06 Jun 2024 21:09:48
I've heard a few things coming to a conclusion in the next few days all being well, ins and outs, the social media team have done shoots with a player and are prepping for another, a lot of staff currently on holiday but paperwork and deals to be ramped up next week and heading into the window opening next Friday.

1.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 21:40:47
is it liam kelly who’s done the photo shoot mate?

2.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 22:14:46
I'm sure John or copland said kelly had his pictures done the other day.

3.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 01:29:18
Seeing Rrahmani rumours ramping up. If we do get him hopefully he does well but would Miovski for around the same price not be a safer option?

4.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 06:37:10
I said I would much rather spend a massive bit of our transfer kitty on a player we know who will hit the ground running and is settled in our league, a lot of these foreign players just don't fit our league n the boy from Aberdeen would be the far better bet, n folk saying we are looking at higher pedigrees of player for Europe, we need too make sure we are winning n scoring in Scotland first
Before blowing 6-7 mill on a realitivly unknown who could flop here
Or crumble under the pressure

Just cause he's got a high price tag
N scoring over there doesn't mean he will do it here

Member big cidrik itten
Full of wonder n promises
We have been burned season after season.

5.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 08:00:59
The rrahmani one gives me the fear any footage I've see is on a grass community pitch. Good goals record but on what level?

6.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 08:48:26
Leerc, are you watching the right player?

7.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 08:54:04
Surely if we're to sign him either Danilo or dessers will move on. Can't see us having 3 strikers with all high fees.

8.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 08:57:17
Think it's too large an expenditure on a risk. Why not somebody under our noses, who we know will cut it in our league straight away, and has been doing it for seasons.

9.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 09:56:12
Aberdeen would probably take around 3 million for miovski from another league but would want a far higher fee from us so I would say no to that. 5-8 million is crazy talk for an Aberdeen player and personally I wouldn't give any Scottish team good money for a player. They were all happy to see us gone not too long ago.

10.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 10:04:40
Scored some important goals for us. Braga will live in my memory not just for his 2 goals but also losing my shoe when the 3rd went in! ??
However having no pace will always hinder him and probably best he moves on for not only him but us as well. Good luck to the boy.

11.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 10:18:41
Bluedreamer-theres been just as many players stepped up from the SPL and flop.

12.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 10:36:53
Gal it's a no brainer they have a top striker exactly what we need, they want mccrorie so come too some sort of compromise, end of the day I'd rather pay them 5-6 million on a guy we know will be good here just cause he's at Aberdeen if he's good for us Rather mirovski than
Other a guy from kosovo who we have no idea if he will or not
We have pissed away millions in seasons past
It's way too much of a risk in a guy who might just not suit our game.

13.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 11:16:36
guys we have had a few scottish players who we thought would get better playing in a rangers team and just haven't so its also not a given that simply because he plays in scotland that he will be successful in a rangers team.

14.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 11:33:13
Maybe Clement and Koppen know what they’re doing. Maybe Koppen has tracked some of these players for a while. Maybe they even know more than us. I’m quite excited by some of the names, most of whom I’ve never heard of admittedly, but I have a certain degree of trust in this manager and his staff that I didn’t have with their predecessors. Time will tell.

15.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 11:34:19
I get ehl, but I just think too much money on a big risk mirovski n shankland have proved for a few seasons they can do it here, let's get guys we know can do it

Instead of a massive outlay on a guy we bearly know, playing in a league totally diff to ours

For seasons we have overlooked guys in our league, n its cost us

N i get guys sticking by the team but our transfer stratagy has been wrong for a good few seasons n it scares me 7 mill on a kofovan striker rieksss of big itten, lammers, big dosh on a risk.

16.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 12:09:08
N I get these guy's might of been scouted but so where the other flops
We need too get it right
I am excited too i really am
But i'd rather look closer too home than blast more millions on guy's we HOPE will do good
Any body weather you are a scout, coach, or a fan can see the better, strikers are guy's here who for past 3 seasons have done the damage n scored plenty of goal n are gureenteed prolific,

It's been right there in front of us
For seasons I'm not saying koppen ain't good
Yeah time will tell
But too me go with a gureenteed striker who has proven he can do it here.

17.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 12:12:36
Blue dreamer o get what you're saying but just because he's doing well for Aberdeen with little pressure doesn't mean he'll cut it at Ibrox same for shankland too. I think the only player that gets in Celtics team that they signed from spl is Taylor and he's not great so if they are not picking up "the best" talent from Scottish teams but still winning loads then why would we. Fact is we've been able to see these guys up close and the club/ manager doesn't seem interested.

18.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 14:09:12
Lads, can we really afford to take chances on unproven ability in the SPL? I get that the foreign market offers some hidden gems but Dessers doesn't scare any defence and Danillo may prove useful if he stays fit so why not get Miovski or Shankland to battle it out on a winters night in Paisley and Perth, they've proved they can do it with lesser service around them so you'd hope they'd do more with us.
Would either of them be better than Danillo or Lammers for Euro nights, i don't know but winning the league's what matters now so get the roll up the sleeves guys in and get back to wear we belong domestically before thinking of Europe.

19.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 14:48:55
Paul we had dessers Danilo roofe.

20.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 14:56:53
Again just because a player does it with another spl team doesn’t mean they will with rangers.

21.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 14:59:46
And sorry but people need to realise there is a difference in game style when Aberdeen or hearts play other spl teams than when rangers play these teams ten men behind ball doesn’t happen in these other games players have more room in other spl team games.

22.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 16:39:59
100% correct gofor, they've never played against ten men behind the ball.

23.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 17:28:25
“I would much rather spend a massive bit of our transfer kitty on a player we know who will hit the ground running and is settled in our league”

There is no such thing as a guaranteed success when it comes to transfer business. Rangers have signed a lot of players from Scotland over the past 15 years and the vast majority of them have been utter rubbish.

24.) 07 Jun 2024
07 Jun 2024 16:02:25
Scored very important goals in 55 season short memories thanks for your efforts hagi all the best. Some a the comments are embarrassing but to be expected from the best fans in the world.