports.

If Celtic had a goal chopped off like that yesterday, and a penalty claim not even looked at, they would have letters written to the SFA today. They would put enough pressure on the, to try and even the score down the line. Those referees should be embarrassed and demoted.

64.) 05 Sep 2023 14:36:42
Beale is a good Training pitch coach, he's not a manager, is tactically naive, who remembers ibrox last time out 10 mins to go, shocking decisions made.

we've not replaced kent or morelos with better players or even as equal ability, Dessers is terrible, Lammers average, playing Cantwell out of position V that lot was criminal.

we can't compete financially so we need to at least ensure our manager is experienced enough to know the strengths of both our team and the opposition.

he vetted those players personally which makes me confirm my views on his ability to spot a player, Anyone watching Norwich previously knew Cantwell was the star man there.

Muscat would be a good choice given his history as a manager to date. I worry that we will continue to say give this guy time and no doubt he's a great talker but talks too much then looks out his depth on the sidelines

been watching Gers for 40 years and the worst frontline ever.

PS still think Gio was hard done by and could've and would've brought in a better quality of player with his contacts and relationships.

Time for change.




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06 Jan 2024 14:24:12
Shankland 100% wants the rangers move, he's waiting for rangers to do their part. He will 100% not be signing for Celtic. Hearts do not want to sell in January (don't need to be Sherlock Holmes's to figure that one out) .


1.) 06 jan 2024 15:46:57
time will tell mate.

2.) 06 Jan 2024 19:48:26
Can't see hearts selling nor PC wanting him unfortunately.




CJ_RFC's rumour replies


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28 Jun 2024 18:14:19
Would absolutely love him. My only worry would be price. Very good footballer tho. Perfect replacement for tav.




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26 Jun 2024 19:40:54
For those who don’t understand, it doesn’t matter if he is out of contact or if he as been unveiled as a rangers player. He is an out of contract player who came through their academy. Therefore can take us to a tribunal for a development fee. Use Dominic solanke’s transfer from Chelsea to Liverpool as the best example.




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31 May 2024 20:47:15
Big tel, you chat some amount of absolute rubbish, if you think we’d sell butland for 5m you’re needing your head checked. If he does what shagger did then He has the potential to be the best GK this club has ever seen. We couldn’t replace him with 20 million let alone 5.




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22 May 2024 12:49:16
Bigtel that is an absolute pile of rubbish. That supposed conversation only happened in your dreams.

The keepers for next season are butland Kelly and wright. Unless an absolutely crazy bid comes in for butland.




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08 May 2024 20:40:54
Just a stab in the dark, but could it be Tom Hunter? Came close to investing with us a few years ago. But pulled out last minute.





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