16 Jun 2024 17:02:31
Been told we have a bid accepted for the Moroccan boy and a bid accepted for Tommy Conway too. Not sure how reliable the info is anyone on here got anything further on this?

1.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 17:39:52
Like the look of the lad conway and I think he would be a great back up striker but think we need a striker that's proven over a few seasons.

2.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 17:48:37
Not sure of cost . but if we could pick these lads up for the rumored cost of less than 1m for both then surely a good bit of business?

3.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 18:33:28
Imo we need to sign an experienced striker with a record of goals scored like rhamani but if he's costing 5/ 6m we simply can't afford that so will prob get young morroccan at 1.5m cheaper option and more risk.

4.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 18:54:46
Hamza is going to be like 1.7 million going by reports connect right now would also be a million plus….

5.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 18:56:58
Gms both will cost more than a million Conway will only be cheap if it’s a pre contract next season.

6.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 18:57:17
The bid is said to be worth €2million (£1.69million) for the Moroccan striker. ( media reports) .

7.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 19:28:37
Fair enough. Tbf it's pennies these days and would like both to be signed at that price.

8.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 19:29:44
How much a budget we got Walter if we can’t afford rramhani.

9.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 19:42:22
I asked the other day about Conway, so we might if the rumours true be after him.

10.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 19:44:14
John iv no idea but going by previous years I'd guess around 15m with sales to top that up.

11.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 19:47:08
John. let me turn the question back on you, how much do you think PC has to spend?

12.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 19:47:53
Rrahmani is not experienced.

13.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 19:49:19
John227,have you heard anything at all from your sources etc regarding hamza igamane and if this deal is true and definitely happening ? CoplandFront5 what are you hearing also my friend ? Not heard from your good self for a wee while now ?.

14.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 20:11:09
Rramhami deal isn’t dead - negotiations about the structure of the transfer fee is ongoing. We are willing to pay €6 million however want to pay €3 million up front and spread it the remaining over 18/ 24 months.

There is no interest in Conway - his agent has made it clear he wants to stay in England.

Media reporting that we want £5 million for Lawrence, this is false, we are willing to accept £2-2.5 million. Realistically we should entertain bids of 1.5 +.

We are not pursuing Lennon Miller of Motherwell. They turned down a £2.75 million bid from Stoke, value him between £5-7 million.

Mofokeng deal has stalled - this may be a purchase and allow him to stay on loan for another season at Orlando Pirates.

Clement is going to give Raskin a chance this season to prove himself.

Reuell Walters remains in discussions with Arsenal about a new contract - has already spoke with Clement and Koppen.

Ben Johnson is extremely unlikely prefers to stay in England.

15.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 20:40:51
Hope you’re info is right weareready.

16.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 21:01:41
If we are still negotiating for Rramhami

We’re going to be outbid for lennon miller not interested in Conway and Ben Johnson wants to stay in England
Sounds like mofakeng won’t be here this coming g season

Do we know who else were interested in or negotiating with to bring in to cover players that have already left?

17.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 21:30:52
Hooe your right I like the stats of rhamani and clips iv seen also to get 1.5/ 2m for Lawrence would be great.

18.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 21:35:13
Motherwell are broke. I doubt they would, or could, knock back a multimillion pound bid. The Turnbull money was enough to set them up for years to come, remember?

19.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 22:05:17
5m for a 17 year old motherwell player hahah nae bother. His whole contract is prob worth about 100k.

20.) 17 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 23:41:49
Big Dado, I've watched this boy closely mate, and in my mind his potential is worth £5m if in a couple of years we can sell him on for £15m or more. In fact the lad should be in Germany just now with all the other exciting 16-17-18 year olds who are there and he would have been if that twit Clarke had half a brain.

21.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 07:23:11
We are ready i thought you said few days back Rrahmani deal wasnt happening? Might have picked it up wrong?

{Ed001's Note - last I can see, checking his previous posts, is that it was very close.}

22.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 07:31:27
Hubby well its a bad day if we can no longer afford players in our own country mate if that's what they want.

23.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 08:29:28
I have been told miller will not be coming to rangers.

24.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 09:58:04
One Walter I’ve already written 25 million, that includes sales with exception of butland.

25.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 09:58:23
Correct storm.

26.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 15:36:52
Igamane is better deal of the 2 out of Rrahmani or Him, better price, better potential.

Both talented though.

No doubt Lennon has kicked up a fuss and wants Rrahmani to stay for next season and of course has hiked up the price knowing it's Rangers wanting their prize asset.

27.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 17:18:24
I wish some rangers fans would understand it John.