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23 Jun 2024 20:21:50
We (as well as them) are scouting Theo Bair, Motherwell striker.


1.) 23 Jun 2024 21:20:14
How do you scout a player when the season hasn't started yet and they aren't playing?

2.) 23 Jun 2024 21:38:22
15 goals in a 9th placed Motherwell side is some going to be fair. Only one behind Miovski in the league. Probably not as crazy an idea as I first thought ? Big physical lad. Can’t be any worse than Dessers.

3.) 23 Jun 2024 22:01:30
He's in Canada squad for copa america.

4.) 23 Jun 2024 22:19:28
1 goal in 30 games for St Johnston, no chance he’s ended up at us. We’ll be lucky to get third place.

5.) 23 Jun 2024 22:27:29
Can confirm we’re not.

6.) 23 Jun 2024 22:54:19
Theo Bair had a great season. I think he use to play on the wing. It wouldn’t surprise me if Rangers tried him there. Coming in off the left, with his physicality and goal scoring, he could be an asset.

7.) 24 Jun 2024 00:05:04
No we aren’t.

8.) 24 Jun 2024 00:27:14
Worst rumour yet tbh I would be surprised if ANY top 6 side were in for him. He was rubbish for majority of first half of season being the main striker for club that didn’t win in about 15-20 gsmes.

9.) 24 Jun 2024 02:37:33
Heard Bair’s name few times. Apparently same agent as Igamane. listen he’s actually a ver y good player. He’s surprise the doubters z good squad filler defin
Think of stevie Thomson or latapy or maybe it quite Billy Dodds but he’s a good signing if we did hundred percent.

Swap deal for a years loan of Lovelace.

10.) 24 Jun 2024 09:17:33
Why not, according to whoever mystar, Clement wants 4 strikers. if and that's a big If because anyone can say I heard lol. If that's the case we aren't going to have 4 first team ready strikers so maybe he fits the bill? I'd take him If there was 4 never mind 3 ?.

11.) 24 Jun 2024 09:51:02
Hes just another Louie Moult or Lyndon Dykes looks good in a mid table SPFL team but doesn't have the actual quality to play for us or them.

12.) 24 Jun 2024 10:54:20
Can't be any worse than dessers even though dessers scored more goals than him? Aye good logic.

13.) 24 Jun 2024 23:23:35
OrangeTinted - Honestly hope you’re joking ? How many clear cut chances do you think Dessers had compared to Bair in a 9th placed Motherwell side ??‍♂️ Dessers 16 goals from 103 shots to Theo Bair’s 15 goals from 73 shots. Logic ??.



13 Jun 2024 08:50:51
Utrecht have offered £2.5 million for Lammers with 1.5 million in installments. No sell on % included.


1.) 13 Jun 2024 09:31:03
Realistically, if we can make our money back on Lammers I think we should be happy. Just because he's had a good 6 months, I don't think we should be silly with our pricing here, he's never going to be our no9 and on that basis, if the instalments are realistic, I think we should take it and move on. No point in setting the fee so high these middle of the road Dutch teams can't afford him, as I doubt many others will bite.

2.) 13 Jun 2024 09:32:45
Ridiculous price given his goal return for them.

3.) 13 Jun 2024 09:35:33
Don’t think that recoups our money spent?

4.) 13 Jun 2024 09:54:49
We ain't only getting 2.5m for Lammers, not a chance.

5.) 13 Jun 2024 10:15:07
4m at least.

6.) 13 Jun 2024 10:15:57
£2.5m for a Dutch striker that hit double figures this year, won POTM, took Utrecht to Champions League qualification, has scored against Champions League level opposition in Feyenoord, etc. He only played 20 games in Holland but had 11 goals with 3 assists. That is worth more than £2.5m.

How can this club sign a player, he improves from last season, but his value decreases? Why does that only happen at Rangers? A cut price deal to get him out the door so he can sign for a potential Champions League team ?‍♂️

If Rangers get Utrecht in the Champions League qualifiers, and Lammers dumps us out the competition costing the club tens of millions, then some serious questions would need to be asked about what is going on at this football club.

7.) 13 Jun 2024 10:17:39
I haven't made my mind up if it's posters being deluded, or whether it's just funny, that some of them think we're making a profit on Lammers. Keep dreaming guys!

8.) 13 Jun 2024 10:45:08
Though there's another Dutch team interested as well ? wouldn't be too hasty, but would hang out a bit n see if anything better, or they rebuff their offer asonly the first one.

9.) 13 Jun 2024 10:58:48
I would offer them a swap deal even if we suspend the player we take until a further date.

10.) 13 Jun 2024 11:07:30
You can't think Lammers was a bad bit of business by Rangers last year AND think he's now worth £5m (or more) . Anyone looking for an increase in his value over the last year is grasping at straws.

I can only think of it like this: would I be happy with Rangers paying £5m for Lammers right now? The answer to that is a definite no, so why would any other club do so!?

I hope I'm wrong, and we get more than c£3-4m for him, but at the end of the day, the manager doesn't want him, and we need him off the wage bill, so we're not waiting for top dollar.

11.) 13 Jun 2024 11:10:23
Generic, Utrecht finished 7th in league certainly won’t be playing in CL.

12.) 13 Jun 2024 11:17:07
Taylor Booth at Utrecht is a better option than we have in Scott Wright maybe we could work a wee swap compromise. If they take Wrighty as well and give him a good home. We could call it 1.5m owed.

If Rangers get Utrecht in CL qualifiers Generic I'm a flying Dutchman. Stay off the mushrooms.

13.) 13 Jun 2024 11:19:57
Stevie what are you on about?

14.) 13 Jun 2024 11:40:13
“Though there's another Dutch team interested as well ?”

The Dutch league is of a high standard. It is scouted heavily by teams from the big 5 leagues who often spend very big money there. Given how well Lammers performed last season I would not be surprised if something came from one of those countries. In fact, someone said there was interest from Germany on this forum just a few days ago.

I’ve seen the Utrecht fans on social media. They want Lammers badly, and think we are complete mugs for selling him. I get the feeling Utrecht are trying to downplay just how much they actually want to sign this guy. He is probably their top summer target.

Utrecht will want to reach the Europe proper. If not for Lammers they would not even be in that position. I imagine they’ll want to keep him for the qualifiers to give themselves the best possible chance.

15.) 13 Jun 2024 11:45:40
Mb I'm deluded, but I expect to make money on Lammers.

16.) 13 Jun 2024 12:08:28
When sima came to rangers he was worth 8-10m we want to buy him for 6m it's the same difference 2 players who won't get in there respective contracted teams.

17.) 13 Jun 2024 12:09:14
Lammers performances with Utrecht should see us at least recoup the transfer fee we paid to bring him to Rangers.
Another factor is the wages he is on which might be better spent on bringing other players to Rangers.

18.) 13 Jun 2024 12:23:38
Storm, if they can’t afford to pay the price we want them we give them the player for an agreed value and it’s agreed we are owed a player swap in future.
There’s always great players appearing in Holland and we can go back for example next summer and take a player in his place.
Am sure there would be a way of doing it.

19.) 13 Jun 2024 12:29:52
If rangers let him go for 2.5 it's shocking should be at least 4, n that's starting they need too be chased, he's doing the buiss over there
Player of the year for them
N stuff
We needtoo stop taking lowball offers.

20.) 13 Jun 2024 12:53:47
We should be looking for our money back so if that's all Utrecht can offer we should wait and see if either AZ or Twente get involved . They are both rumoured to be interested .

21.) 13 Jun 2024 13:33:21
Atalanta never got their money back either on Lammers but they were smart enough to keep him off their wage bill.

22.) 13 Jun 2024 13:41:00
I'd be happy to recoup what we paid for lammers.

23.) 13 Jun 2024 13:44:30
“ You can't think Lammers was a bad bit of business by Rangers last year AND think he's now worth £5m”

Lammers was not viewed as bad business last summer. That is why the club signed him. The fans thought it was bad business. But then again, these same fans thought Tillman wasn’t worth £5m so ?‍♂️

Utrecht seem to love Sam Lammers and they view him as a great piece of business. They want him signed permanently based on his performances with them and I can see why. Their fans can’t believe their luck and are all over social media wanting him back.

Again, selling a player at a loss after a great spell in Holland seems unique to Rangers. At other clubs a good loan spell adds value.

24.) 13 Jun 2024 13:44:41
I must be the same Mark, because we ain't losing money on Lammers, find it funny others think different.

25.) 13 Jun 2024 13:55:42
Put the boot on the other foot lads, if Utrecht had his contract and we wanted to buy him now based on his performances for them, how much would they be asking for, more than 5mill i'd guess. Not sure what he cost us but i think he deserves another chance under Clement. Maybe with a better strike partner than Dessers alongside him and his regained confidence, he could show his potential.

26.) 13 Jun 2024 14:36:36
Wipe last season off and pretend we hadn’t heard of Lammers, if we were now interested in signing him this season with his record with Utrecht we would be wishing it over the line asap.

27.) 13 Jun 2024 14:49:55
Aye, because you're right all the time, eh, My star?! ??
The most consistent poster on here for getting things wrong. You know you are mate! ?.

28.) 13 Jun 2024 15:50:31
Lol sunshine you get everything correct eh ? you ain't correct here.

29.) 13 Jun 2024 15:58:24
Actually liked you comment sunshine, i have got plenty wrong.

30.) 13 Jun 2024 16:52:46
The other mob are apparently selling their striker Oh for a mil profit and he's rarely been seen, Lammers is now worth more than 2.5.

31.) 13 Jun 2024 17:27:28
Stevie can you show me where this has happened anywhere in world football? I maybe wrong jut never heard or seen it ever.

32.) 13 Jun 2024 18:37:48
Storm ☔️ can’t give u a precedent mate no, and I get that it sounds a bit strange. But if they want him and can’t afford what we want for him then a swap deal seems the logical solution, no?

If there’s nobody we want at the minute then simply postpone the player til following summer. I’m sure there’d be a way to whip a contract up to suit.

33.) 13 Jun 2024 19:01:20
For me no, I get you are thinking outside the box but it’s ridiculous it could be years before they have someone we want and then what if the player
Doesn’t want to come? It makes no sense whatsoever.

34.) 13 Jun 2024 19:11:07
Doubt it. He's expected to cost more than weghorst this window.

35.) 13 Jun 2024 21:58:07
I get that storm.
Maybe not practical, fair enough.
Still think it could be done if all parties wanted it but I get it.
Maybe best to take a swap and loan the player out in the hope of a higher fee next summer.

Maybe he’ll come back and surprise us all ? lammers I mean.



13 Jun 2024 08:28:34
A blast from the past - Darius Olaru is a player being considered by Koeppen. Potential of Ianis Hagi moving as part of the deal. Besiktas and Galatasary have not followed up on their interest.

Yilmaz is reluctant to leave this summer for Turkey.

Any move for Goldson will be in August as he continues to recover from injury.


1.) 13 Jun 2024 09:31:13
Weareready, he would do for me, but the latest club getting linked with him are celtic, was told this a few weeks ago.

2.) 13 Jun 2024 09:33:39
Olaru is on a long contract, what do we think a realistic fee would really be here? I'd imagine £5m+, so without moving Cantwell on I wonder if bringing in an AM like this would be realistic. I do think we need some more experience in the team, but assumed we'd be looking more towards players that were coming out of / or on shorter contracts with a view to making fees realistic.

3.) 13 Jun 2024 09:34:18
John227 crying tears of joy.

4.) 13 Jun 2024 10:26:33
This is a guy we should have picked up years ago. We’ve been getting linked with him since the days of Gerrard.

5.) 13 Jun 2024 11:01:25
I think most players of any real quality linked with either side of old firm will naturally have the choice of both clubs.
Anyone willing to come to one club would be willing to go to the other aswell z.

6.) 13 Jun 2024 12:56:37
Why do we have to move Cantwell on? Are we going for a squad of eleven players? Do we not need at least two players for each position to cover injuries and rotation? If we get this guy and Hagi goes along with Lawrence ad Dowell there is plenty of space in the squad.



13 Jun 2024 00:34:03
We have made an informal enquiry to Hearts regarding the availability of Beni Baningime.


1.) 13 Jun 2024 05:08:36
He’s a good player however we should have been on the case before he recently signed a new deal.

2.) 13 Jun 2024 05:46:01
Guys only signed an extension 3 weeks ago surely if we had and interest we would have made a move before then got him on a free.

3.) 13 Jun 2024 06:18:19
if true just tells me everyone is either knocking us back or we are onto 4th, 5th choice targets. that's how we've ended up with a poor squad currently.

4.) 13 Jun 2024 06:57:18
Beni is injured more than Roofe.

5.) 13 Jun 2024 07:12:49
Some rumours making zero sense.

6.) 13 Jun 2024 07:26:42
Bigdado, you may not be far off the mark, à helluva lot of names been brought on here, and slowly they are being ticked off as going elsewhere or suddenly they are over 5mill, which is too steep for us for multiple players.
I think we will be underwhelmed with a bunch of guys very few of us have heard of.
Just need to hope our lads know what they are doing?

7.) 13 Jun 2024 07:29:53
We've been watching Beni for at least two seasons.

I think he improves our team.

8.) 13 Jun 2024 08:13:53
Not a fan of this one. Don't think he's up to snuff, sure he been injured a fair bit, and don't think he's worth the £2m+ hearts would want.

9.) 13 Jun 2024 08:51:28
are guys on here still expecting to get actual good players for the low millions/ free?
the good players that are already in Scotland cost £4-7m and can get triple the wages down south.

Look what it cost Beale last summer to bring in Dessers, Lammer etc.

Lots of fans don't even rate Cantwell or Dowell or Raskin.

Butland is that one in a million type situation.

Sima is not that great but would cost over £7/ 8m to keep lol.

Look at Silva. cost wolves £35m and couldn't make a dent in the Scottish league.

10.) 13 Jun 2024 09:15:58
Some folk really panicking over rumours when the window isn't even open yet haha.

11.) 13 Jun 2024 09:23:24
If we wanted him we'd had made a move a while ago, we certainly ain't waiting on him signing about deal, bollocks.

12.) 13 Jun 2024 09:34:44
Another deal.

13.) 13 Jun 2024 11:48:44
“ are guys on here still expecting to get actual good players for the low millions/ free? ”

Yeah. Did we pay a lot of money for Jack Butland or Sterling last summer? The good players are out there, and they can be had for cheap, all it takes to find them is good scouting.

14.) 13 Jun 2024 14:03:57
OMG. are we at the level were we think Baningime is going to make us a better team? Give me strength! He's nowhere near to Ryan Jack quality and we let him go. Please don't give this 1 anymore attention. I'm off for a pint or ten.

15.) 13 Jun 2024 14:22:39
Bar72 yes feels very much like penny pinching. I don't mind shopping around for best deals but we've lost out on a few already and i expect sima won't happen now too.
We went from moefoking to the german lad. Garcia to barron. Cordoba to nsiala. Personally don't think any them will be a starter right away. However hopefully we get some movement out from tomorrow and the real business starts.



12 Jun 2024 18:42:26
Monza have enquired about Yfeko's availability.


1.) 12 Jun 2024 19:06:04
Extended his contract and send him on loan, we've still not seen enough of him.

2.) 12 Jun 2024 19:26:33
Exactly what I’d do Beale.
For sake of few hundred grand he could go and have a a screamer if a season and be worth £10m.

I’d do the exact same with mccrorie.
If he wants to go he can sign an extension and go on loan:
If not he stays as no2 and can leave next summer ??.

3.) 12 Jun 2024 20:44:04
I agree guys, a loan would be very sensible for us.

4.) 12 Jun 2024 20:47:59
My star are you Beale about for 56? Wondered if you’d changed your name haven’t seen it in ages.




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05 Oct 2023 19:42:22
We are awful. This will be Beales legacy. Almost 14 million on DUDS.




30 Aug 2023 21:54:40
If Harry Souttar was watching tonight, I hope he tells his agent not a snowballs chance in hell he will join this farce. Beale is clueless as I've said since his appointment. He's a No.2 not a leader. Another window wasted and more funds depleted funding a vanity project.




09 Aug 2023 21:29:19
Another awful, disjointed performance. Beale won't see out the season. Dessers is no better than Alfredo. Tavernier is on the decline. Barisic and Jack were probably our best players tonight.


1.) 09 Aug 2023 21:36:38
Always said we would miss morelos when he left but loads folk on hear slated him look how much it has cost us to try replace him and still no player banging goals in.
Or play is way to slow like walking pace.
Watched psv game last night and they will destroy us quick decisive attacking play from them playing with wingers.

2.) 09 Aug 2023 21:38:54
I think Kilmarnock could have beaten them by more goals.

3.) 09 Aug 2023 21:42:18
So bad . Concerning players just don’t look up For it or capable. Players do not look fit . Middle of park no creativity . Not sure re hype about Raskin once again and against 10 men created nothing . Any money offered for Tav u would take and I’m a Tav fan but seems to be struggling in beales shape . Hard shift for defender with no width in team just doing doggies all game . Earlier comment Beale not c season out, continue like this and u would not want to watch this past September!

4.) 09 Aug 2023 21:44:43
I actually thought we've played decent and gives me a lot more confidence than the killie game. Can see its a lot of players with not much experience together but it will come with games. Should have got a 3rd, couple of good saves to stop lamemers. better intensity on the whole and playing forward rather than sideways. wins a win, let's not get on their backs.

5.) 09 Aug 2023 21:58:58
Craigs Morelos wasn’t exactly bangin goals in, we’re two games in, first start for Danilo and Dessers scored tonight? ? Give it time.

6.) 09 Aug 2023 22:01:09
Think Tavernier had a decent game mate.

7.) 09 Aug 2023 22:18:18
Blue north saf read back what you have written what a load of tripe. That team just put a top Belgian side out. Killie got put out of Europe by a welsh pub team their last game in europe.

8.) 09 Aug 2023 22:26:33
I respectfully disagree with all those comments.

9.) 09 Aug 2023 22:32:43
These players are better than that result suggests. Beale's tactics were the problem, especially when they went down to 10 men. We just didn't have a clue how to break down their defence.

10.) 10 Aug 2023 00:02:00
@we are ready, Alfredo is ten times the player of dessers…I’ve no idea what he is or what our scouts seen in him.

My initial thoughts are he’s been signed because they thought he would be an Alfredo (the teams been set up for an Alfredo for 5 years) but what we’ve got is a guy that looks like he’s pulling a tractor, can’t pass, can’t shoot, can’t run, can’t hold the ball up! I’m really hoping it’s just match fitness.



09 Aug 2023 20:32:16
Lammers is beginning to remind me of Weighorst. Runs around, gives 100% but no real quality.


1.) 09 Aug 2023 22:07:02
Me too. Doesn’t know what to do. May be technically gifted. But that won’t cut it in SPL.



08 Aug 2023 21:33:10
Burnley have submitted a 2.5 million offer for Sam Field. Doubtful we will match the offer.


1.) 08 Aug 2023 22:32:05
We are I asked u a few times now mate, what happened with the bounce game u mentioned and tuanzebe?

2.) 08 Aug 2023 22:42:53
He'd be a superb replacement for lundstrum.

3.) 08 Aug 2023 23:49:24
Tuanzebe is a right footed centre back Beale, can play rb cb and can even play left back if he has to.
I dare say he could play cdm, if that’s what u mean mate but he’s predominantly a centre half mate. Good footballer, could easily play LCB with Goldson/ Souttar RCB would be a good signing if he can pass fitness test / medical.




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17 Jun 2024 20:29:39
GRF - you are VASTLY misquoting me. I did not say we were not pursuing South Americans as many others pointed out to you from my comment. I said we would not be paying García’s 10 million USD release clause as he is an unproven player and the BOARD have stated that. We signed Cortes didn’t we? He’s Colombian. Any business with we’ve fees involved we cannot afford to pay upfront, hence why it’s loans with obligations or structured payments.




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16 Jun 2024 20:11:09
Rramhami deal isn’t dead - negotiations about the structure of the transfer fee is ongoing. We are willing to pay €6 million however want to pay €3 million up front and spread it the remaining over 18/ 24 months.

There is no interest in Conway - his agent has made it clear he wants to stay in England.

Media reporting that we want £5 million for Lawrence, this is false, we are willing to accept £2-2.5 million. Realistically we should entertain bids of 1.5 +.

We are not pursuing Lennon Miller of Motherwell. They turned down a £2.75 million bid from Stoke, value him between £5-7 million.

Mofokeng deal has stalled - this may be a purchase and allow him to stay on loan for another season at Orlando Pirates.

Clement is going to give Raskin a chance this season to prove himself.

Reuell Walters remains in discussions with Arsenal about a new contract - has already spoke with Clement and Koppen.

Ben Johnson is extremely unlikely prefers to stay in England.




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12 Jun 2024 23:41:01
ITK_Bear at least 80% of this is false, we have not interest nor indeed the scouting reports into the majority of these players. The names mentioned date back to Gerrard/ Beales reign.




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12 Jun 2024 23:29:41
@Tjs97 there is no truth to this at all. We are no longer interested in Adjei. Galdames is our primary target.




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12 Jun 2024 23:17:31
No truth to this rumour. It’s an association with Bulawayo, who we were interested in, earlier in the year.





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