08 Jun 2024 14:41:23
Kelly signed a contract extension with Motherwell, take it he ain't coming?

1.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 15:33:13
Don’t think he has mate, where you seeing that?

2.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 15:36:31
Kelly is still available for nothing, but he's signed on again with the Steelmen for a few weeks to ensure they are paid the six-figure UEFA compensation for having players at a tournament.

3.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 15:36:56
That was just a cut and paste job from an article.

4.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 15:38:43
He signed an extension until after the euros, So Motherwell get money from UEFA for his participation in the euros.

5.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 15:39:30
He is still leaving in summer he has signed a short term contract so mwell get money for him being at euros allegedly 6 figure sum.

6.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 15:42:57
He’s only signed a contract that will take him to the end of the Euros (probably end of June or something) . It’s so Motherwell will receive a payment for having a ‘player’ participating at the tournament. He’ll still be leaving after that so probably a deal arranged to allow that to happen.

7.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 16:03:40
Really hoping were nit signi g him anyway.

8.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 16:56:06
He is decent but Robbie is a good enough number 2 should promote a youth goalie to number 3gk.

9.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 17:39:13
Mccrorie wants to leave what bit of that can't anyone seem to understand.

10.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 17:40:55
We're the Rangers board smart enough to get Ryan Jack to sign short term to get the EUROS money? . I suspect not.

11.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 18:23:13
Which youth goalie u promoting to no3.

If Kelly has done this, we should simply walk away.

12.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 19:00:10
Teds. Ryan Jack's wages for 4 weeks would probably be close to what we'd get for him going to the Euros. Liam Kelly will be on pennies.

13.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 19:12:22
Good point John, if infact if Kelly has a deal in place with Rangers, he should have signed it, its not as if Rangers don't need the money.

14.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 19:13:15
Why would we walk away, the boys doing his old team a turn by signing a short term deal to the end of the Euros on buttons so that Motherwell get the 140k (ish) payment from Uefa. If anything it shows the sort of guy he is.

15.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 19:21:18
Kelly has signed a contract for a few weeks so motherwell get compensation from uefa. This doesn't affect anything. Kelly will sign after the euros.

16.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 19:41:51
Copland if he signed for us when window opens we get the money,

So he’s more interested in helping his old club, not the one that’s giving him a big pay deal next three years.

Mb Kelly should get Motherwell to use the money to resign him.

17.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 21:31:04
He's not out of contract till half way during the euros so don't think we'd get much anyway. Let him focus on tourney then join. Makes pretty pretty good good sense to me.

18.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 21:53:23
Would not be suprised if Kelly had been given a golden goodbye on the back of this. Not sure whow I feel about it tbh not having all the facts. If Rangers are in the loop, fine if not then not sure.

19.) 08 Jun 2024
08 Jun 2024 21:57:34
Tbh I think there's integrity in what Kelly has done for the benefit of his current employer and their present financial plight. I see no shame in that.
I watch him a fair bit and IMHO whilst I applaud his integrity, I doubt his ability! He has a mistake in him, every 5th or 6th match and I would steer clear.

20.) 09 Jun 2024
09 Jun 2024 00:17:20
Rangers need Kelly because he is Scottish and homegrown. Rangers are going to need him for the European squads, especially since McCrorie is leaving. Kelly is also a cheap and can be a capable number 2 for the next 4 years or more.

Kelly represents excellent value, and he meets criteria that is very hard to find elsewhere. Rangers need Scottish players and academy graduates for the Euro squads - We all know this.

Jack has left, and McCrorie wants to leave. So who hare the current Scots we will have for next season? McAusland, Souttar, Wright, then you’re dipping into B team players. I don’t even think guys like King and Lowry will be here next season. They need to be playing football, they need loans.

Rangers are in a position right now whereby they really need to buy a few Scots for the European squads.

21.) 09 Jun 2024
09 Jun 2024 11:32:54
Totally agree John.