10 Jun 2024 20:20:56
Does anyone know if there is any truth in the papers today that we have supposable agreed a fee for Yusuf Kabadayi from Bayern at about 1M.

1.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 20:23:04
Someone was saying it's the money Bayern were due us for Tillman being used so not costing us anything. I like that idea means it's low risk for possible high reward.

2.) 10 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 20:43:14
I believe so. A great deal if so.

3.) 11 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024 23:05:41
I really don't like the look of him in vids and the German report I read on him was below average at best it's not a signing I'm particularly looking forward to but I hope I'm wrong, cany be at Bayern if your a bad player surely.

4.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 06:22:41
Horses for courses, he may be a perfect fit for us. If he’s an upgrade on Scott wright it’s a no brainier for me.

5.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 06:44:24
Although i absolutely trust clement and koppen on our signings from what i've seen i'd prefer mofokeng or traore over kabadayi for our wide position ? What does everyone else think ?.

6.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 07:05:32
Believe their will be more than one wide player coming in.

7.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 07:06:54
Sws hardly no one will have seen them play.

8.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 07:17:47
He looks a good option from bench who will replace Scott Wright probably on less wages with far more potential. Manager is being smart how he is reducing wage bill while bringing age of squad down with this signing.

9.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 07:44:00
Sws no reason we won't move for more as this is basically a freebie because the money Bayern owe us for Tilman.

10.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 08:07:05
Looks like another left winger.

Like most of the players we've been linked with he looks pacey - which is something we were really lacking at points last season.

11.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 08:38:52
Remember Bellshilllad83, we already have Cortes, matondo, McCausland and possibly sima and this guy kabadayi from Bayern which obviously gives us 5 wingers, so you can see where i'm coming from if we do definitely sign kabadayi, i don't think we'd sign another winger ie. mofokeng or adama traore. ?

To answer your question My star, yes I've not seen much of kabadayi, mofokeng and traore but the clips i have seen, I think mofokeng and traore look better than kabadayi, just my opinion mate ?.

12.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 09:10:01
I think there will be more than one wide player brought in. Finding quality wide attackers is something Rangers have struggled with for years. The fact we were going into Old Firm games towards the end of last season with Scott Wright in the team is a joke.

13.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 09:12:40
SirWalter, John has already said that Matondo has been told he is free to leave, so I would assume that Mofokeng is then still a viable target as we will need a backup LW.

14.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 10:06:08
“John has already said that Matondo has been told he is free to leave, so I would assume that Mofokeng is then still a viable target as we will need a backup LW. ”

Scott Wright was free to leave last summer. Rangers even agreed to sell him to a club in Turkey but he wouldn’t go. It doesn’t matter who has been told to go, they may still be here next season.

Matondo will be on good money at Rangers. Finding a club who want to take that on won't be easy.

15.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 10:24:04
So are we to miss out on a talented 19 year old who is probably going to take a year to settle and work his way into 1st team mins because matondo might not be sold. The fee is apparently 400k and he won't be coming in on anything like Matondo's wage. The talk above is based on Sima coming back which is far from a given at this point, IMO he is more likely to play somewhere else next season. Rangers need wingers, Cortes and Kabadayi aren't enough. The poor attacking options we had at the end of the season played a massive part in us losing the title.

16.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 11:30:01
Football clubs are a business. A business does not just sign players, and keep signing players, increasing the wage budget, with the expectation that someone MIGHT leave and balance the books one day.

Rangers have already said the wage bill must come down. If Matondo chooses to stay that has an impact on what other business the club can do, and will do.

Right now Rangers only have Matondo, Wright, McAusland, and Cortes. I think Rangers need at least two wide players capable of contributing with goals. Let us hope they focus their attention on these areas.

17.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 12:03:46
Coops good post but we can’t put sima in just now because at the moment he isn’t coming back so signing that boy leaves us with 4.

Matondo is on 28k a week will be hard to remove but we need to get players like that off the wage bill taking far too much money for little product on the park.

18.) 11 Jun 2024
11 Jun 2024 12:56:07
Storm definitely interest in matondo around 2 million.